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Gearheadotaku GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
1/16/19 11:29 a.m.

Looking into a very brief trip to NYC. What is the best way to get from LaGuardia airport to the Lincoln tunnel? (My hotel would be near there) 

Can't make sense of the subway and bus routes/ schedules.

Maybe I should just drive, the hotel has a parking garage.

Adrian_Thompson MegaDork
1/16/19 11:36 a.m.


pres589 (djronnebaum)
pres589 (djronnebaum) PowerDork
1/16/19 11:38 a.m.

Taxi/Uber/Lyft/etc.  LGA out is a ride on a bendy bus to somewhere else, there's no subway out of there directly.  It costs a lot more to taxi out but it would be more direct.  If you have much luggage you're going to be well ahead to avoid mass transit.  The LGA situation is kind of garbage.

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/16/19 11:43 a.m.

My condolences, I’d rather crash than deal with LaGuardia right now. The easiest way to get here by public transportation is going to be taking the Q70-SBS to Roosevelt Ave and catching the 7 train to Manhattan.  Depending on which tunnel entrance you are near either get off at Times Square or Hudson Yards stops and walk or take the M42 bus to your Hotel depending on what street it’s on.  


There’s  also a private express bus that runs from the airports to 42nd St that costs a bit more but may be more convenient.    https://www.nycairporter.com/howitworks/

My email is Wally13us at yahoo dot com if you have any questions.

Curtis GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
1/16/19 11:58 a.m.

I have changed over to driving in NYC.  Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't find it annoying.  it gets a bit nuts around 5pm, but it's better than Austin or L.A.

I would say if your hotel has a parking garage, use it.  Then just get a subway map and dive in.  It's not that tough once you get the hang of it.  Usually if I go up for a couple days, I'll reserve a spot in a garage (about $40/day), drive in via Lincoln or Holland (depending on where I'm going), park and use public transport.

Be a little cautious of Uber/Lyft/etc in the city.  I have used Uber twice and both drivers were shady as f**k.  I called one to go up to the Met and the app said $6.50.  I tipped him $3 and the app showed a charge of $25.  The other time I used it, the guy hit on my lady friend the whole time and smelled like stale pee.  Maybe two isolated incidents, but I'll just get a Metro card from now on.  At least that way I EXPECT someone who smells like pee to hit on my lady friend.

NickD UberDork
1/16/19 12:07 p.m.

Tell them that bagels and pizza suck. That will make NYC very cross. wink

mtn MegaDork
1/16/19 12:22 p.m.
Curtis said:

I have changed over to driving in NYC.  Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't find it annoying.  it gets a bit nuts around 5pm, but it's better than Austin or L.A.

I would say if your hotel has a parking garage, use it.  Then just get a subway map and dive in.  It's not that tough once you get the hang of it.  Usually if I go up for a couple days, I'll reserve a spot in a garage (about $40/day), drive in via Lincoln or Holland (depending on where I'm going), park and use public transport.

Be a little cautious of Uber/Lyft/etc in the city.  I have used Uber twice and both drivers were shady as f**k.  I called one to go up to the Met and the app said $6.50.  I tipped him $3 and the app showed a charge of $25.  The other time I used it, the guy hit on my lady friend the whole time and smelled like stale pee.  Maybe two isolated incidents, but I'll just get a Metro card from now on.  At least that way I EXPECT someone who smells like pee to hit on my lady friend.

I have been noticing this. I knew it would happen eventually, but it seems that Uber/Lyft has fallen down to barely better than a cab. 

Gearheadotaku GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
1/16/19 3:11 p.m.
NickD said:

Tell them that bagels and pizza suck. That will make NYC very cross. wink

I like a good NY bagel. But their thin and floppy pizza sucks....no

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
1/16/19 3:16 p.m.

Yeah, LGA sounds like a bigger mess than usual. I'll be up there in a few--flying into JFK and out of Newark. Then I can take the train in and out of the City. 

pres589 (djronnebaum)
pres589 (djronnebaum) PowerDork
1/16/19 3:23 p.m.

Agreed, I would rather go in and out of Newark, due to direct access to passenger rail service.  Also a nicer airport.  This was when I lived in CT from 2016 to 2017.  

02Pilot SuperDork
1/16/19 3:48 p.m.
Gearheadotaku said: But their thin and floppy pizza sucks....



Curtis GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
1/16/19 3:52 p.m.

This is pizza:

Related image

This is a casserole:

Image result for new york pizza gifImage result for new york pizza gif

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
1/16/19 4:21 p.m.

And, of course.

z31maniac MegaDork
1/16/19 4:21 p.m.
Curtis said:

Then just get a subway map and dive in. 

There should plenty of smartphone apps that will do this for you. I can't remember the one I used last time I was there in April 2014. 

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
1/16/19 4:29 p.m.

I'm using the MTA app. Works fine for me. 

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/16/19 5:00 p.m.
NickD said:

Tell them that bagels and pizza suck. That will make NYC very cross. wink

Why would you say such awful things?


LaGuardia is in the middle of a huge rebuilding project to hopefully become a second world hell hole so getting in and out of it is fairly messy.  If the budget allows I would hire a taxi right to the hotel.  I would only rent a car if you had other places to drive to. Just driving to the hotel and back and paying for it to stay in a garage the rest of the time seems like a waste of money. As for apps to navigate once your here I’m partial to our myMTA app. It has a pretty good trip planner and ongoing service changes. 

stuart in mn
stuart in mn UltimaDork
1/16/19 5:35 p.m.
Wally said:
If the budget allows I would hire a taxi right to the hotel.  

Granted it was a long time ago, but the last time I flew into LaGuardia that's what I did.  It's simple - walk out to the curb, get in a cab, and a little while later you're at the front door of your hotel.  If there's an easier Easy button I don't know what that is.

Appleseed MegaDork
1/16/19 9:32 p.m.
Curtis said:

This is pizza:

Related image

This is a casserole:

Image result for new york pizza gifImage result for new york pizza gif

People fear what they don't understand. 

Robbie GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
1/16/19 9:34 p.m.

I flew into lga Monday and will fly back out tomorrow. Been doing so regularly for the last 2+ years. 

Cab will run you $50ish to Manhattan but it is no different now than it has ever been (wait time to get cab has always been about 10 minutes for me, and travel time into midtown Manhattan is about 30-45 minutes). Exit terminal, turn right, walk to the end, find cabs.

The new terminal is actually quite nice. I do wish there was an easy train or Subway from lga, but newark? Holy moly I hate that airport. Lga I wait generally 5-10 minutes for security. When I went out of newark it was 45+.

Robbie GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
1/16/19 9:38 p.m.

And for the last time, people: the real enemy is the person who doesn't like pizza. If we keep tearing each other down we will never ascend.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
1/16/19 11:35 p.m.

I couldn't get the right flight out of JFK, hence the Newark departure. It's a few years since I have been there.

Up until this month we had nonstop JetBlue service from here in Daytona to JFK. Flight time was like 1:57. It was awesome. But now it's gone. The downside was the only return was at like 8 a.m. 

And, yes, I will eat some pizza while there. And Chinese. And a black and white. And, of course, a knish. 

NickD UberDork
1/17/19 5:40 a.m.
Wally said:
NickD said:

Tell them that bagels and pizza suck. That will make NYC very cross. wink

Why would you say such awful things?

I wouldn't. As a New Yorker, I also enjoy pizza and bagels, but he asked how to cross NYC, and that is a good method.

914Driver MegaDork
1/17/19 6:29 a.m.
pres589 (djronnebaum) said:

Agreed, I would rather go in and out of Newark......

Not to hijack, but if you're going to the left coast, Newark has the most non-stop transcontinental flights!  (used to go west for work all the time)

Carry on.


02Pilot SuperDork
1/17/19 7:12 a.m.
Robbie said:

And for the last time, people: the real enemy is the person who doesn't like pizza. If we keep tearing each other down we will never ascend.

Nonsense. Heresy is a far more insidious danger than non-belief.

Curtis GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
1/17/19 10:06 a.m.
Appleseed said

People fear what they don't understand. 

I don't fear it.  I love deep dish.  But it's not pizza.  It's a casserole.

Gearhead... MTA app is great for public transport.  I actually default to google maps.  It gives you the option of walk, train, bus, drive, etc.

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