I especially like the last sentence.
My washing machine was one of the highest rated by Consumer Reports when I bought it ten years ago. It's a front-loader.
The rear main seal started leaking soap into the bearing, so I had to rebuild it with a new rear drum. Turns out when they say a front-loader needs less soap, they mean like "a tablespoon" of soap. In total. Dude.
I've since upgraded the shocks, since the originals were inadequate and low quality.
This summer I put a new pump in it because the original quit. Likely from too many RPMs.
It runs really sweet now! I love it!
I lol'ed. It was funny, but I see a key difference- There aren't national/international operating-a-washing-machine competitions on TV.
There are, however, demo-derbies:
"The worst part was when he started in on some sort of wash, dry and fold competition. He told me there was a max budget of $200 or something like that. I was a little intrigued but he lost me when he told me how he pulled the heater unit out of a scrap metal pile. Nasty! Then he started into a diatribe about whether or not door seals should or do count in the competition or something. I kinda spaced out at that point.."
"Why the other three when you have that one?" I was referring to the newest of the four. I'd seen advertisements for it and I was pretty sure it could easily do anything the others could.
"Oh, that one. Never use it." He goes on to explain that his wife picked it out for when she has to wash clothes. "Given the choice," he continues, "I'd have skipped the purchase, but she says mine are too complicated and touchy." He then motions proudly to the other three. "These are mine!"
God, we really do sound like that, don't we!
ransom wrote: I can't do it. Not to threadjack, but I've hit that point. I can't follow a jalopnik link.
It was OK....not LOL funny, but it made me smile once or twice. It didn't mention Lindsey Lohan's latest traffic ticket.
ransom wrote: I can't do it. Not to threadjack, but I've hit that point. I can't follow a jalopnik link.
I did, and now I feel slightly stupider
This guy sounds like a washing poseur. Hardcore laundry enthusiasts use a washtub, wringer, and washboard.
But seriously, it seems a far easier to understand the crazy than the merely eccentric here. Somebody like this guy who collects machines like this makes sense to me:
In a way that Jalopnik's fictitious example does not. Some things seem far better when taken to excess, but nonsensical in moderation.
My girl's father enjoys fixing household appliances. He'll use his engineer know-how to bypass control boards and resolder resistors, getting appropriate sized new motors and all that.
He thinks working on cars is foolish and frustrating.
"Wait just a second," I reply. "I'm pretty sure when I was purchasing my last machine the automatic drum linkage was actually slightly more efficient than the manual version." "Lies," he insists. "Those numbers only reflect the EPA tests. I've monitored my own usage quite carefully and I always manage to exceed the estimate. Well, I suppose that's only when I'm not washing spiritedly, but when I want to I can get better efficiency."
When it comes to cars, I think we can all appreciate this-
"I resolve never to bring up the subject again to him. I may, however, ask him for advice next time I buy a washing machine. I probably won't follow it."
I had a friend ask me about cars to buy today. My wife was there. I started talking and she looked at me and said "you're talking about washing machines."
The fiancee has several times told me that when I get to really talking car stuff in detail- either to her (who really doesn't understand it) or to others (some of whom do)- it starts sounding like the the adults in the Charlie Brown specials.
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