Keeping an eye on it. We're pretty far inland so we won't get the worst of it anyhow. Chuck got the gennie started today, we have gas and water. Gonna pick up some steaks and beer tomorrow and strap down the lawn furniture on Thurs. Probably build an air mattress cocoon for the FiST lol.
Fingers crossed for you guys near the coast. Stay safe!
I’m still amazed that coastal construction in the Carolinas isn’t required to be stronger like Floriduh’s (post-Andrew).
Good luck to all in the storm’s path.
OHSCrifle said:
I’m still amazed that coastal construction in the Carolinas isn’t required to be stronger like Floriduh’s (post-Andrew).
Good luck to all in the storm’s path.
Anything built in the last 20 years is Dade County FL wind and impact rated.
Unless you live in a flood prone area, evacuation is a waste of time and money. I stayed home for hurricane Hugo in 1989, in a 80 year old house, 2 miles from the Atlantic. 7 hours of 140 mph fury. At 23' above sea level, we stayed dry. It took about 10 hours to clean the yard, but only 4 to fix the damage to the house.
95% of the damage they show on TV from hurricanes is due to storm surge. Did you ever wonder why buddy Jim C always goes to the beach? That's the only area that makes good video.
Do a Google image search for Hurricane Hugo. Discounting the radar images, within the top 5 images is going to be the Ben Sawyer bridge that wasn't secured properly and broke the foundation. At least 2 of those 5 pictures will be a pile of boats from the Wild Dunes Marina that is right behind the beach. One will probably be the house sitting in the middle of the road where the storm surge put it. 95% of the damage shown is from storm surge, not storm winds. There were literally boats scattered everywhere. I was smart enough to buy my house outside of the flood zones because you can't afford to build a house that water can't destroy.
In reply to Toyman01 :
Wind speed makes the headlines, storm surge and flooding is what causes fatalities.
The F storms always seem to pack a big punch for the Carolinas.
and now Florence. But the H storms are right up there with Hazel, Helene and Hugo.
Of course, the thing that made Fran so bad was tropical storm Dennis hung off shore for like a week, so the ground was thoroughly saturated and trees had nothing to hold onto when Fran's winds hit.
9/10/18 9:04 p.m.
After going through something like this last year and the year before in FL, I would ot wish this upon anyone in it's path.
Hoping for the best case for all.
In reply to EastCoastMojo :
I moved from Avon after Emily. The old house finally was taken by the Atlantic this March during the second Nor'Easter in 3 weeks.
9/10/18 10:52 p.m.
kabel said:
After going through something like this last year and the year before in FL, I would ot wish this upon anyone in it's path.
Hoping for the best case for all.
I did irma and Matthew my first two summers in Florida. Midwest born and raised, I'm used to 12 feet of snow, actual hell freezing over, and tornadoes. Tornadoes are way more fun than hurricanes, but give me hurricanes over winter any time. From what I've learned its basically what toyman said is true. Prep, stay home. Be cool. Don't bail unless you're gonna have to swim.
I know weather like this is no joke. I just have a hard time being worried.
9/11/18 1:23 a.m.
I'd be much more concerned if I lived on the coast, but even then, it's wind and rain. I'd also be more concerned if I lived in a low lying area, prone to flooding. Beyond that, bring it on. Knowing how the weather idiots like to scare people, I'm thinking it's still 3 days out, can change and/or weaken. Last big storm they screamed about turned out to be a day of rain, so it's difficult to buy into their "sky is falling" b.s. My front yard is one big mud pit due to construction right now. That concerns me more than anything else.
T.J. said:
In reply to Apis Mellifera :
Thanks for the offer. The Mini and the miata will stay in the garage and try to ride it out. We'll be headed to Mason County.
If you want, shoot me a PM... found out last night that my BIL and girlfriend are leaving Wed from Oak Island, and headed home to High Point, NC. They *might* be willing to drive one of those out of there... although it'll probably sit outside while it rains.
I'm in Virginia Beach, so if it makes landfall more north of Wilmington, it could be one for the history books for my area. Already some mandatory evacs for VA Beach, but not where my house is. This is my first storm as a homeowner, and I'm feeling a bit unprepared. I also am still recovering from an appendectomy with a drain in my abdomen until Wednesday. But we've done some basic prep, will do more today, and I have family and friends nearby for help. Public school is already cancelled for the next 3 days. Should be an adventure, for sure.
9/11/18 5:51 a.m.
My opinion is similar to some here that reporting and evacuations are often over-hyped, however that perspective is not a one size fits all.
This storm is a real threat. To someone like my father, the potential for power outages and flooding coupled with lack of personnel for emergency response could be life threatening.
We are evacuating right now.
Failure to evacuate has the very real potential to put others at risk who have to come in to rescue someone who was too stubborn to leave.
Its 2018 guys. No reason to die in a hurricane. These things can be predicted days in advance. Be smart.
Glad you went and got him, for just that reason alone, Aftermath is hard on even the young and Able.
I know these things, My Family has lived in Miami for over 100 years. some of the Dumb Ass's live on Key West and won't leave in a Hurricane, though the Last one made them take Notice.
I live in the Mountains.
9/11/18 6:24 a.m.
Oh, there’s another risk outside of my control... everyone else’s fear.
My opinion of how big the risk is or how over-hyped doesn’t change the fact that my kids’ school is closed, and my father’s in-home caregiving company will not be providing services until further notice.
Nobody asked my opinion. I still have to respond to the increased risk for my family based on services not provided, roads congested, store inventories depleted, etc.
9/11/18 6:35 a.m.
Waiting on a hurricane is like being stalked by a turtle....
Sorry kids, this one looks tough. Ones that hit Florida and roll up the coast lose energy once they hit land. This thing is running full tilt straight in unobstructed.
Hang on and good luck.
9/11/18 3:27 p.m.
I’m back in Columbia with my Dad. We will still get hit here, but not like the coast.
Traffic heading away from the coast was already bad by noon today. My trip (normally 3 hours) took 6 hours. I’m glad I went last night instead of today or tomorrow. I’m pretty sure it could have taken twice that long if I’d gotten there later.
Stay safe guys.
9/11/18 4:24 p.m.
Currently the track line for the eye has it making landfall at Topsail island in NC. My wife, dog and I spent a great week there vacationing in May. If the track doesn't shift significantly, it'll never be the same there. I'm already sad thinking about it.
Hour and a half to get home today (usually 30 minute commute), only to find the power out. Looks like we get a hurricane practice day!
Good news: Chuck already went to the ABC store. 

Update: after a 3 hour practice run I heard a neighbor give the redneck call (yehaw). Threw the main breaker back on and we are back in business with power.
Looks like there was some sort of equipment failure down the road, Chuck said the power lines were arcing in front of our house following a "boom" earlier today. He threw the main to keep the electronics from getting fried, he said the whole thing was quite spectacular.
SVreX said:
Waiting on a hurricane is like being stalked by a turtle....
Seriously that is the funniest s--- I ever heard.
In reply to EastCoastMojo :
Oooh! Fun!
In reply to EastCoastMojo :
Having lived on Hatteras island, Jim Cantore really should bring his own food when he comes to the Outer Banks, I still know some people who work in the hospitality industry down there and his dishes wouldnt pass health inspection. He's universally loathed down there.
Also, my storm prep consist of finding my horse head mask, though it looks like it may not track north now.