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carguy123 HalfDork
10/11/08 11:11 a.m.

OK, I'm officially starting a third political party called the CS party as opposed to the other BS parties we've already got.

If you haven't already guessed, CS stands for Common Sense and if you didn't guess it then I guess you deserve to belong to one of the other parties..................... or maybe a flock of sheep where you don't have to think and a shephard does all the thinking for you. But if you are in a flock of sheep then I'm your new shephard and I'll tell you how it's gonna be. So if you don't want to be bothered with self government, don't complain when we do. Why did I pick sheep and not cattle? Sheep aren't as smart as cattle and are more of a herd beast. They want to conform and they will demand to follow a leader.

Well if you want to be a sheep I'll be the new King David and decide everything for you. But be warned, I'm not the biblical King David and I don't have Solomon like wisdom so you won't really know what to expect (not much of a change from present day) Although if you are a student of history you'll realize you'll have it a lot better under my rule since we will be a Republic (not a democracy, do you know the difference? Geez you say it everytime you say the Pledge of Allegiance. Google Republic and Democracy) as our forefathers intended, not a Monarchy/Dictatorship as the first King David ruled or an Oligarchy as we've become.

Back to the Pledge of Allegiance for a moment. Per Wikipedia (the new god when it comes to information about anything) "The Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag is an oath of loyalty to the country. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all."

We say it, but do you think many people really feel loyalty to their country? Or is it just loyalty to their own selfish wants? Once again it seems, sheeplike, in that most people just want to appear to be like everyone else so they have to look at their neighbors or a media personality to see how they feel.

Are we ONE nation under the present system? We definitely aren't "one nation under God" as it's not PC to have a God because that's demeaning to people of other religions as if their God isn't as good as our God. God forbid we not be PC. Oops I used that demeaning word again.

We haven't had Justice for a long time, we've had Legal and that's another whole kettle of fish.

So here are the 10 Commandments of the CS party platform.

  1. Get this straight, ONE person ONE vote. This ain't Louisiana. None of this Indirect Election (see Wikipedia again) Delegate, Super Delegate or Electoral College BS where we elect people to vote for us - and they vote as they are paid, I mean as they see fit. (lifted directly from Wikipedia - "the electors are simply important persons whose wisdom, it is hoped, would provide a better choice than a larger body." And all this time you thought you were voting for the Pres. when in fact you are only voting for someone to go vote FOR YOU in the real election. Worst yet they don't even have to vote the same way as the citizens have voted. They can vote any way they or the party wants them to vote. It's time for that BS to cease!!

In this day and age there is no excuse for a system that says the people can't vote for themselves or that the vote of the people who live in a state the size of a small to medium size city means more than a whole state 100 or 1,000 times it's size. This is what the Civil War was all about. The new system will give us the flexibility to change as a nation & as our population growth and population centers change.

a. To help make the system work even better, on Presidential election days we will not continually publicize the vote count &/or "call" the election before the people on the left coast have voted.  Doing this simply says that their vote doesn't matter, oh wait it doesn't since the electoral college does the actual voting, which leads me back to the main portion of rule #1.

Not allowing second by second results to be posted and Direct elections will be nerve wracking for the candidates but, let's do it this way so people will vote their conscience instead of voting with the "me to" herd or feeling there's no reason to vote since it's already decided.

b.  That brings us to another issue, with technology as it is, there's no longer a reason to only have elections every 2-4 years.  We'll have elections all the time.  Every day will be a direct election day. If that sounds suspiciously like a Democracy instead of a Republic don't blame me for the idea. We'll have voting machines/computers in every public library where you can vote on all the pressing local/state/federal issues of the moment.  If you don't vote then you have no right to complain if laws are enacted that you don't like. While you are there, check out a good book and learn something or keep up on foreign affairs.   No man is an island and neither is any country.  What we do affects others and what they do affects us.    Be responsible world citizens.

c. Here's something new. EVERY issue will be voted on separately.  No bundling spending requests, porkbarrel projects or anything else with another issue as is done nowadays especially at the Federal level. Each issue will have it's own voting chance to stand or fail on it's own merit.

Line item veto?  That goes without saying!  Lobbyists? A thing of the past!  The elected officials will be required to read and answer their emails, mail and phones so they can see what is important to their constituents, not the special interest groups.

You know this sounds like we won't be needing many of our elected officials because we won't need them to carry our thoughts back to Washington.  It's not the 1700s anymore, we've got the internet and a mail system that lets us tell our govt. what our needs are directly.  Good, that will save us a lot of money!  Those elected officials that will be out of a job should see #6
  1. Ask the American Indians about the consequences of this one, you are either here legally or you're here illegally. There is no gray area. If you are here illegally you don't have the right to ask those of us here legally to support you, learn your language for your convenience, pay for your kid's education, give you free medical care, housing or tell us how to govern ourselves. You do have the right to expect a knock on the door in the middle of the night and be requested to go back home and come again thru legal channels. People who aid and abet illegals by hiding, employing them or furnishing housing for them should expect penalties as well. What part of ILLEGAL don't you understand. Bank robber or ILLEGAL alien, they are both illegal. Is it OK to aid and abet a bank robber? Remember we're the CS party not the PC or BS party. Which leads us to rule #3.

  2. We have had an unofficial language for 200 years, it's American English. If we have to have a vote on this you'd better do it now because based upon the Census if you wait even a very 4-5 years the official language will be Spanish. Now that might not bother the folks from Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and a few other states since we've been under Spanish rule before, but you northern people are going to hate it! We don't mean to be snooty about it but no matter how you come to the U.S. you are expected to learn our language and we don't have to learn yours, it's how the rest of the world works. See rule #2.

    a. Your kids need to be educated. You are in our country and we have laws about kids being in school until a certain age, so your kids will be expected to be in school, but don't expect us to pay for it with our tax dollars. You will be expected to pay for your kid's education. Since that is probably one of the big reasons you are over here, I am sure you won't mind. But even then don't expect us to bear the expense of employing 9-10 different foreign language teachers for every subject in every school as we have to have now so that you don't have to bother to learn the language. We'll include English as a Second Language courses in the curriculum, but you will be expected to learn English so that you aren't a continual drain on this country. No one is asking you to forget your heritage, but you made a choice when you came to this country. You said you preferred to be an American rather than a "XX" so get on with it - become an American!

Don't expect us to translate every govt., city, IRS form, etc. into your language. And speaking of IRS as much as I hate them, while you're here you will be expected to pay taxes like everyone else. I guess that ought to be rule #4

  1. EVERYONE pays the same taxes. I'm not better than you and you're not better than me, so a flat rate tax is hereby instated. We'll start at a 10% tax and see how far that gets us. I'm thinking that maybe a sales tax type of payment system might be another way to simplify the tax system. This should allow us to get rid of at least 75% of the IRS workforce so they can rejoin society and begin doing something productive for a change.

    a. The govt has a checkbook the same as all of us, they are going to need to learn how to use it. When it's empty that means there ain't no more money and they need to go home. If they want to spend more than they have they can ask "we the people" for more and we can vote on it. (do you even know where that phrase came from? Google it!) If we like what the money will be used for we can vote to raise our taxes. We can also vote to lower our taxes.

    b. We are putting all those countries out there who owe us money on notice that we expect it to be paid back. We spend more on foreign countries than we do our own. We come first and you come second. We're going to need collateral on all future loans.

  2. While it would be nice for everyone to own a home you are not entitled to own a home. If you can't save enough money for a reasonable downpayment and pay your bills on time then you simply don't deserve to own a home. Period. End of sentence.

  3. As far as entitlement goes, you aren't automatically entitled to a good living so get up off your butt and work. Welfare is officially canceled as of this minute. Now instead of giving you fish we will teach you how to fish so that you can support yourself for the rest of your life. We will implement a WORKfare program where you will work and learn a skill or you won't eat. Our new govt housing will more resemble the Russian mega apartment complexes than condos to encourage you to learn to make enough to get out on your own. Also WORKfare is for a limited time, I don't care what Kennedy said, it doesn't go on for generations. Shame on you, that's not right for your kids. Teach them some manners, instill in them some pride. Make them want to be better than you the way generations of Americans have strived to be. That mindset is what made America great & you are dragging us down not to mention the expense.

  4. Back to entitlement, you also aren't entitled to a job for life. Unions, you have run all the manufacturing out of the NE and alot of it out of the country with your "I'd rather not work than work non-union" attitude. You got your wish, now get over it. Be reasonable & be part of a system that ups production and quality while lowering costs or there is no place for you in the 21st century. Make unions stand for something positive rather than something negative. Any and all laws that REQUIRE Unions are repealed. All states are now a right to work state. You have to understand that Unions aren't a Right but a choice. If you want to sell yourself you need to show that you add something to the equation.

  5. We aren't going to be having any socialized medicine with healthcare for everyone no matter how PC it sounds - we simply can't afford it. See checkbook rule #4 And if you think we can afford it go look at France or England. BUT we will get rid of this PPO/HMO nightmare. You will now be allowed to pick your own doctor that you trust for as long as you trust or like them. Doctors, it means you'll have to work on your bedside manners. An appointment means an appointment! It's not simply a word that means a day a sick person will be in your office and wait until you are thru with your golf game and deign to see the sick mere mortal who's been in your waiting room for hours. Remember we're the CS party so Doctors, we're watching. No more cattle call medicine.

Also no more Uncle Sam paying for motorized wheel chairs and such cause you made a choice to be fat and are too lazy to walk. Not only does this compound the problem, but Fat's a choice, not a handicap. If you eat too many Big Macs and not enough veggies you and you alone will pay the price! Oh, smoking is hereby banned. No, you do not have the right to pollute MY air with your stench. And you also don't have the right to degrade my health. If you want to smoke under a bell jar where no hint of your poison or your stink can get out to ruin my meal then we might consider lifting the ban. Your rights do not trump mine! Obama I'm watching you! What kind of role model can you be for my kids if you smoke? You need to change! And how tough can you be on the tobacco industry when it is what fuels your addiction?

We will be talking with the insurance companies about affordable coverage, profits and the system of trying to disallow or stall every claim. We pay IN in a timely fashion, we'll expect you to pay OUT in just as timely a fashion. We'll make preventative medicine the norm.

  1. Profiling is a good thing! It is just good CS. If there was a threat that a middle eastern group was planning on flying planes into one of our buildings then it would only make good CS to be looking specifically at middle eastern people. If there is a tall, blonde white man who robbed a bank the police will be encouraged to look for & at only tall white men with blonde hair. Once again, profiling is our friend, it saves a lot of work and gives us a better chance of catching the bank robber. If you are a tall, blonde white man who fits the description of the bank robber and you are driving the same make and model car and you are near the bank at the right time then expect to be pulled over. It's the price of an effective law system. To carry this a little further, if a certain group/age/sex/color/whatever type of people perform most of the crime in your neighborhood then it's not wrong to look mostly to that group. It only makes CS. If you don't like it move or help teach your group to respect the law.

We will be getting rid of all of our Supreme Court Justices. But since the over sight or higher authority idea is pretty good we will be replacing them with a Citizen panel. Everyone will be expected to serve a certain amount of time just like on jury duty, except you will be paid enough (remember we have all those high paid Justice's salaries freed up from the budget to pay you with) to be able to take the time off work to give fair and impartial verdicts instead of just trying to get thru the case so you can get back home and make a living. It will be an honor to serve, not a burden. Here's your chance for your 15 minutes of fame.

We will have enough Justices available that we can render quick and accurate decisions in a timely fashion so all parties can get on with their lives while the decision means something. Unlike a few weeks ago we won't be dismissing thousands of cases wholesale just because more came in during your vacation than you wanted to work on. If the case gets there it deserves to be heard.

And you will be tried by a panel of your peers. It's not fair to anyone for the people hearing your plea to be totally ignorant of the circumstances of the case. eg. If the case involves real estate then the people on the panel will have some sort of real estate knowledge so they can sort thru the BS to find a CS solution.

  1. You see, this leads us to the fact that we will have a JUSTICE system and not just a Legal system. We have always had the symbol of "Blind Justice" in every court room, it's just that the Judges and Attorneys have seen it so often they don't even remember what it stands for. They think the blindfold should be over our eyes. What's RIGHT will now be the guiding criteria. This means we are going to have to either get rid of or retrain all the attorneys. Most that I have seen aren't retrainable so we'll enroll all the rest in WORKfare programs until they can learn a useful skill.

  2. Yeah, I know I said there were 10 Commandments, but when have you ever known a politician to be totally truthful? ("I am not a crook!" "I never had sex with that girl!") We're going to have a draft. Our country was better off when a big percentage of our youth learned respect, work ethic and job skills that carried them thru life - or at least got a college education as they dodged the draft. Either way is OK as they will be learning to be useful and productive people. Think of it as more of an apprenticeship than a draft.

Before you get all up in arms I didn't say it was going to be a full time military draft. I'm thinking more of a FDR style Civilian Conservation Corps and National Guard combined. When we have the military needs then we will have a trained core of people that will allow us to quickly respond like the National Guard, but most of the time they will be working on projects to improve our country (and gaining lifelong skills in the process) like the Civilian Conservation Corp which built roads, parks, bridges, etc. We'll have the man/women power to quickly respond to emergencies such as Katrina. We might even get those levees fixed that Louisiana has been paid to fix several times, but somehow hasn't. My CCC-NG will be productive and give us something for our money.

This is not a complete party platform, just a basis to build upon. I don't have all the answers, but I'd like to make it so that I don't have to have all the answers, there'd be enough input from you that we can find the correct answers for any given situation that might arise.

I just want to finally have someone to vote FOR and not just be voting AGAINST someone. When was the last time you felt you had someone you could vote FOR instead of the lesser or two evils? Is that right?

PASS THIS ON, by virtue of this modern miracle the Internet, we can reach most if not all of Americans before the election. WRITE KING DAVID IN! We are counting on you to a elect King David in this election instead of Nobama or OldCain. Show them you really are for CHANGE. And once again, it will only be KING David if you want to be one of the herd beasts and not have a say in your life.

King David

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Reader
10/11/08 11:17 a.m.

Somebody's had their coffee this morning.

carguy123 HalfDork
10/11/08 12:08 p.m.

Actually it was in the middle of the night. I woke up and couldn't sleep. And no one was posting anywhere on any of the forums I inhabit.

I am looking for good cabinet members so post up your qualifications.

I'm thinking the easiest post to fill will be the Ambassador to the Middle East.

DirtyBird222 HalfDork
10/11/08 2:56 p.m.

i believe every car person should either vote for Chuck Norris or King Leonidas, or choose one for Pres and other for VP. They both know how to kick ass and lead peeps. Both candidates suck, so yes I am wasting my vote and writing in one of these. If you harass me and say that I'm wasting a vote, if I voted for one of the main two, that'd be a real waste of a vote, and I am exercising my right to vote for whomever I feel is fit to be the next president.

carguy123 HalfDork
10/11/08 3:33 p.m.

Vote for King David!

CS not BS!!

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand Dork
10/11/08 11:36 p.m.

Darn I was hoping for something good, but as it went on it seemed increasingly like it was written by a drunken Texas frat boy (by the end I was totally convinced of this), and I think we've all had enough of those.

Salanis SuperDork
10/12/08 12:24 a.m.

Nope. Sorry. Not much common sense there. Mostly a whole bunch of your own personal strong opinions and a significant portion of what you believe is either not commonly held as truth, or sensible.

Good rant though. Kinda.

If I had to pick one big problem with the core of your shaky platform: Direct Democracy Doesn't work.

The second biggest one: people are selfish. I'm selfish. You're selfish. Politicians are selfish. Everyone is selfish. Guess what, our founding fathers knew this and that understanding of the core of the human condition got built into the framework for our government. This feeds back to direct democracy not working.

Osterkraut Reader
10/12/08 1:17 a.m.

I announce my candidacy as well. You may find a brief outline of my party's beliefs here.

Come on people! The system works, when it's used.

Snowdoggie New Reader
10/12/08 6:45 a.m.

I suggested the direct democracy idea years ago in a freshman year Political Science Class and the professor went over the logistics of why it wasn't practical including the fact that many people don't care enough to show up every four years to vote for President, much less get on their computer every single day to vote on every expenditure that a large complex goverment needs to make.

As for health care and the right vs. responsibility argument, If you are an atheist, it's fine to believe that everybody should be responsible for their own health care, and even do without it if you can't afford it, but if you 'claim' to be a Christian, there is that part in the Bible about being your brother's keeper and many passages about helping your fellow man, including those who are victims of corporate layoffs and pre-existing conditions.

AngryCorvair GRM+ Memberand Dork
10/12/08 8:15 a.m.

i thought CS meant Cock Strength, which can be summed up as "every NO gets me one step closer to a YES!"

seann Reader
10/12/08 2:06 p.m.
Snowdoggie wrote: I suggested the direct democracy idea years ago in a freshman year Political Science Class and the professor went over the logistics of why it wasn't practical including the fact that many people don't care enough to show up every four years to vote for President, much less get on their computer every single day to vote on every expenditure that a large complex goverment needs to make. As for health care and the right vs. responsibility argument, If you are an atheist, it's fine to believe that everybody should be responsible for their own health care, and even do without it if you can't afford it, but if you 'claim' to be a Christian, there is that part in the Bible about being your brother's keeper and many passages about helping your fellow man, including those who are victims of corporate layoffs and pre-existing conditions.

Um, no it's not fine if your an atheist either. Or maybe I'm just taking the bait.

jmthunderbirdturbo New Reader
10/12/08 2:45 p.m.

just because you are either: a-unhappy with government as it stands b-dont like they way the government works or (my favorite) c-dont fully understand government :doesnt mean i have any inclination to turn it over to you...

every four years, for the last 200+, we have a had a 'lesser of two evils' choice. that has worked pretty well up until the last 20 or so, with a few exceptions here and there. simply put, America works. sometimes its not perfect, but nothing is. i STILL believe that the USA gets it right more often than any other country, and that there is no foreseeable reason why that will change.

and, while i am registered independent, i plan to vote primarily republican, to better restore the checks and balances system in the democratic senate.

have a nice day, and good luck with your monarchy...

donalson SuperDork
10/12/08 5:32 p.m.
Osterkraut wrote: I announce my candidacy as well. You may find a brief outline of my party's beliefs here. Come on people! The system works, when it's used.

i'm with ya... sadly schools don't do much in the way of teaching the constitution... much more important things to learn things like how my great grandaddy was a monkey and how it's more normal to be attracted a he vs a she... oh ya... and how superb the socialist system of government works in theory... i mean i would have free health care right?....

midknight New Reader
10/12/08 7:49 p.m.

So you'd be ok with the American Indians asking you to leave?

Osterkraut Reader
10/12/08 7:54 p.m.
donalson wrote: i'm with ya... sadly schools don't do much in the way of teaching the constitution... much more important things to learn things like how my great grandaddy was a monkey ...

Schools teaching the predominate scientific theory... novel concept!

unk577 New Reader
10/12/08 7:58 p.m.
Snowdoggie wrote: I suggested the direct democracy idea years ago in a freshman year Political Science Class and the professor went over the logistics of why it wasn't practical including the fact that many people don't care enough to show up every four years to vote for President, much less get on their computer every single day to vote on every expenditure that a large complex goverment needs to make. As for health care and the right vs. responsibility argument, If you are an atheist, it's fine to believe that everybody should be responsible for their own health care, and even do without it if you can't afford it, but if you 'claim' to be a Christian, there is that part in the Bible about being your brother's keeper and many passages about helping your fellow man, including those who are victims of corporate layoffs and pre-existing conditions.

I think most people don't vote every 4 years due to the poor choice of candidates we regularly have. Give the people a good choice rather the the lesser of 2 evils and more people would vote. More people would care if they were able to vote on every expenditure due to the fact that we would be able to have better control over the direction our country is going. Lobbyist would be out of the picture and the economy would better off due to free trade and competition. Lobbyist use the government to control their competition or put in place regulations tocreate a demand for the business paying them.

People have a right to worship whoever they please, but religion has no place in government. I'll take an atheist candidate over anyone else. I don't need a president having his decisions influenced by what a fictional character thinks is right or wrong. People think Ron Paul is a cook because he believes in aliens, yet these same people believe in god. See the irony. It goes back to the original post, people are sheep. They need someone to follow because they can't decide right from wrong for themselves or they can't explain something so they turn to their "god" for direction.

I don't agree with all the statements in the original post.

psteav GRM+ Memberand New Reader
10/12/08 8:51 p.m.
donalson wrote: i'm with ya... sadly schools don't do much in the way of teaching the constitution... much more important things to learn things like how my great grandaddy was a monkey and how it's more normal to be attracted a he vs a she... oh ya... and how superb the socialist system of government works in theory... i mean i would have free health care right?....

Might wanna read up on that Consitution yourself there, pard. Start with the establishment clause. Get back to me.

Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
10/12/08 8:55 p.m.

That's way to long to bother reading. Is there a 30 second sound bite somewhere, maybe where you hug an elderly woman and give her a couple gallons of heating oil.

carguy123 HalfDork
10/12/08 9:08 p.m.
Wally wrote: That's way to long to bother reading. Is there a 30 second sound bite somewhere, maybe where you hug an elderly woman and give her a couple gallons of heating oil.


Can't be bothered, I'll let someone else do my reading, thinking and making my decisions.

psteav GRM+ Memberand New Reader
10/12/08 9:29 p.m.
carguy123 wrote:
Wally wrote: That's way to long to bother reading. Is there a 30 second sound bite somewhere, maybe where you hug an elderly woman and give her a couple gallons of heating oil.
Sheep! Can't be bothered, I'll let someone else do my reading, thinking and making my decisions.

Sorry, but I for one am unlikely to take seriously what amounts to a global political policy statement from one guy on an automotive forum, let alone one that is poorly written and organized.

Out of curiosity, Jodie Foster didn't tell you to write this, did she?

Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
10/12/08 9:35 p.m.
carguy123 wrote:
Wally wrote: That's way to long to bother reading. Is there a 30 second sound bite somewhere, maybe where you hug an elderly woman and give her a couple gallons of heating oil.
Sheep! Can't be bothered, I'll let someone else do my reading, thinking and making my decisions.

If was going to go through all that trouble I'd go to Washington and do it myself. If nothing else I could use a couple interns.

Osterkraut Reader
10/12/08 10:05 p.m.
unk577 wrote: I think most people don't vote every 4 years due to the poor choice of candidates we regularly have. Give the people a good choice rather the the lesser of 2 evils and more people would vote. More people would care if they were able to vote on every expenditure due to the fact that we would be able to have better control over the direction our country is going. Lobbyist would be out of the picture and the economy would better off due to free trade and competition. Lobbyist use the government to control their competition or put in place regulations tocreate a demand for the business paying them.

Apply your theory to voter turnouts for State and Local government elections. You have 50 minutes.

carguy123 HalfDork
10/13/08 12:39 a.m.

She's my heroine! No wait, that's hero, cause I wouldn't be PC to designate a sex as that would be demeaning cause that would mean that I differentiate between the sexes which might mean that I think the female sex was weaker or different from the male sex and someone might be offended so I'd be a sexist pig.

See why I'm for the CS party!

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Reader
10/13/08 1:04 a.m.

Recognizing a sex is not demeaning. Belittiling a sex is. "Heroine" is just fine. "Little woman" would not be so great.

I remain unaffiliated.

Duke Dork
10/13/08 6:00 a.m.
unk577 wrote: More people would care if they were able to vote on every expenditure due to the fact that we would be able to have better control over the direction our country is going. Lobbyist would be out of the picture and the economy would better off due to free trade and competition. Lobbyist use the government to control their competition or put in place regulations tocreate a demand for the business paying them.

While I despise lobbyists as well, if we had direct citizen vote on every expenditure, the AARP would run this country within 5 years.

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