1/27/18 3:53 p.m.
Some of you may remember I recieved an egg as part of my grm game box from my good friend, volvoclearinghouse. As that is a pain in the ass to type, he will be known as vch for the remainder of this post. Anyway, vch managed to ship am egg from Maryland to Florida, intact, in a box containing things that included a piston from a 460 ford, Volvo bits, and other assorted things that would smash an egg.
here it is, in respite next to one of its more common, massed produced brethren. Roughly the same size, but far more aerodynamic for exit.
on the left, organic egg. On the right, well....
The thing that is immediately noticeable is the shape of the yolk. The organic egg was much denser and well formed from the start. At least from my view, it was slightly more orange as well.
with a few more friends. It's fairly interesting that the egg on the bottom is almost identical to the egg on the top. The one on the top is the organic one.
interestingly, as the eggs cooked the organic one (now on the left) didn't join the rest in holy egg-rimony.
and here it is in my breakfast. The organic is on the left. Yes, I am a charlatan and like my eggs hard cooked.
Notes, the white was much denser than the Monsanto egg. Same with the yolk. It was almost meaty. The yolk had a much more pronounced flavor, which threw me a bit. I almost thought it was rotten, but it was jis T the difference. Overall, it was a very good egg.
I have never been so confused by a post in my life
Yolkay. That was legitimately interesting.
Not what I eggspected.
Hard cooked? You mean ruined?
1/27/18 4:55 p.m.
Sunny side up on a bed of fried rice is the E36 M3 and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.
ok after reading the backstory, this post has become amazing. i love it
The white of that egg held shape so well, would have been awesome to poach
That is your brain on drugs.
In reply to Appleseed :
What are YOU on? That looks like an egg and a frying pan to me...
I'm hungry for bacon n eggs now.
It's amazing how those eggs reproduced in the pan. Bacon is eggsential, for the proper meal.
In reply to Mndsm :
So, if it goes telophase, it would become a cellular telophase. A new kind of communication device?
1/27/18 9:48 p.m.
In reply to Dirtydog :
Possibly. Only one way to find out.
1/27/18 10:03 p.m.
That looks like a tasty breakfast.
All of our eggs come from my in-laws. Free range chooks that make a lot of really good eggs. Can't go over to visit without coming home with some - I just unloaded five dozen from the car.
Mmm. Now you will find all other eggs disappointing.
1/28/18 9:36 a.m.
In reply to Cotton :
Home made hash browns (even grated and peeled the potatoes) thick bacon, wasn't bad.
Is that like Free Range Europa? As they are found in the wild? Last ran 30 years ago, head in the boot, clear "title" to 3 owners ago?
1/28/18 1:46 p.m.
Dr. Hess said:
Is that like Free Range Europa? As they are found in the wild? Last ran 30 years ago, head in the boot, clear "title" to 3 owners ago?
Found in vch's yard, the chicken probably last ran that morning.....Not Really sure about titling issues with livestock in Maryland.
For the next step up in eggs find a source for duck eggs, they have those qualities you described in the good chicken egg but even better. However, cooking them well done tends to ruin them (rubbery), so work on that first.
1/29/18 4:04 p.m.
BrokenYugo said:
For the next step up in eggs find a source for duck eggs, they have those qualities you described in the good chicken egg but even better. However, cooking them well done tends to ruin them (rubbery), so work on that first.
There's a E36 M3pile of Asian joints local. I can get any kinda egg just about.
Mndsm said:
There's a E36 M3pile of Asian joints local. I can get any kinda egg just about.
I've sometimes bought quail eggs from an Asian grocery and boiled a batch of them to bring to pot luck breakfasts. They're perfectly bite-sized, and take about 3-5 minutes to hard boil. If I really wanted to confuse people, I might crack the whole box into a skillet to get a sunny-side-up egg with a bunch of centimeter sized yolks.