Watching Top Gear last night, they ran a road course using city buses. One was a Brit Double Decker, a normal looking one, two accordian type bend in the middle buses and a smaller 24 passenger handicap van.
Holy Moley, the Double Decker got up on two wheels and stayed there WAY too long! You could see the driver pawing the wheel left to get it back down, very close to a roll.
Playing bumper cars at high speed using buses, kinda like real life NYC. 
I imagine EVERYONE thought of Wally. He's the only thing that could have made that segment any cooler.
Having personally driven a double-decker bus, I can't imagine anything more frightening than trying to corner on 2 wheels. Those things are absolute bohemoths.
The driver dumped the double by the end of that race.
That was great, I'm amazed how out of shape the double decker had to get before it finally went over.
Its all because theres no driver on the top. If there were the top and bottom would be in sync and thus untouchable. Extra points for knowing the song reference.