Hello, So, a little quick background that might not be important but whatev... I'm an auto tech, I'm currently working super part-time for a bio-fuel start-up, it is supposed to be full-time soon (actually, it's supposed to be full-time now, but I am being patient because if/when it does become full-time I'll be stoked) but if it is not full-time by June, my "I don't have to work" money will be close to running out, and I'll have to get a different job working in a traditional repair shop.
Also, I have been wanting to get a van or truck for sometime now, it needs to be diesel (since I work with bio-fuel conversions and can get grease), and I would really prefer a manual transmission but have accepted that no vans are manual, just mid-nineties ford F250's. Also, I need to be able to fit a kart inside, which from the looks of it would work with an ice cream truck, and it'd be nice if I could also tow a trailer to take my Jetta to faraway rally-crosses.
So, I found a couple of ice cream trucks for sale in my area that are actually priced about the same as other diesel cargo vans and trucks, and I wanted whatever information GRMers have to offer on being an independent ice cream salesman.
I figure this way, days I'm not working for the bio-fuel company I could just cruise around and sell ice cream, but I'm slightly concerned with where I get permits, and I am concerned with turf wars (if they are real, I would have thought it was a free-for-all)...
sorry this got long, but if you made it this far, Thanks!