so I know the house insurance covers things for the home, and the car insurance would cover the car being stolen. But what if I had an aftermarket set of wheels on the car that's worth a lot of money? The car insurance company isn't going to cover the aftermarket wheels, so would the house insurance cover the aftermarket wheels since they were on house property?
edit: reason for the post? Just saw an exact copy of my car roll by on the same wheels. Wife isn't home to confirm car is still in garage. Lol. Paranoia grips me.
Home insurance deductibles are pretty high, at least here in Florida.
I would probably call my car insurance and see what they say.
Agreed value insurance might be a good option for you.
Generally speaking homeowner's isn't going to cover anything that's in or attached to the car, but many car insurance policies include coverage for aftermarket parts up to some value, a thousand or two.
In reply to codrus (Forum Supporter) :
The last time I tried to get aftermarket parts covered on a car my insurance company dumped me, after I had a legal back-and-forth.
Your car insurance covers your car, even when it is in your house. If the wheels are attached to the car, tough luck.
When I had Curtis's future Pontiac off the road in the garage, I paid about $8 a year for zero-deductible Comprehensive coverage on it. Otherwise, if the house burned down, the car was My Problem and the insurance company would pretend it didn't exist.
Most homeowners policies that I know of do not cover anything automotive, cars, parts or otherwise.
FYI there is also usually a relatively low sub limit on tools, cash, jewelry, art, etc etc.
Countingcrowbars said:
edit: reason for the post? Just saw an exact copy of my car roll by on the same wheels. Wife isn't home to confirm car is still in garage. Lol. Paranoia grips me.
Perhaps wifey is out for a spin?
Are you certain aftermarket wheels aren't covered? Most policies allow some items, up to, say, $1500 but it of course varies.
If your wheels are valuable enough, you should make sure your cars insurance carrier knows about them. Or your $10k stereo, or your Rebello built engine...
Unless you have an unusual rider on your homeowner's policy it's not going to cover anything attached to your vehicle. You can get coverage for aftermarket wheels on your auto policy. Some policies cover aftermarket parts and modifications up to some dollar value and other's require a rider. Either way, it's best practice to determine what's covered and document what you have ahead of filing a claim.
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