Not to toot my own horn but......beep beep mother berkeleyed.
Fat, old, and still rad on a BMX bike.
I was voted most improved student in English 101 after going back to college after a 26 year break. During the first day the teacher had us wright a one page story about ourselves. After I handed it in, he told me that I should indent every time I change the subject and start a new paragraph. I told him I would except I hadn't changed the subject yet. It was a full page of one block paragraph.
In my defense, I somehow managed to make it through high school and a few years of college without ever taking grammar and I still have no idea how to make a complete sentence. My motto is, "When in doubt, punctuate."
I am the only person who has won an award for the Highest Placing Subaru at the $2000 Challenge.
(The award was only offered 1 year, and I had the only Subaru at the event that year)
In the 90s during the peak Chicago Bulls years I saw Horace Grant eating with his family crammed into a booth at Bakers Square. I also spotted Scotty Pippen shopping at Pier 1 Imports with his girlfriend. I was probably 10 or 12 and horribly shy so I merely admired from afar. I also didn't want to be like the other people bothering Horace while he's trying to have dinner and hopefully Frensh Silk pie for dessert.
Woody (Forum Supportum) said:John Buffum gave me gas money.
Pfft...I drove into the back of Victoria Buffum's Volvo wagon. She did not like being referred to as the wife (more accurately, ex-wife, of JB). That cost me about $800.
Years ago. I was autocrossing my 280z and spun while finishing a slalom. I threw it in reverse and backed the car through the last third of the course without hitting a cone. My official time was really slow and both of the local sports car clubs now have rules in my name that do not allow you to finish in reverse
I was voted Outstanding Senior Boy at Bay Shore High School (Class of 1987) by the faculty committee. They made the award up because they felt I deserved something. I got $100. I immediately went out and bought a Magnavox boombox/cd and cassette player and Some Great Reward, by Depeche Mode on CD. My first ever CD purchase.
Finally closed a work project I have been the direct lead on on for 7 years and the Associated Press did a story on it, but I cant share details because that would openly identify my employer.
Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) said:Mndsm said:I am currently 2-0 vs. People attempting to murder me.
Same here. First one was my mom.
Got me beat there. Never had a family member tried to kill me. Only steal all my money.
RevRico said:Every national chain I've worked for has closed within 3 months of my leaving.
Every non-chain business that my ex and I used to frequent had closed by the time I divorced her. I think it was a clue.
I received an academic letter in my Junior year in high school, for superior academic performance. Four of these were awarded that year.
In my senior year, I was suspended for publishing an underground newspaper. My co-author and I stated some very obvious truths, and it pissed some people off. The administrators had never seen that before; it took them 3 days to figure out how to bend the rules to actually suspend me. Upon my return, my Social Studies teacher, who was also my Debate coach, walked up to me in the middle of the cafeteria at lunch, smiled, shook my hand, and slapped my back.
I had the 2nd fastest car in my high school.
My hands appeared in an episode of Motor Week in 1994.
I designed the windshield washer nozzles for the Dodge Stratus / Chrysler Cirrus.
Datsun240ZGuy said:I was awarded Machinist of the Year at my vocational high school in 1980.
Still have and use a lot of the tools I was awarded.
I grew up in Downers Grove. Small world here!
I have a certificate attesting that a government agency, "reposing special trust and confidence" in my "integrity, diligence and discretion," finds me to have "the necessary knowledge, skill, experience, interest and impartial judgment to merit special public responsibility."
That certificate has also been stamped "CANCELLED"
I've kept a journal every day of my adult life and have written around 37 million words, which should give me the world record for longest journal some time next year. Not the longest kept journal, which is currently 91 years but most documented words written
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