Is something going on with the site today/recently?
I've been getting a lot of lag the past few days, and now a lot of cannot connects or connections refused.
Chrome on android and Windows.
most other sites I visit seem to be running normal, but this and a few not related others seem to be slowing down or going offline sorta frequently.
Edit: just saw some posts in the mod support thread, guess I'm not alone.
There was a little outage just now.
9/27/18 11:51 a.m.
Our office has been experiencing laggy internet in general for the last day or two. East coast USA.
GRM is not any worse than most other sites.
[edit] - Actually, strike that, reverse it. GRM is pretty laggy and I have seen a number of 502 Bad Gateway errors.
You're not alone; hadn't seen the mod thread, but GRM's been super-slow for me today, with at least one full blown Bad Gateway error.
I heard Verizon had big problems in the midwest, North Korea updating its OS?
9/27/18 12:38 p.m.
It has been 50/50 for me the past few hours, and only GRM. The rest of my internets have been fine.
It's been super slow since this morning.
It's pretty slow. I haven't seen any general slowdowns here in Eastern PA with most other sites.
I've also had a few Bad Gateway errors and slowness since the outage.
I just figured it was because I searched for Kia Rondo threads.
Right after I posted that it was working fine for me it just quit loading the site. Other sites seem ok. I reached out to Tom, so he should be checking on the hamster.
Some Linux developers may be creating some issues for certain ISPs today...
Yeah, sorry about the outages and the slow speeds, everybody. We're very much aware of them. Don't forget: you can always access this forum via our other site,, even if GRM is down for some reason.
Speaking of reason, we've had our crack team of 24 Hours of Lemons mechanics, err, uh, "developers" working on the sites all day. I think they're midway through swapping an Escort GT drivetrain into their Metro or something equally terrible as they attempt to get everything fixed. Fingers crossed!
17 major corporations are having back end infrastructure problems. Black hat hackers are making it a point to deliver stress to certain C e o's, one black web site say's Bill Cosby own's a butt load of the show's on T V and this is retaliation, My grand son is a Tower Climber, and Very knowledgeable and there is major Hacking going on to disrupt service, its the carrier's not the mag.
that's kinda insider info, Tom tell them back to work on the car, this isn't their Fix.
Did someone forget to pay the Cloudflare bill?
GTXVette said:
17 major corporations are having back end infrastructure problems. Black hat hackers are making it a point to deliver stress to certain C e o's, one black web site say's Bill Cosby own's a butt load of the show's on T V and this is retaliation, My grand son is a Tower Climber, and Very knowledgeable and there is major Hacking going on to disrupt service, its the carrier's not the mag.
Same CEOs that have been selling off stocks at a rate not seen since 2007?
My productivity has skyrocketed since the site has had issues!
That is unacceptable!
(My increased productivity, not the issues with the site. Stuff happens
Think of how many Challenge cars will be finished!
In reply to Tom Suddard :
Classic Motorsports seems to be even worse in terms of load times. If it loads at all.
9/28/18 10:33 p.m.
This has been going on for the past day or two. S L O W. At first I thought it was our internet service. But it looks like others are experiencing this extremely frustrating delay. Only here. What's going on? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. (Aren't we loyalists fickle!) In the meantime, even though I'd really like to be here and contribute and enjoy, I have other things to do. I can't wait. Please fix this.
I was just blaming my phone but I guess it's not the issue.