aircooled wrote: I have a Chechen joke: "knock, knock" "who's there" "secret police" "Come in. We have no door."
Apparently, the bombs were made with toy car parts and fireworks (among other things). Somewhere, heads are imploding and legislation will still get pushed through to ban gunpowder or at least require background know, "for the children"
House Homeland Security Committee Mike McCaul, who has been briefed on the bombing investigation, told Fox News the new information is further confirmation the two bombs were not made by amateurs.
“This transmitter that was used out of a toy car, that's a very sophisticated pressure cooker bomb that you don't see every day," McCaul said. "My judgment is they had training performed by either an individual or individuals who are still at large.”
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oh geezus
Oops. I just hit the exclamation point on accident on somebody's post. Mods, didn't mean to do that.
RoadRaceDart wrote: Apparently, the bombs were made with toy car parts and fireworks (among other things). Somewhere, heads are imploding and legislation will still get pushed through to ban gunpowder or at least require background know, "for the children" linky-link
Too late for that actually. Two or three scumbags have already started.
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