When opening a door to outside is like taking food out of the oven, except you don't get food.
When you stand well clear of the edges of parking lots to avoid the heat radiating from them.
When you can get a good even full-body tan right through your clothes.
When your engine temps climb from the sun hitting your radiator.
When exposed skin is soon covered in huge itchy welts from unseen bugs.
Summer is here
I can't remember which particular exotic locale is yours, but good job selling us on not adding overcrowding to your problems!
Normally I'm away for most of this but I'm saving up to go halfsies on an OLOA entry next year. Well, that and my 'rolla overhaul has my bank account on the ropes, so I'm staycationing this year.
I really wish I wasn't too cheap to buy a car with A/C. I'll literally stand on the sidewalk in the evening until I see an opportunity to jump in the car, start it, and punch the gas.
It was 102 here at 11:00 a.m. Saturday but the high today is only 69.
Alabama shared some of their rain with us. We were only 6" down.
So I'd usually be complaining with you, but can't complain right now.
Down here in Homestead it wasn't too bad today but I see the rest of the week will not have a lack of humidity or heat. No ocean breeze down here in the mangrove swamps and tree farms. Getting
Also: Mild winter = crazy amountsof bugs. I look like a berkeleying leper after cutting the grass this weekend. The mosquito bites are tolerable, but spider bites are teh suck.
Normally I would be in the middle of a humid IL heatfest, sweating inside with no A/C, but right now I am luckily in New Hampshire on a beautiful cool lake. Living the dream until friday! This is how summer should be spent.
Meh, summer has been pretty mild so far in Atlanta. It's been staying in the mid to upper 80s most of the time but rainy. It has gotten into the 90s a little bit but not that often. I am glad it's been pretty mild since I work in a non-climate controlled shop. I can tell when it's in the mid 90s, that's for damn sure.
Rainy and upper 80's/low 90's for the past few weeks. Finally got a break from the rain this AM but with all the puddles, groundwater etc the humidity is hanging around 90%. Hey, at least it's not the usual 'famously hot' (what a stupid slogan, who dreamed that ad campaign up?) ~100 degrees.
Winters here tend to be pretty mild with the exception of a few weeks around early February which will be wet and cold. It's a different kind of cold, it cuts right to the bone. 30 degrees here is miserable, the same temps in the mountains or at the coast are just brisk feeling.
We had a heat wave here a couple weeks ago. Actually got above 80! But it's back down the low 60's like it should be.
poopshovel wrote: I really wish I wasn't too cheap to buy a car with A/C. I'll literally stand on the sidewalk in the evening until I see an opportunity to jump in the car, start it, and punch the gas.
F that. I'm too lazy/old to drive a car without AC. Even my "race car" has fricking AC. Hell, I won't even ride the bike if it's too hot.
Curmudgeon wrote: Winters here tend to be pretty mild with the exception of a few weeks around early February which will be wet and cold. It's a different kind of cold, it cuts right to the bone. 30 degrees here is miserable, the same temps in the mountains or at the coast are just brisk feeling.
When south Louisiana gets cold, it's the same way. In MI, 30 degrees isn't as big a problem.
We're a couple of days into a 7-day heat wave right now. I'd rather deal with that than snow/slush/frigid temps.
Its 92-95 here. I ride to work. With a leather jacket, gloves and a full face helmet. Quitcherbitchin'.
Gearheadotaku wrote: It's better than 15 degrees with blowing snow and a power outage!![]()
It was snowing near where I was working last week... of course, it's about 3000kms north of a lot of youse mericans
We had a big rainstorm come through during our track day on Saturday. It dropped 0.09" of water. That brings the total for the month to 0.10" - which is a tenth of an inch more than we got in June. And we have some seriously intense sun to go along with it, they don't even bother with the UV index in the weather forecast because it's off the scale.
It's that time of year. No bugs, they can't survive.
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