I know my industry pretty well, know what most positions do, and could probably move into other, more interesting roles if I really wanted to. I'm just generally interested in the multitudes of work people do.
Occasionally I'll hear about someone else's job and go "whoa, that sounds cool, how you'd get into that?" and most are like "oh I saw a job opening and just applied."
I've met self-employed plumbers who made their jobs sound awesome, people making peanuts being instructors at summer camps, Grand Canyon Riverboat guides, field welders (like those in this community), people who own vehicle restoration shops. All sound cool, and aside from some practice or basic training, most didn't need expensive education, credentials, or super specific work experience. They all said "that sounds cool, I think I'll apply."
Here's what I'm looking for:
1) A job (or position title) that you know exists and can be obtained by most mechanically/technically inclined people. As in, you don't need to be a super awesome mechanical engineer with all the credentials, or rock star computer programmer, or some published scientist with all the right academic connections. Nor do I want to see jobs like "CEO" because while some CEOs might have awesome jobs, they require lots of industry experience, specialized training, and often times degrees.
2) Technical/Mechanical jobs only. I don't want a list of dream jobs like "Playboy Photographer" or "Race Car Driver". Jobs that you didn't need to start preparing for when you were a child, or that you need to back for another college degree to obtain. This doesn't necessarily mean I'm looking for a list of blue collar jobs, because there are plenty of jobs out there that aren't necessarily blue collar, but don't need super specialized training, either.
For example:
My BIL knows a guy who supports a family of 10 (omg right?) on a single income by traveling around the country disassembling, transporting, and assembling radar installations. Apparently it's a cool job where he splits time between working in a factory on refurbishments, but a couple of times a year will be called out across the country to move or build a new radar installation. His title something like "Field Radar Technician". I don't think he has any military experience nor a degree. Pretty neat sounding gig.
I would never even think to apply, or even look for an open position as "Field Radar Technician" because well...it was completely off my radar...
Any jobs that you've heard about it or knew someone working them where you were like "damn, that's a cool job!" and were almost half tempted to find a similar position yourself?