GRM is one of the best forums. A great group of folks.
As I was on another (am I cheating on you'all?) forum some dude jammed me for complaining about him putting on a second fake tailpipe to look like a dual exhaust.
You guys are the best! That is all, back to work.
I sometimes put a third eye sticker in the middle of my forehead just cause you know it freaks people out, and I think thats bitchin yo.
I think many of us are on multiple car forums, but I have to say that this is still one of the best.
So many people with so many different interest in automotive genres makes a great melting pot.
Fake is lame, you're right, he's an idiot.
Out of all of the automotive sites I'm a member of, this one is by far the best. The second best is a car section in an urban exploration forum. It's a close second. The auto forums I moderate are full of idiots.
Trans_Maro wrote:
Fake is lame, you're right, he's an idiot.
so you don't think i should put non functional side pipes on my Camaro then?
In reply to Datsun310Guy:
Hey NEWB, this this topic is old news. USE THE SEARCH.
I've decided I can judge the quality of a forum by the nature of the OT forum area. GRM scores way up there, as does Corner-Carvers. ADVrider is also a go-to for what I'd call "quality of life" issues. If there are good thinkers posting in the OT forum, then you'll usually get good responses in the tech sections.
Otherwise, you've got NASIOC and Bimmerforums as a suitable contrast. 
I know evil, I hang out on TCL.
I consdiered posting about, but that joke was old a year ago. 
I'm on a few. This is the best. Second best that I'm on is SomethingAwful's Automotive Insanity. But it might have more to do with the sign-up fee, strict rules and banhappy mods than naturally cool members as GRM has 
JThw8 wrote:
slefain wrote:
I know evil, I hang out on TCL.
I also hang out on the HAMB. Now THAT is a unique group.
Worst I've ever seen is pirate4x4...holy hell...
The fake tailpipe is the strap-on of the automotive world. If you have one, you deserve to be flamed. They flamed the wrong person.
7/9/12 8:08 a.m.
slefain wrote:
JThw8 wrote:
slefain wrote:
I know evil, I hang out on TCL.
I also hang out on the HAMB. Now THAT is a unique group.
LOL...we frequent a lot of the same places. The HAMB gets interesting but at least it's interesting in a "keeping out the people who don't get it" way as opposed to TLCs embracing of the idiotic masses. Actually if TLC and the HAMB were to cross paths they might explode.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Worst I've ever seen is pirate4x4...holy hell...
Holy smokes, heaven help you if you aren't a level 1000 chassis fabricator and post on Pirate4x4. Want to start World War III? Go on Pirate4x4 and ask what kind of lift blocks to use on the front of your truck.
Seems to go with the territory.
I go on two make/model specific sites and since i have or do own both i triy to give advice to neophites.
I have been accused of posting nothing but negative thoughts and on and on.
Jus shrug it off or come back with a funny retort.
What I like about this site is the varied topics that are posted and the broad amount of knowledge and experience .
Yes this forum is the best.
The only thing I dislike about one particular forum I go on is the "LEARN TO SEARCH, NOOB!!!!1!!1!!!ONE!" attitude. It takes less effort to answer a simple question than to flame someone for not searching through a decade of threads.
Overall, I would have to toss it up between here, for the left and right action, or, for going straight and the pr0n. Everywhere else I go is make/model or region specific. I don't expect many here to be into fixing Powerstrokes or liking Rangers, Dakotas, or putting LSx's into anything....
lol...I love this forum a lot. Ive been a member of many car forums, and this one is easily the most tolerant. is pretty good, the cars are starting to age pretty significantly, so participation is waning a little. But its kinda nice to be a forum where the majority of owners arent total riceheads (remember kids, rice doesnt have to be Japanese...please see any of the recent "stacks" threads).
thanks for staying cool GRM!
GRM - keeping it cooool since 1984
Ranger50 wrote:
Overall, I would have to toss it up between here, for the left and right action, or, for going straight and the pr0n. Everywhere else I go is make/model or region specific.I don't expect many here to be into fixing Powerstrokes or liking Rangers, Dakotas, or putting LSx's into anything....
That last sentence was sarcastic, right? 
Rob_Mopar wrote:
Ranger50 wrote:
Overall, I would have to toss it up between here, for the left and right action, or, for going straight and the pr0n. Everywhere else I go is make/model or region specific.I don't expect many here to be into fixing Powerstrokes or liking Rangers, Dakotas, or putting LSx's into anything....
That last sentence was sarcastic, right?
I'm just saying at times, a Miata isn't an appropriate answer for everything. 
I'll trade you a 5.7 Hemi for a 5.3...