Last day for two weeeks today. When do other people "break free"?
I am pretty fortunate with my job to have the time that I do.
I will be lucky to squeeze in a few vacation days between the holidays this year. I guess it's good to be busy for a change but I could do with a little R & R with the kids while they are off of school.
Well, today is the last day before the last week of work before Christmas, so I guess thats something.
My last day as well. Tomorrow is packing up the car and heading back to the hometown to catch up with friends, deal with Christmas and relax some. Today is going to be a long one.
This year we get 12/24 and 12/31 off. (Paid - Official Holiday)
I am taking 12/23 and 12/30 as vacation days. (or lose them).
Yeah... I only get the 24th and the 3rd off as paid holidays. But at least I'm working! (And overtime too!)
ZOO wrote: Last day for two weeeks today. When do other people "break free"? I am pretty fortunate with my job to have the time that I do.
Me too! And I'm headed somewhere warm!
I just got done with smashing my head in with a brick, er, finals, yesterday. Whew! Its ice hockey time.
They give us the 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 31st off, I'm using a vacation day on the 29th/30th.
So I work the next two Mon/Tues, then not back until Jan 4th.
So two consecutive 5 day weekends work for me.
I'm sure it will be spent very productively.................drinking copius amounts of deliciously malted and hopped beverages whilst playing GT5 and Assasins Creed:Brotherhood.
I get saturdays and sundays off. January 6-10 I go to Alexandria LA, with the guys that lived next door when we were kids, for some duck hunting and yo yo fishing. After family get together christmas eve I will head to northern MI to hunt deer and target shoot.
Off? What is this "off" and "vacation" you speak of. I'm giving my employee most of next week and the following off to go visit the in laws which means I get to work twice as hard.
one of the other guys got the last 2 weeks of december off...that means as of Monday I have to switch to 2nd shift all the way through new years...merry effin xmas
I've got the 24th and the 31st off, we didn't really care for going anywhere so I'll just use the quiet period between Christmas and New Year to get some work done without much in the way of interruption.
so this is my last day of work before the end..
I walked up to my boss to wish him a happy xmas and he goes..... "You're not going to be in next week".. "Do I have your cell phone number" " We may need you to come in to work all break"..
I have been off for two weeks and I restart school on January 10th. My last winter break time to enjoy it.
the plant closes Fri and reopens on the 3rd... all paid ('cept one day you have to take no pay/use a vacation day) there is the option to work (for some it's not an option) but at least you double time and a half..
I have the 24th thru (including) the 3rd off. 1.5 weeks, and I only had to use 3 of my own vacation days.
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