Turns out there's precious little that's not "top ten clickbait review site's edger reviews" on this topic. So to GRM it is!
I've got a moderately sized front yard and park strip, though we're planning to move and will likely have as much or more. I don't want to try to get a power cord all the way to where I need to edge.
Brands? Types? Guessing anything cordless isn't going to be up to it, doubly so on this first go where the lawn hasn't been edged in a decade or so...
I'm standing in a Lowe's right now, facing a plasticy looking Troy-Bilt TB516 EC and a much more solid looking B&S-engined TB554... But I know doodly about Troy-Bilt.
Any recommendations?
Similar situation here. 100'+ of sidewalk and curb. Looked online, but found nothing I liked.
E36 M3, another job to get done.
I have an echo srm 230 weed whacker with steel blades. Flip it over 45* and it does edger duty. We've got about 200+ feet of sidewalk/ frontage plus beds around the house and trees. By far a heavier duty thing than the box stores have.
Hey, I edged the front lawn this morning! I have one of those old-school manual rotary edgers--one like this.
No cords, no gas. It always starts. I forget where I got mine. It has a wooden handle.
Also useful when/if the zombies attack.
I have one that I bought from Home Depot last year. I forget the brand but I'll check it out. I don't really have a lawn worth edging (I live on a dirt road) but I used it for one pass around the house to install an invisible fence for the dog. It was outstanding for that purpose, but I no longer have a use for it. I'd sell it for $100, but shipping would probably be a deal breaker.
I think it's this one:
Depending on how much yard you have I like my 40v Ryobi. It's not super heavy duty but I use the power head as a trimmer/weedwacker too so this works.
I use the Troybilt weedeater that takes attachments. But then I have a 1 acre wooded yard. I have numerous attachments for it. Both straight and curved weedeater, brushcutter, pole saw, edger, hedge trimmer, leaf blower and cultivator. About the only one I don't have is the snowblower but we don't get much snow here in north Alabama. There are a couple recent attachments I don't have but don't need. Like different type of leaf blowers, only need one. One engine for multiple uses. They seem to wear out every several years. Been in this house 19 years and on my 3rd motor and 4th weedeater attachment, it gets used a lot. Just had to replace the hedgetrimmer, the old one lasted about 15 years before the aluminum case broke. In the scheme of things, I think that's pretty good track record for the way things are built nowadays and the way I use them. Although I would recommend a 2-stroke. The last one I bought was a 4 stroke and it leaks like a sieve. Have to add oil every time I use it and if I use it any length of time have to top it off when I gas it up. Winter project is to tear it down and reseal the oil sump. First one was a Ryobi 2-stroke, lasted about 6-7 years before the motor gave out. Second was a Troybilt 2-stroke, lasted about the same before the shaft seized. Anyone know if the shafts interchange between brands, Ryobi & Troybilt? Had the 4-stoke a couple years now and has leaked since new, tried fixing it but didn't want to tear it that far down.
Andy Neuman wrote: In reply to Patrick: Yes, my neighbors would love you.
I'll ask. I'm not sure if it followed me home or is still at her house but if so will bring to challenge for you. Willing to trade for a q45 pickup truck
Not really though, I'm not about to get stuck with a sawzalled nitrous exploded q45 1000 miles from home.
This thread is already so much more awesome than I could have hoped for...
We already know Mr. Wallens is made of sterner stuff than I, but I think I still have blisters from the last time I used a manual edger/zombie flail in 2005...
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