Total newb here, no experience other than getting a few offers while selling cars and the occasional glance at the pawn shop. Are the $50 pistol kits at dicks any good? Any websites for beginners/Good ideas for a first timer?
Don't get a pistol. Get a decent starter with hopper and tank <$100. Like the Tippman 98 Custom, it is the marker that most paintball places rent out.
Getting shot in the throat hurts. Other than that, I got nothin'.
Well, OK, one more thing: I'd say rent a time or two to see if you like the game/sport/hobby and the crowd it draws locally before you sink a bunch of money into it. I've played with some pretty cool people and some total Bob Costi. You might want to see who shows up locally before you sink a bunch of cash into it.
Don't buy your own paintball gun yet, use the rental stuff first and then decide on what you want to buy. In paintball, pistols are rich guy toys, stick with rifles. Wear heavy & baggy pants to slow down the paintballs before they hit your legs or junk. A thick long-sleeve shirt is good enough for occasional play, but if you want to get more serious about it you'll want to get a proper paintball shirt made of stiff material. Getting hit in the neck is the worst.
I doubt you can play anywhere without eye protection, but seriously, WEAR EYE PROTECTION. They make masks that cover your throat as well.
Guys that play a lot can raise their rifle above an obstacle and fire off 20 rounds in 2 seconds with accuracy. Start with other beginners if you don't want to end up with a lot of welts.
pinchvalve wrote: Guys that play a lot can raise their rifle above an obstacle and fire off 20 rounds in 2 seconds with accuracy.
Even without accuracy, the rate of fire stacks the odds heavily against you...
Definitely rent first. Mask and gun rental is pretty darn cheap, especially when paired with field usage fees. I always check Groupon and the like before I go to a field too.
It's damn good fun.
When the groom trips while running from you, and you stop and empty your gun into his back he will be in a great deal of pain on his wedding day and his bride will still hate you 12 years later.
In reply to Flat_Black13z:
The $50 guns at Dick's are junk. I concur with what others have said about potentially renting the first few times you play to see how you like it, etc.
If you decide you want to start buying your own gear, I'd recommend the forums at for advice on all things paintball.
I too vote for renting to try it out first. After that, decide what you want to do.
Depending upon the day & field, I either take out the Spyder AMG w/18" J&J and ricochet 2k(for short speedball games), the mechanical autococker w/ricochet 2k(for longer speedball & certain high volume scenario work), or my stock class CCI Phantom pump(used primarily in scenario games)
I had a Tiberius pistol for awhile, but a friend traded me the CCI phantom for it, and I missed the phantom I had a decade ago.
Thanks for the insight guys, we are looking to add some fun to our field car races, didn't know if the cheap used/new guns would work for us. Have y'all seen the Audis against each other in the warehouse?
i would hit up some pawn shops for used paintball guns, my friends and i have had good luck with used guns. the guns are pretty simple so even if there is something wrong with it fixing it shouldnt be a problem.
Flat_Black13z wrote: Thanks for the insight guys, we are looking to add some fun to our field car races, didn't know if the cheap used/new guns would work for us. Have y'all seen the Audis against each other in the warehouse?
Hopefully, you're not planning on shooting and driving at the same time. Not to be a killjoy, but target fixation is a real thing.
Don't get me wrong, it sounds awesome.
Agreed on renting for your first time out. Don't be intimidated by guys shooting buckets of paint.
A great first gun would be a Tippmann A5 (no surprise there). Some like the 98, but I've had good luck picking up ex-rental A5s and throwing new O-rings in there. I have ~120 into two of them and haven't had any major issues.
I eventually upgraded to an Invert Mini GS. My reasoning is that I lack any stealth ability @ 6'4" 230lbs, and can't run to save my life. In the private games I play with friends, it seems to level out the playing field. Granted, I keep the ROF capped @ 12 BPS. Very rarely do I feel the need for more firepower. Most of these guys are using A5s with e-triggers, a few other mid-tier electros, etc.
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