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Twin_Cam SuperDork
12/19/10 10:42 a.m.
integraguy wrote: I do find it comical that folks "rationalize" hanging in the left lane at the speed limit by saying they are only obeying the law....the speed limit law. They can't understand how dangerous it is to them and you when you are forced to pass them on the (what is/was) illegal side.

Again, forced to pass. Is someone holding a gun to your head or something? Oh my god they're going slower than me. It's a total insult to my manhood if I hang in this lane for an extra 26 seconds to wait for them to move. The world behind me is being consumed by zombies and I need need need to go faster!

Note the smiley to indicate I'm only kidding. I'm just trying to wrap my head about being so gung-ho on passing and needing traffic that is still moving at a good clip to get the hell out of your way lest the world end. Maybe I'm old already..."slow down, where's the fire, you darned kids?!"

wbjones Dork
12/19/10 10:52 a.m.

you-all continue to refer to this problem as "fear of merging".... don't think that's actually the case... I'm thinking it's more like ... most Americans just plain can't drive with a E36 M3.... most don't understand the concept of getting up to , even going faster than, the traffic since it's easier to slow down and merge than it is to speed up.. plus most don't seem to be able to use the outside mirrors ... walk through a parking lot and amuse yourself by noting where the mirrors are pointed...

don't think they fear merging , just don't know how

WilberM3 HalfDork
12/19/10 11:31 a.m.
donalson wrote: ...perhaps the fear of merging into traffic is why we don't have round-a-bouts in the states...

there's quite a few in eastern MA actually. but you can see who's afraid and who knows what the hell to do pretty easily.

Grtechguy SuperDork
12/19/10 11:39 a.m.

We're getting quite a few in West Michigan as well. Some people get it, and some people freak when getting to them

gamby SuperDork
12/19/10 12:33 p.m.
WilberM3 wrote:
donalson wrote: ...perhaps the fear of merging into traffic is why we don't have round-a-bouts in the states...
there's quite a few in eastern MA actually. but you can see who's afraid and who knows what the hell to do pretty easily.

Ditto for RI, although the one I go through regularly has people in the middle yielding to the ones waiting to enter-- some people are just plain dumb.

Appleseed SuperDork
12/20/10 11:13 a.m.

There's a round-about near me in Mount Prospect. The asphalt looks like a 3rd grader's sparkly glitter project from all the busted glass from accidents.

93celicaGT2 SuperDork
12/20/10 11:27 a.m.

They just put one in at the MALL a couple miles from me.

Yeah. Perfect place. Let's put one in where thousands of 16 year old girls who have never even HEARD of a roundabout/rotary can see one firsthand up close and personal, EVERY DAY.

MA$$hole New Reader
12/20/10 11:34 a.m.

I've told numerous left lane violators that I know that in Massachusett it is (or was) a law that you can be cited for traveling more than one mile in the left (passing) lane. Surprising how many people had no idea of that.

What gets me most is the jackhole that gets on the highway & makes a bee line for the left lane & proceeds to do less the than speed limit.

RoosterSauce Reader
12/20/10 11:53 a.m.

I actually looked up the law for Michigan, and keep right/pass left only applies to two-lane roads. Once there are three or more lanes, it's a free for all.

DukeOfUndersteer SuperDork
2/11/11 1:59 p.m.


foxtrapper SuperDork
2/11/11 2:13 p.m.
mad_machine wrote: terrified mergers.. you must be in PA. Once upon a time, they had no merge there. You had to come to a complete stop before entering a freeway. I think that changed 50 years ago.. but people STILL do it.

Oh, they still have a number of ramps like that. Makes driving real interesting.

Strizzo SuperDork
2/11/11 2:26 p.m.
Appleseed wrote: There's a round-about near me in Mount Prospect. The asphalt looks like a 3rd grader's sparkly glitter project from all the busted glass from accidents.

there's one by my office that i go through on my way home most days. one person that i've come across a couple times now will stop in the roundabout if i'm approaching. i can't imagine what goes through their head to make them think they need to yeild, but they still do, so frustrating

Grtechguy SuperDork
2/11/11 5:08 p.m.
donalson wrote: ...perhaps the fear of merging into traffic is why we don't have round-a-bouts in the states...

We're getting more and more of them around west Michigan

iceracer Dork
2/11/11 5:40 p.m.

In reply to WilberM3:

NYS is on roundabout binge

ncjay Reader
2/11/11 7:54 p.m.

I spend much of my time in the wee hours of the morning on a 4 lane stretch of interstate. It still blows my mind to watch someone come down the entrance ramp and jump over 3 empty lanes to hit the far left lane and then ride below the speed limit. Most mornings the far right lane is completely empty while everyone runs all over each other trying to be in the left lane. Slow traffic keep right. Keep right except to pass. Those things used to mean something.

porksboy SuperDork
2/12/11 6:24 a.m.

Do you guys have traffic lights on the entrance ramps? We do of 75 here in Atlanta. It's supposed to "facilitate merging by creating a gap in traffic" What? How the hell is stopping the cars coming on to the interstate supposed to create a gap in the cars already ON the interstate? I only stop at the ones that the copshang out near. Maybe the lights are a revenue generator after all? I wonder how much of my tax dollars each of those lights cost?

f86sabjf Reader
2/12/11 6:48 a.m.

there was something in the news down here in Fla about issuing tickets for left hand blockers a few weeks ago. I believe they are going after the impeding the flow of traffic angle and also the road rage angle. We will see what our wonderful state gov't does

novaderrik HalfDork
2/13/11 12:50 a.m.

just the other day i had to deal with an idiot in a brand new Toyota Corolla (didn't even have plates yet- just the 21 day permit in the window and dealer name plate in the bumper) that decided he needed to stay in the left lane of I94 all the way from Fargo, ND to Fergus Falls, MN- that's just over 50 miles. he would cruise along at exactly the 70mph speed limit for a while, then speed up to 80 or so for a while.. i generally go 75-80 down that stretch of road because that's where i feel comfortable. given that the dealer plate was for a dealer in the Minneapolis/St Paul area, i assume that this guy was going to ride in the left lane for another 150 miles after i last saw him..

i think i passed him on the right 5 times- then a few miles later he'd pass me and then slow down once he got a ways ahead. there was a couple of times where he caused me to get stuck behind one of those people that thinks that their car will fall apart if they go over 65- and i really hate slowing down and speeding up again if i don't have to, especially in a 2.5 powered Chevy Celebrity that takes forever to get back up to cruising speed..

yes, he was wearing one of those bluetooth things that makes anyone look like a dork, and yes, his jaw was flapping the whole time...

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