When I went off to college I left behind a foot locker filled with legos - no organization, just a big box o bricks and parts. When my mom split up with the person who owned the house, she left the trunk in the shed. Then the house owner died.
It makes me sad.
I got at least one lego kit for every gifting holiday as far back as I can remember growing up until I discovered RC cars at age 10 or 11, and even then I still built stuff with the bricks I had. Now they are....set free.....
I had to drag SWMBO out to see it with me (not as difficult as getting her to see Pacific Rim with me though...) and to her surprise she loved it. We were singing "Everything Is Awesome" for weeks.
Watched through the Blu-ray with the commentary turned on over the weekend- wasn't quite as good as I'd hoped since it was a ton of the voice actors (though not the biggest-name ones) and the directors and they largely just chatted and joked for the length of the movie and only occasionally pointed out cool things that you might have missed. For example- the scene where the pig-drawn wagon the heroes are riding on when trying to escape from the Wild West goes over the cliff. One of the LEGO pigs goes over with them, and if you watch it when it falls in the background it explodes into a shower of LEGO sausages.
The SPACESHIP!!! kit is one of my favorite LEGO kits in a long time. My only disappointment was that when they made Benny they DIDN'T just include a broken original-style helmet, they made a new-style one with the 'break' molded into it. Once I have my office unpacked enough I'm going to rifle through my old LEGO bins and find an original (likely broken) helmet to put on him.
My big foot locker full of Lego is at my parents' house. I would have it at my place, except that my little nieces and nephew play with it constantly. It kinda hurts seeing all my unusual Technic stuff getting trampled and bent and lost - but it is fulfilling its destiny. The kids don't have any "kits" and no instructions, so everything is right out of Cloud Cuckoo Land.
Last time I was over there I made a drag racing lawnmower.
Ashyukun wrote: I had to drag SWMBO out to see it with me (not as difficult as getting her to see Pacific Rim with me though...) and to her surprise she loved it.
Mrs. Duke and I went to see it without the kids in attendance. Kids are 22 and 18 anyway. It was 9:00p on a Saturday night, the theater was maybe 70% full, and I counted a total of 5 children.
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