1992 Honda Civic DX 5 speed 138,000 miles the car runs great needs a lil body work and needs a hood and there is a crack in the wind shiled. The dill hole who had it befor me spray painted everything blue under the hood like a dumb ass. LOOKING TO TRADE FOR HATCH BACK OR COUPE $3500 obo
Y'all have seen my Neon's multi-colored engine bay, so when I say that thing looks like bleep, you can take it to the bank. Good Lord!
Are you blue-ish??
Funny, you don't look blue-ish...
For the benefit of Mr. Kite There will be a show tonight on trampoline The Hendersons will all be there Late of Pablo-Fanques Fair Have you seen it? It’s great. They got stuff.
Over men and horses hoops and garters Lastly through a hogshead of real fire! In this way Mr. K. will challenge the world! With the blue people! They're great! They're just... chilled out!
Someone needs to do a study on the relationship between a person's writing skills and their taste in aftermarket body kits.
I see your blue and raise you a red.
This owner must be the dill hole though, because he didn't mention the P.O. having anything to do with it.
My wife "I guess I can't appreciate art."
"Shouldn't they have used big "M" shaped wire looms then?"
TJ wrote: They were tryin' to get Mickey D's to sponsor them so they added a little yellow.
True. Sponsors chose the bay's color treatment. Based on that, can you guess who sponsored my engine build?
Boy Scouts of America?
Willie's Used Tire Co.?
NYG95GA wrote:
TJ wrote: They were tryin' to get Mickey D's to sponsor them so they added a little yellow.True. Sponsors chose the bay's color treatment. Based on that, can you guess who sponsored my engine build? Many of you have already been subjected to it, but for the noobs who pay no attention to the left side of their screen or peruse the Reader's Rides, let me sting your eyes one more time..
Ok, normally I'd be all WTF. But there is something all different kinds of epic there. I have respect for it.
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