Something tells me this isn't the first pump-and-dump she's ever been involved with, although this one is of a decidedly different manner.
Duke said:
Conversely, since lemons aren't a naturally-occuring fruit, when life doesn't give you lemons, go out and hybridize citruses until you get some.
In reply to NickD :
Maybe belongs in the automotive quotes thread.
C&D had a long term M3 of the E36 variety. They reported that the dash sprouted a crack in that year.
A reader wrote in, incredulous that they could give the car a glowing review despite that.
"Ed." replied "The dash could have sprouted daffodils and we wouldn't have cared. It's that good."
In reply to RealMiniNoMore (Forum Supporter) :
So, killing people we don't like is what we are doing now? And we are OK with that? (not referring to you specifically BTW)
Seems like a bad road to go down.
"We were all for it... until they came for us"
In reply to aircooled :
If it were a dictator who had killed hundreds or thousands of people as he strip-mined his country to enrich himself and his cronies we wouldn't be surprised. It's difficult to say how it's all that different. It's a little more than "people we don't like". There is almost definitely an inappropriately dead loved one involved here.
In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :
I'm sure. But the E36 M3 door panel gag is funny every time I see it. I remember Hoonigan buying a verrrrrry cheap one, and they did a walkaround a d as soon as they opened the door to pop the hood and they all busted out laughing while Brian Scotto was like "Suddenly I don't feel so good about this purchase."
This post has received too many downvotes to be displayed.
In reply to Keith Tanner :
So, if someone dies in a crash that is related to a Flying Miata product (developed appropriately under all current laws and regulations, I know it's not completely analogous, but I think you get the idea ).
You are OK with one of their relative killing you in cold blood in revenge? I suspect not. You seem like a very reasonable person.
(I am in NO way suggesting ANYONE kill ANYONE here)
(love your products BTW, NO slight intended)
I can certainly under stand WHY someone would do this. The general support of the act, seem very inappropriate, and generally dangerous (societally).
Steve_Jones said:
nice, that's the equivalent of just about 10 hours at his published compensation of $10m.
aircooled said:In reply to Keith Tanner :
So, if someone dies in a crash that is related to a Flying Miata product (developed appropriately under all current laws and regulations, I know it's not completely analogous, but I think you get the idea ).
You are OK with one of their relative killing you in cold blood in revenge? I suspect not. You seem like a very reasonable person.
(I am in NO way suggesting ANYONE kill ANYONE here)
(love your products BTW, NO slight intended)
I can certainly under stand WHY someone would do this. The general support of the act, seem very inappropriate, and generally dangerous (societally).
The difference is intent. These people are knowingly hurting and killing people for profit. Withholding medical care is basically the business plan, because you don't get the profit margins by paying out. It's also different than a malpractice suit, which is an error.
The fact that it's a business person and not a dictator (who might be working under the laws he helped put in place, also not necessarily different than the CEO of a $100B/year company with an army of lobbyists) is the only difference here. The support of the act is an indication that the general public is tired of the way corporations use the general public without oversight or any sort of personal responsibility.
The danger is that it turns into some sort of revolution. Now, I'm no scholar of American history but I think that's happened before to various extents. Sometimes it's taxation without representation. Sometime's it's a person the wrong color sitting on a bus seat. Maybe this time it's for-profit health care.
In reply to Keith Tanner :
I just find is a bit strange that the owner / head of a company would be OK with the concept of a disgruntled customer (even if it involved death) seeking revenge by killing the head of a company, which you seem to be(?). Or more to the point, that you would be OK with people supporting that(?)
I also really don't see how threat of violence or death is a way to change how health care works. Yes, it bring attention (very poorly), but there are VERY few who are unaware of how F-d up the HC system is. HC exec make lots of money and can afford a lot of security. Who do "they" kill now?
If a new company props up, let's call it Walking Miata, that makes lower quality versions of the high quality product that FM makes, to maximize profit, and one of those less the FM quality products is a primary factor in the death of someone, despite being entirely legally and regulation wise proper. You think killing that owner is a reasonable act? I certainly would not think so. You don't think that sets a horrible precedent, that might be used to justify acts against, let's say, far more well intended companies, and their leaders?
Like I say, I understand the act. The support for it is a bit dumbfounding to me. I mean, I understand why also, but much like the act I very much don't agree with it or excuse it. I understand why Putin invaded Ukraine. I certainly don't support the act in any way, nor do I excuse those that do.
And no, not ironic:
In reply to aircooled :
Can we get back to memes? They're joke photos that make fun of current events, not to be taken seriously in case you forgot.
The cartoon duck and cartoon rabbit should have given it away
In reply to aircooled and Keith :
I would say the difference is in the amount of dead people, the total cost involved, the people making the decisions, and the amount of decision making in between the costs and the amount of dead people that the customer and possibly victim have no say in.
I have to say that I'm really disappointed in myself for the lack of empathy that I have for the murder victim.
meme unrelated:
In reply to Steve_Jones :
Yeah, it's almost like maybe we probably should not post socially (or politically obviously) charged memes. Posting such things essentially demands some sort of reply, or it implies concent to the implied message (we are hunting CEO's now vs: no, some vigilante clown took the law in their own hands and murdered someone and that is not OK in any way, even if he is an a-hole).
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