Why is it that during the week I get about 3-4 hour of sleep each night, wake up tired, but go asnd smash the rest of the day fine, but get a decent amount of sleep (6hrs) on Sunday, and I have a massive, debilitating headache? EVERY-DANM-SUNDAY! Almost as if my brain and body are punishing me for not going to work and being exhausted.
I have a E36 M3 load of work to do, except this work around the house, I don't get paid for. berkeley you, brain, I'm getting real tired of your E36 M3.
In reply to Appleseed :
I have the same problem. Honestly I figure it's because I get super comfy and my neck gets all berkeleyed up.
Possible. I go to the doc on Wednesday to look at a bunch of other things that are berked up on my body, I'll add that to the list.
In reply to Appleseed :
I run into headaches from sleeping too long, but mine are always dehydration headaches. I just end up getting fluids sooner if I wake up sooner.
fasted58 said:In reply to Appleseed :
Is there a chance you may have sleep apnea?
This is well worth investigating.
We've found out i have sleep apnea.
Headache is spinal damage for me....
You got insurance appleseed?
Insurance? Yes. But lately it's proven to be nearly worthless. Maybe I'll get lucky and it will pan out. But I won't be shocked when it doesn't.
Tired of chasing my direct family around at the holidays when it is becoming obvious that I'm the only one putting in any effort. Next year I'm going to just send presents direct via Amazon and stop trying to orchestrate family get-togethers.
Conversely my various in-laws are coming in from around the country and are not only highly organized, but actually looking forward to seeing us.
It snowed last night, maybe 5" give or take.
Daughter's school district and out-of-school care (through the county) closed for today, but sent the notice out last night.
I was on the roads this morning for the gym and they're good enough you can drive on.
Hopefully today will be quiet work-wise and home-wise as she gets crazy if I don't play with her.
Why is nobody else in my wife's extended family on board with canceling Christmas presents for adults? Am I really a grinch?
In reply to (not) WilD (Matt) :
We found a compromise in our family by doing a Yankee gift exchange. On my Mom's side, it's more of a gimmick gift of $10 and every gift starts with a certain letter (this year it's "N"). With my brothers and sister and sisters-in-law, we do a $35 limit and the gift is booze. It reduces the cost/stress of buying gifts but still gives an opportunity for engaging in the whole giving spirit. Plus you can have some wicked fights about stealing gifts. My recommendation is to have a written ruleset.
We have a white elephant. This year wife and I are re-gifting the Fish Sauce we got at the same exchange 2 years ago, and a potato cookbook with a sack of potatoes.
Brett_Murphy said:Tactical Penguin said:Rarely do things fail when it's convenient. It would've been really nice if the TV had crapped out last week when I had access to a crew cab pickup truck, instead I get to make it fit into the Elantra in the rain.
Sounds like you're buying a very large, brand new TV. That sounds like a win, to me.
Just trying to fit a 50 inch TV into the backseat of a sport compact while exhausted was the rant, slightly upsizing and enjoying that even pedestrian TV sets have 4K and HDR is pretty amazing. Three hundred bucks I didn't want to spend around Christmas, but it certainly gets used enough.
In reply to (not) WilD (Matt) :
I've already fought this battle. Telling them that "I couldn't really afford to do Christmas for more than my immediate family and that if I was given a gift, I wouldn't reciprocate" really helped.
In reply to (not) WilD (Matt) :
We've done something of a hybrid of that... for the family that we don't see at the time (which is mostly my extended family) we only get actual presents for those under 18 (and thankfully most all of them love LEGO almost as much as I do so I get to have fund with those..). For my family (parents and brother) that we usually have Christmas with over Thanksgiving, we just get small things for them. For the in-laws that we see over actual Christmas- which is like 10-12 adults and 4 kids- we do small, funny gifts for the adults and normal gifts for the children. It helps that for the most part we're the most well-off of the family (excepting one uncle) so most everyone else was happy to not have to buy us presents.
wae's Yankee/White Elephant/'Dirty Santa' as I've heard it called gift exchange could be fun though, especially knowing my in-laws...
Sitting in jury duty. I am not a happy camper. But they have WiFi and power. I really want a cup of coffee though.
FuzzWuzzy said:It snowed last night, maybe 5" give or take.
Daughter's school district and out-of-school care (through the county) closed for today, but sent the notice out last night.
I was on the roads this morning for the gym and they're good enough you can drive on.
Hopefully today will be quiet work-wise and home-wise as she gets crazy if I don't play with her.
Schools typically don't make that call, the bus drivers do and if they aren't driving, then the schools aren't open. Day Cares, etc follow what the schools do.
So find a Bus Driver and complain to them, they started that E36 M3 show.
It was cold and rainy all weekend.
It's 65 and sunny now. This "rain on the weekend" think is coincidental and random, but it really seems like it rained on many of the weekends I have had a bit of free time to work on the cars.
Being one of the folks that performs all of my project car work outside, this has made for a slow year.
I was looking forward to a hot slice, a real black and white, and a Spetzi (yeah, one of those is not like the other- I've had a varied life...) for lunch. Brave the rain to dash up the block to the NY-style pizza place- only to get there and find a sign on the door that they're closed today for their employee holiday party. Cue sad trombone music and me having to grab a sandwich from the shop next door instead.
I'm unemployed for the first time in a long time and I'm already bored after one day. Not sure how poor people enjoy not working!
Stefan said:FuzzWuzzy said:It snowed last night, maybe 5" give or take.
Daughter's school district and out-of-school care (through the county) closed for today, but sent the notice out last night.
I was on the roads this morning for the gym and they're good enough you can drive on.
Hopefully today will be quiet work-wise and home-wise as she gets crazy if I don't play with her.
Schools typically don't make that call, the bus drivers do and if they aren't driving, then the schools aren't open. Day Cares, etc follow what the schools do.
So find a Bus Driver and complain to them, they started that E36 M3 show.
In the distrcts I taught in, it wasn't even based on driving conditions, but sidewalk conditions. If kids could not safely walk to the bus stop and/or had to stand in the street to wait for the bus, the day was called. With that explanation, what I was seeing started to make more sense.
There are currently two vehicles on jackstands in front of my shop. Both with problems with the passenger rear wheel.
One needs brakes due to a blown wheel cylinder on drum brakes. Those are always fun due to the complete mess they make.
The other might need a few more parts...
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