"I think it's really important that we take care of this one issue..."
Okay. Well, I'm currently focused on this other task that has a very hard deadline of Wednesday. If we want me to change what I'm focused on, the owner can give me direction to cancel things that are already scheduled for this week.
Getting constantly told I'm not xyz material or I don't have sufficient xyz experience (when I do have xyz experience!!!!) has gotten old and draining. Im really trying to keep positive and use these setbacks to come back stronger and maybe throw it back in a few faces.
eastsideTim said:
Ashyukun (Robert) said:
In reply to Peabody :
The other side of the family though... Storsh help us...
I've already been accused of planning to steal an inheritance. I'm hoping not to have to deal with it for a long time, either.
We've not been involved ourselves in any of the craziness that has happened so far, but I believe that The Dancer is named as executor for at least one will because she's the only one likely to actually follow what's in said will. Hopefully it's also something we won't have to worry about for a very long time as well...
Beer Baron said:
"I think it's really important that we take care of this one issue..."
Okay. Well, I'm currently focused on this other task that has a very hard deadline of Wednesday. If we want me to change what I'm focused on, the owner can give me direction to cancel things that are already scheduled for this week.
Can't you just spread you're priorities more evenly? 
Karacticus said:
Beer Baron said:
"I think it's really important that we take care of this one issue..."
Okay. Well, I'm currently focused on this other task that has a very hard deadline of Wednesday. If we want me to change what I'm focused on, the owner can give me direction to cancel things that are already scheduled for this week.
Can't you just spread you're priorities more evenly? 
LOL. Not even going to bother. The person saying these things has no authority over me. I've explicitly stated what my schedule and plan for the week is. It includes a lot of short days to handle personal errands.
The owner made this mess, not me. I don't even mind cleaning it up. But I'm not going to be cajoled or bullied into rushing it.
Rant of the day: Houston, Tx.
Jacked up pickup trucks with mud tires but probably never went though a mud puddle.
So who to tailgate at 75mph in one of Houston's multi-lane roadways? Me in my Miata. Since so many do it I am assuming its in their culture.
Then, to today, it was a guy in an M4 going over 110 mph while weaving in and out of lanes and coming within 15 feet of me as he crossed two lanes to get around the slower traffic only going 80. I saw (heard?) him coming in my mirror when he as 1/8 mile behind me so I stayed in my lane so as not to confuse him.
I started a new job 2 years ago and flew into Houston on Sunday night late and rented a Nissan Versa to appear all frugal and responsible.
Headed to my hotel in the dark and kinda not knowing the highways it felt like a dozen brodozers rode my bumper that night.
12/4/23 5:58 p.m.
In reply to mtn :
Man, I'm sorry to hear you're going through all that. I wish I could help.
It's gonna be a long 2 years
Went to go look at a second gen prius for my girlfriend, got there and the car smelled like cigarettes, which wasn't mentioned in the listing. Then, while we were on the test drive my girlfriend gets a notification that he changed the price to $1000 more than what it was. Definitely didn't buy that one
In reply to gixxeropa :
Once I contacted someone selling a used car on Craigslist that had the tree air freshener hanging in a picture so I asked if they smoked in the car. Kinda threw them a curveball that I would even ask.
Air freshener gave it away.
The credit union I've had a credit card with for 8 years now has gotten rid of the ability to pay the bill from a different bank online. With no notice, and for no real reason.
This isn't going to end well, for them, for me, or for my credit score.
The closest branch is 30 miles away, and none of the more local unions use shared branching because they're shiny happy people/idiots/both.
I just want to pay my bill online, how the berkeley are you going to make that more difficult in this day and age?
In reply to RevRico :
that would be enough to make me start using another card, and maybe close the old one too, if it had a fee.
In reply to gixxeropa :
I'd been planning on leaving anyway, because after 8 years they still want me to jump through a million hoops to turn it secured credit card into a regular credit card.
Just got approved for the Xbox MasterCard, so once it shows up, move all my payments and go close that credit union account.
I gave up on your project. After two years of going in a circle I was never going to be able to solve it. I quit.
I have released all the intellectual property to you. Go away. GO AWAY. berkeley.
P.S.: Pay my last bill you bleep.
I've got to fire a guy. He's been with me for something like 20 years, and he's always leaned towards fast-but-sloppy. But now he just doesn't give a E36 M3. Good employees are being effected and customers are leaving. Man, I hate this situation, but my company is teetering as it is, and there's no way we can turn the ship around if guys are doing crap work. I hate like hell to drop someone so loyal, but I can't endanger everyone else's livelihood for one guy.
Getting rid of people always sucks, but this one's going to be extra hard.
In reply to Kreb (Forum Supporter) :
It's the performance and not the performer that isn't working. If you talked to him repeatedly and there's no improvement it's time to change. Great person but not performing to requirements. It's not a fit for either party.
Sometimes you fire somebody to relieve them of their misery and in the end you're doing them a favor - you're letting them move on in life. Nobody getting fired feels this way though.
In the end it's going to blow to let the guy go.
Walk to the other end of the plant to swap out a monitor, should be easy peasy.
5 trips back to the server room to keep getting different tools.
Not my plant so I didn't set it up but it's working now!
Tenth anniversary dinner. Restaurant can't seat us. Bummer. Plan B it is.
DarkMonohue said, on Thanksgiving day, which is damn near three weeks ago now:
I'm sick and I don't like being sick.
And I'm still sick. My day-14 Minor Win post was apparently premature. That's what I get for opening my big mouth. I had two deceptive days of feeling pretty good, and then Monday came and work is work and the sinuses started acting up again, and now I'm congested as a pick your own expletive and when something does come out it looks like a garden slug that's been eating nothing but Lemonheads for three months straight. And it hurts. Good lord, the left side of my face hurts. It feels like the kid stuffed a plastic spider up my nose when I was sleeping and then sealed it off with a dirty Hot Wheels car. I got the trusty Neil Med squeeze bottle and gave it a flush after work and my ears immediately popped, so we probably went from a sinus infection to an ear infection. Nice. Real nice. And I don't have a doctor to see. My old doctor "retired" around the time Covid took off when the state got wind of some possible improprieties with female patients, and I really haven't had a PCP since the Before Times. And we have changed insurance providers. So now I have to get on the devil box and see which of the doctors in our new network are a) not skeezy, and b) accepting new patients. Not in any way looking forward to that. I have serious trust issues with our medical industry. Which is weird, I know, because people really seem to have good health experiences and not a lot of horror stories.
And yesterday the dryer took a dump. Screw you, Samsung. Screw you.
I've been trying to get the second (well, third technically- but my Dad now has the printer that was technically 'first') 3D printer up and running to be able to make more things for people for Christmas since it's bigger and faster than my current one. It's been hard to find the time since I got all the parts in, but finally thought I was good to go a few days ago- but could not get one of the sensors necessary for it to work to respond. I spent a day checking the wiring multiple times and being 99% certain that it was both wired right and everything was getting a good connection but it still was not working. So after a print finished on the current printer, I shut it off for a few minutes and swapped the sensor from the new printer onto the current one (I used the same aftermarket sensor on both- there's a lot in common between the printers after the mods despite being different brands)- and found that the sensor wasn't working on the printer that I knew was working fine. So of course I hooked up the sensor from the current printer to the new one- and it worked perfectly. So I've lost 2 days already due to a faulty (brand new) sensor and have to wait another 2 days for a replacement to arrive. Icing on the cake? I discovered the sensor was bad about a week too late to exchange it since I got the parts a ways back but have been too busy with other things, so I had to just buy a new one.
Second rant: I've had problems forever with the new M1 iMac and external drives randomly disconnecting, which is a considerable problem since I use it for video editing for The Dancer's shows and its internal drive is WAY too small for that. After the recent OS update though not only would the drives disconnect but they also seemed to be running even slower causing me a lot of headaches when trying to put together promo videos for the non-profit. After some experimentation, it seems like the iMac didn't like the Thunderbolt-to-HDMI adapter that I was using- so I had to go out and buy an official Apple Multimedia adapter (which of course cost like twice as much), and I also picked up an 'official' Thunderbolt 3 drive. The adapter seems to be helping, though some of the external SSDs still seem to drop off randomly... but it's frustrating that it costs to much to try and get it to behave properly.
RevRico said:
In reply to gixxeropa :
I'd been planning on leaving anyway, because after 8 years they still want me to jump through a million hoops to turn it secured credit card into a regular credit card.
Just got approved for the Xbox MasterCard, so once it shows up, move all my payments and go close that credit union account.
Part of credit score is based on credit age, so I'd keep that first one open with a zero balance. And credit utilization (% of total credit available should be under 30% so if you ran up the new card but didn't touch the other it would also help keep your credit looking nice)
Most banks, at least ones I've used will print and mail a check as part of their online bill pay. So visible to your crappy credit card company, they would just see it like if you mailed in a payment.
In reply to dan0 :
Timely, I just closed everything this morning. While I was there I heard three other people closing their accounts.
I have older credit cards on my profile, almost an 800 score, and no need to use my credit so I'm good with such a small hit, especially for a higher limit, lower interest rate, and better rewards options card.