's the flu. I don't have time for this.
In reply to Stefan:
Triple paste medicated ointment. 3 days and it clears up red and scabby diaper rash like it was never even there
ISPs. Fought with my DSL provider for 2 weeks trying to get my internet turned on. Eventually gave up and just went with Comcast who had me up and running within 2 days. Hopefully the DSL company properly voids any pending bills to my name....
In reply to Stefan:
My older daughter (now 26) has had tender bowels her whole life. As a baby, a good thick coating of plain old Zinc oxide when in a diaper, and some butt naked time in fresh air was the best solution we came up with.
We've had good luck with Butt Paste for our little one. I'm sorry your wife is mixing toxic brews up and slathering them on your baby! that's no fun.
paranoid_android74 wrote:Wall-e wrote:'s the flu. I don't have time for this.Yuck man- I hope it passes quickly!
with the flu many things pass quickly!
RevRico wrote: In reply to Stefan: Triple paste medicated ointment. 3 days and it clears up red and scabby diaper rash like it was never even there
Yeah, we stepped back and used some prescription yeast infection cream (from a previous issue for her) which cleared most of it up in a day. The rest is healing just fine, but will need to grow new skin under the scabs/peeling skin. So we'll use a good cream between lots of airtime to help it stay dry and clean so it can heal.
Saw the doctor today and she confirmed that we're doing what is needed and that there's no other issues, even with all of the diarrhea she's gained wait properly, so the wife is happier since the doctor basically confirmed she's a good Mom, but that she needs to be a bit more careful with the baby's skin since its pretty sensitive.
On a positive note: The Focus RS is starting to get broken in a bit as its just now crossed over 1000 miles. Aside from the ride being a bit more choppy than I'd like, its a damned nice car to drive. Drove it out to Hood River and back along I84 through the Columbia Gorge and averaged 22.8mpg at 70-75mph. A bit more trunk space and a larger gas tank would make it perfect. Ultimately, I just wish I had bought some snow tires/wheels for it so that I could use it in the nasty weather we've had. The Michelin Pilot Super Sports are downright dangerous in ice, snow and slush.
In reply to Stefan:
This happens with the first kid. By the third.. you just use mud and rocks as diaper cream.
Daughter has double ear infection and is puking everything up. My mom has a nasty cold and is hacking up a lung. My sister came for Christmas and gave us all a nasty cold, just when we were getting over one. Also her husband decided not to come. At first we thought it was because he wanted to take care of their sick pet... Then we found out he just wanted to ride his bike and go to a brewery... So.. Basically he communicated to me, my family, and my parents that we don't matter to him..
Other than that. Christmas was good.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
With the exception of a few people, I'd much rather not visit a bunch of people during the Holidays and instead I'd prefer to spend some time alone to myself.
However, I married into a Filipino family and then helped produce a child, so my days of eschewing most family gatherings is at an end.
Anyway, it comes with the territory when you're an introvert and you finally realize that you can say, "No" to some gatherings to recharge yourself a bit. It doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't like or care about you or your family, its just that it is overwhelming and tiring to spend time with that many people at once. More so if there is a lot of noise and a lack of structure to the gathering. Maybe invite him around for a smaller gathering and engage in things he likes to do or make it clear that it doesn't need to be a long event.
Fueled by Caffeine wrote: In reply to Stefan: This happens with the first kid. By the third.. you just use mud and rocks as diaper cream.
Yeah, this is our first and only. Mom is also a bit guilty (aside from the built-in Roman-Catholic guilt, which is abundant) about not being around as much since she went back to work. So there's some added pressure to "make it right" for the little one.
In reply to Stefan:
They dated for 12 years. He knows the family. He's getting more introverted as they moved far away now. Not changing him now.
Fueled by Caffeine wrote: So.. Basically he communicated to me, my family, and my parents that we don't matter to him.. Other than that. Christmas was good.
Or maybe he needed some alone time and this was his only opportunity for a while? Don't assume malice in a vacuum of information. He could be stressed out and that's what he needed to get right. There's no need to go all Eeyore just because the guy did something he enjoyed.
It's not like he missed Christmas or anything. I can be pretty anti social myself but from time to time I suck it up and make the family happy.
In reply to dculberson:
He's a free lance writer who dosent punch a clock and rides his bike whenever he wants to. he could have pulled this on a random Tuesday.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
As an introvert myself, I despise holiday get togethers. They leave me absolutely ragged and ready to scream before I need to run far away. My sister and my two nieces have been here since last Wednesday, I need to make it clear that the welcome is rapidly disappearing as they are stressing the E36 M3 out of me.
Wouldn't the best thing to do is explain to the family that get togethers really stress him out, and that rather than make a scene or go home haggard, he would respectfully decide to join everyone for Christmas if in fact he's a massive introvert?
Then wish the family a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
That way there's no mystery that lends itself to unfair speculation.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
Obviously I know nothing about the guy and what his situation is. But it sounds like you've made Christmas with the family an obligation rather than something to enjoy. If someone skipped Christmas I wouldn't claim that they didn't care about me or my family. That's all. It's an awful big leap from "he's off riding his motorcycle" to "he doesn't care about me and my wife and kids." Honestly if you said something like that to me since I skipped a gathering, no matter how much I cared, that would have been the first of many skipped gatherings.
Also, freelancer can mean "works all the time," and just because you don't punch a clock doesn't mean you get to ride a bike as much as you want. I've never punched a clock in my life and I had many years where I was working 70-90 hour weeks. That might not be his situation but as I said I don't know it.
My FIL has been threatening to do that with his wife's family for years. I've wanted to join him. My wife this year on the way over said "who even wants to go to this?"
We literally only go to keep MIL happy. No one wants us there, we don't want to go, but we have to. The food isn't even good and I have to bring my own beer.
It is too bad, my family holiday gatherings are fun and we all at least seem to have a good time. The food is good. I with everyone enjoyed each other's company, but if they didn't want to be there I don't want them to feel obligated.
Still four extra people in my house.
One is three, and he has apparently never been told 'no' ever.
And yes, my kids loved it when he and he alone was offered special dinner when he balked at what SWMBO made. They got a super stern "NO" from me, just to see if maybe the "NO" thing could maybe be contagious.
One is MIL, and that's its own special fun.
I try and escape often, to find some place within my own house to get something done without getting sucked into the same meaningless conversations.
I wish I was with that dude, riding a bike, is what I am saying here.
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