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Furious_E GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
10/27/17 11:37 a.m.

Conversation this morning with Colton, the pathological liar we employ as a supervisor at work::

Colton: " How's the RX7 coming along?" 

Furious: "Pretty much done, runs and drives, just gotta wrap up small things for inspection and get it registered and insured."

Colton: "You know Mazda made a version of those with the Five Oh, right?"

Furious: "That's not true, no RX7 ever came from the factory with a piston engine. It was a popular swap though."

Colton: "Oh yea, I guess you're right. Well it must have been the Miata then."

Furious: "That's also not true."

Colton: "Yes it is. You know Ford owns Mazda and brought them to the US right? They put their V8 in a Miata."

Furious: "None of that is entirely true. I know Ford owned a pretty big stake in Mazda for a long time and there was a lot of parts sharing on certain platforms, but there was certainly never a 5.0 in a Miata or RX7 from the factory. Also, pretty sure Mazda was in the US before Ford ever got involved."

Colton: "There was definitely a Five Oh Miata. Ima look this up..."

(Pulls out phone and starts Googling. Scrolls through first page and finds nothing)

Colton: "Oh I'm late for a meeting!"

(Walks off)


Here's a tip, dumbass. I know you can't help yourself from lying about literally everything, but don't try to BS someone on a subject they know more about than you do. 

KyAllroad PowerDork
10/27/17 12:04 p.m.

In reply to Furious_E :

Had a round of that a few days ago.

co-worker:  "I was just down at the dealership this weekend and man the new Camaros are a lot bigger than the previous model!"

allroad:  "Umm, actually man they are smaller in literally every measurement...."

co-worker:  "Oh shut it, you don't know what you're talking about!"

allroad:  "Ya know what, I don't so just go out there and keep believing whatever you want."

Some folks....SMH

Furious_E GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
10/27/17 12:59 p.m.

In reply to KyAllroad :

That I can at least understand to some extent, as styling and proportions can play with your perceptions of size, although the over the top insistence that I'm right and you're wrong tells me exactly the type of person this is. Especially considering how easily that claim can be disproved. 

I have to wonder whether people like that are even consciously aware that they're lying. Like, do they just throw E36 M3 like that out there to see if sticks, knowing that maybe half the time or less no one is going to know better or call you on it if they do? What are you gaining from that? Every once in a while maybe you get credit for "knowing" something that they didn't, but anyone you interact with on a regular basis will eventually catch you in enough lies to completely destroy your credibility with them. Or does their brain just invent facts on the spot that they legitimately and completely believe in their head? Like their ego is just too big to question the truth of anything they might think. Some of these types are delusional enough to make me think the latter may actually be true. 

dropstep SuperDork
10/27/17 1:00 p.m.

Cleaning years of exon valdez level oil leak off the exhaust manifold on the new winter beater is a pain in the ass. Most people apparently dont mind the smell of burning oil. I hate it.

fasted58 MegaDork
10/27/17 9:09 p.m.

Dad prepaid funeral expenses for himself and my mother over two years ago as part of allowable spend down of accounts for my mothers care at the nursing home after her stroke nearly three years ago. He told me earlier this week that the funeral home went bankrupt and after talking w/ another funeral home director today he suspects that he may be out the money.

Only hearsay at this point, there's nothing online or in the paper but the bankruptcy filed back in April '17. Word today was the funeral association knew something was amok years ago but nothing done. Scumbag funeral director was reportedly living high on the hog and the wife and son had gambling problems. Again hearsay. The banks got first dibs on property and there may not be anything left. The county DA and State AG are now involved reportedly but nothing in the news yet. Dad will consult w/ his lawyer next week. He's remained surprisingly calm so far to his credit.

Dad says he paid over $20K for expenses, has receipt but believes it was never put in the funeral home's account. 

And just learned tonight there were supposedly 45 other prepaid clients w/ same issue, but again hearsay. 

Dad is 95 and Mom is 89, they don't deserve this E36 M3. What the berkeley did they work for all their lives. I'm the only kid in town and executor of their estate, this may fall on me down the road by the time it's all sorted out. I'll keep Dad calm as well as myself till further notice. We need credible information sooner rather than later.

I may post a 'what the berkeley to do now' thread as I learn more details about this clusterberkeley.

I hate scumbags.





mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/27/17 10:46 p.m.

So work schedule came out today (a day late) and I am being forced to work 6 days next week. My boss could have at least called me on the radio first and made sure I did not mind losing a day off (I do, but would have worked it). All I want is at least him looking like he is trying to be a decent guy.

KyAllroad PowerDork
10/27/17 10:58 p.m.

In reply to fasted 58:

****post redacted****

Agreed brother, don't let them off the hook.  Scumbags need to be held to account one way or another.


Appleseed MegaDork
10/27/17 11:09 p.m.

In reply to fasted58 :

If I was your pop, I'd find the guy and start stealing his E36 M3. The stuff not taken by the bank because of shady business clauses. He's 95 and he's seen some E36 M3. What could they do to him? 

stanger_missle GRM+ Memberand Dork
10/29/17 11:21 a.m.

berkeleying shady used car dealers!

Sister and BIL drove from Columbia,SC to Alabama to look at a truck. They wanted to trade in their older Ram on something newer with less miles. They found a really nice 2009 F150 Supercrew Lariat and bought it. On the way home, right outside Atlanta, something bad happened. I tried troubleshooting with them over the phone but they weren't able to do much since it was dark and pouring rain.

Today, BIL was barely able to limp the truck to a Firestone, the only place open on a Sunday.

They found that BOTH front calipers were held on by only 1 bolt and the PS caliper had rotated out, wedging itself between the wheel and rotor. It completely trashed the rotor, pads, caliper and gouged the ever living berkeley out of the wheel. 

Nothing was noticeably wrong on the test drive and this happened while traveling on the freeway at 65mph.

I'm beyond pissed. I wish I was closer so I could voice my displeasure at said dealership in person.


Recon1342 Reader
10/29/17 6:36 p.m.

In reply to stanger_missle :

That is ridiculous!

may also be grounds for taking said dealership to court. AFAIK, it’s kind of against the law to knowingly sell an unsafe vehicle...

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/29/17 10:40 p.m.

Mom's Rendezvous goes in for intake manifold gaskets tomorrow. Have to see what this costs me.


Appleseed MegaDork
10/30/17 4:06 a.m.

Insomnia,  you've come back to talk again? So many new things you want to talk about? Sure. Just one more story?  That's ok. I trust you. We're best freinds, you and I.

Streetwiseguy UltimaDork
10/30/17 11:28 a.m.

In reply to Appleseed :

I had a friend suggest driving mental laps of your favorite racetrack.  He plays a round of golf, and claims he has never gotten past the third hole. 

My mind wanders too much, the one time I tried.

RevRico GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
10/30/17 11:33 a.m.

I'm not sure who had the brilliant idea to wrap expensive electronics all in glass, but could they hurry the hell up with protective cases already?

The iPhone X, because some idiot will actually pay a grand for that thing, has 2 walls of cases and isn't even for sale yet. My Moto x4 that came out 2 weeks ago only has cheap plastic Chinese crap. It's a glass cell phone ffs, come on otter box, I want to give you money!

Furious_E GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
10/30/17 12:02 p.m.

Tangentially related addendum to my prior rant, which actually isn't really much of a rant at all this time.


One of the few perks my counterpart and I enjoy at work is having a bathroom that only the two of us have access to, which we keep locked when not in use. There are only two other mens rooms in the whole plant, one for the front office people and another that the rest of the 80 some guys in the plant share, so it's a hell of a perk indeed. 


Today, our dear friend Colton comes storming down, urgently asking for my bathroom key because he's apparently consumed several quarts of chile this morning and all of the stalls upstairs are occupied, so now he's on the verge of E36 M3ting his pants. Now, Colton eats about a half dozen meals during an average workday, and additionally has a bit of a history of abusing the plumbing here, so he of all people is not one I would be inclined to give my key to. So I didn't. 


I'm one cold hearted SOB devil

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
10/30/17 12:35 p.m.

Sometime last week SWMBO informed me that our original-version 60GB Playstation 3 was no working- when I checked it out I found that she was correct (not always guaranteed when it comes to electronics/computers) and it would try and turn on and then just beep and flash the front LED red. After doing a good bit of reading up on it and trying everything that I could that didn't involve taking it apart to no avail, I had to take it apart and rescue the disc that she'd been watching when it died and while I was at it try cleaning out the fan and head sinks a bit. Unfortunately after putting it back together it's still doing the same thing- so it appears that after roughly 10 years it's no longer going to be usable- which sucks as anything newer than it isn't backwards compatible to SWMBO's old DDR games which are the only thing gaming-related we've used it for in the last few years.

Now we've got to figure out what to do about replacing it, as it was our primary DVD/Blu-Ray player. My first instinct would be to upgrade to a PS4 to be able to play a few of the newer games I've not been able to with the PS3- but then realize that I'm unlikely to have the time to actually PLAY any of said games. :/

eastsidemav SuperDork
10/30/17 1:15 p.m.

In reply to Ashyukun :

Looks like PS2s are available on eBay for under $60.  That, plus a Blu-ray play should be way cheaper than a PS4

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
10/30/17 1:47 p.m.

In reply to eastsidemav :

I'm figuring we'll probably get a plain (though that appears to not be that common- almost everything it seems has to have apps and streaming...) Blu-ray player unless we can come up with a compelling reason to get something different- and wait for them to get up to the PS2 in the new re-released older consoles. :P

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
10/31/17 9:13 a.m.

Aaand, that's it- I'm out. I've sold items on Amazon's marketplace for the last 4-5 years, and I'm finally done with it. They've progressively made it more onerous for individual sellers to make any kind of profit and heavily skew their policies both toward larger-volume companies and pushed to have their own warehouses fulfill orders vs. sending the items out yourself. The final straw for me though is yet another person who ordered something without reading the description properly and then demands a refund and return- and according to Amazon's policies you can't really refuse a return so often I end up eating the cost of shipping at LEAST one way if not both. I'm shutting down my seller's account and will just try and sell the remaining items I have (I've not picked up anything new to sell for a while anyway) on eBay- it's less convenient, but more friendly to individuals.

Also, a special thanks to my local tea shop. When they closed down their physical storefront and went to online orders & going to the occasional festival/farmer's market they said they'd be just as responsive- but when I contacted them asking about a tea they used to sell in the store but wasn't listed on the storefront, they took over a day to respond- and of course minutes after I said, "Berk it" and added some of the tea to my Amazon order of a new Blu-ray player they finally email me back that they do have it.

chandler PowerDork
10/31/17 11:09 a.m.

And... the company I work for is being bought out... tonight.

Ransom GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
10/31/17 7:24 p.m.

Pretty dang minor compared to most of the late posts, but...

A link to install adware on your phone is not a suitable Cracker Jack prize.

Knurled GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/31/17 8:48 p.m.
Furious_E said:Here's a tip, dumbass. I know you can't help yourself from lying about literally everything, but don't try to BS someone on a subject they know more about than you do. 

I worked with one of those.  Had a friend with a Mustang who lightened it down to under a thousand pounds and it was running 7s.

Would also lie about having done things that I specifically watched him not do, and was only asking him if he'd done them as a gentle reminder to do them.

Fortunately for my sanity, he eventually farked up hard enough that the next morning he was advised to not bother clocking in, and to load up his things and leave.



Knurled GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/31/17 8:54 p.m.
mad_machine said:

Mom's Rendezvous goes in for intake manifold gaskets tomorrow. Have to see what this costs me.


When we were doing 3-4 of them a month, a shade under $700 including the mandatory oil change.  Our labor rate was only $85 back then.

I hate that I even know that, or that I still remember the exact sequence of disassembly and reassembly to maximize efficiency.  On the bright side, all the salt they put on the roads means that most of those cars are long gone so I'll never have to do it again.  (But I'll still remember how)

Dusterbd13 MegaDork
10/31/17 8:55 p.m.

I have to clock in early tomorrow. 

Bonus rant: why are all the cheap chevelle parts on opposite sides of the state from each other? Gonna be a long Saturday....

SaltyDog Reader
10/31/17 8:59 p.m.

I have to admit that I have hemmoroids.

Talk about a pain in the ass!!

Now i gotta go tell the doc to take a good look where the sun don't shine and tell me what's goin on!

Could be worse, I guess.

I could be in his shoes, and have to see what HE has to look at!crying

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