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mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/12/17 8:24 p.m.

In reply to Tactical Penguin :

what sucks, the last three cars I had before the Disco, had less personal interactions with cars. Since I got my Rover it has been involved in three minor accidents. Two where I was hit from behind and last night's scrap. Nobody touched my Saab, BMW, or Volvo in all the time I owned them. I think my truck is a magnet for other cars

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/12/17 9:36 p.m.

Too tired to sleep.


Drove the last two hours into a four hour drive with the wipers making an awful squeeek-squeeek.  Obnoxious.  Made worse by the fact that apparently everyone in SE Michigan forgot how to drive in the rain, I spent almost 45 minutes crawling at 10-15mph.  And then got stuck behind someone in a Challenger who was in the left lane, driving exactly the same speed as the guy next to him, and had nobody in front of him.


Then two hours into the drive back home, which was QUITE interesting because I never drove on worn out UHP tires in light snow before, I I stop for fuel at a Pilot and buy new wiper blades.  That wasn't the squeak, but wow it turns out I needed new blades.  So,  I listen to squeeek-squeeek for two more hours, albeit with vastly better visibility.

About a half hour from home, after six hours of me pondering what the heck is making that noise and how to go about isolating various parts of the wiper linkage.... it stopped doing it.  And then it stopped raining.


And now I'm too tired to sleep...

NickD SuperDork
11/13/17 8:05 a.m.

Whoever wrote these instructions for installing an OEM accessory remote start on a '14'17 Silverado needs to be taken in a dark room and beaten. The directions keep telling me to cut a whole in the plenum gasket and route the harness through the plenum. Apparently, on whatever berkeleying alternate dimension this person was from, a firewall is called a plenum. 

In reply to NickD :

The alternate Dimension you speak of is called China.

AWSX1686 GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/13/17 8:47 a.m.
Knurled. said:

No place in Cleveland I can find will sell me a cylinder full of 75/25 Ar/CO2 between hours wider than 8-5 M-F.  I work 8-6 M-F.


I have flux core wire but to be honest I'm afraid to use it.

I have the same issue. Fortunately I did find a good guy that said he'd stay slightly later if I needed, but I still usually have to leave work early if I want to pickup welding supplies. 

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
11/13/17 9:03 a.m.

What SHOULD have been a reasonably relaxing and fun trip over the weekend to SWMBO's cousin's wedding instead was an exercise in frustration and anger due to discovering (via our house's alarm system's sensor logs) that the friend who was supposed to be house and pet-sitting for us was not in fact staying at the house and was leaving the dog alone for about 50% longer than he had been instructed to- and was clearly lying to us about what was going on. So SWMBO spent much of the weekend either worried about the dog or fuming and angry at the friend who was supposed to caring for him (and my cat, which he also managed to berk up by completely forgetting to do the only thing he had to do with her which was give her a treat each night).

To make things even worse, we got stuck in an hour and a half traffic jam thanks (apparently) to construction on I-75 North of Knoxville that put us home solidly later than we'd hoped (when SWMBO was already chomping at the bit to get home to the dog).

Recon1342 Reader
11/13/17 11:03 a.m.

In reply to Ashyukun :

That’s completely unacceptable. 

Sounds like your “friend” is a shiny happy person undeserving of the title. Did the critters do okay, otherwise?

Dusterbd13 MegaDork
11/13/17 11:30 a.m.

berkeley gps.

jharry3 GRM+ Memberand Reader
11/13/17 12:12 p.m.

Rant:  Red light runners.   I ALWAYS look both ways when crossing a traffic light intersection no matter if I am 1st in line or 15th. 

Yesterday I was sitting at a stop light first in line.  My light turns green. 

I glance to see if anyone was ignoring their redlight. 

This intersection is in a underpass situation so large concrete columns and bulkheads block most of the view. 

I saw a flash of a pickup truck going at least 40 mph, in between the concrete bulkheads, heading towards the red light so I stopped advancing.  Sure enough he comes from behind the last bulkhead blocking my view and hits the anti-locks full on, I am talking full tire chirping here.    The person to my right of course is on a cell phone so is ignoring reality and drives away.  Somehow her guardian angel put a hand against that pickup truck and the driver managed to stop right before the T-bone happened.  That idiot made no attempt at a lateral evasive maneuver.   If I had taken off at the green I would have been hit  in the driver's door really hard, probably put into the  hospital with neck injuries. 

Keep your  head on a swivel...  This would have been a fatal accident in the 1970's before anti-lock brakes and modern tires.   

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
11/13/17 12:17 p.m.

In reply to Recon1342 :

The friend has had issues in the past- blamed what happened (not wanting to stay at the house) on his (commonly blamed, on his part...) anxiety problems, but even if that was a problem a) he should have just said he wasn't comfortable with doing it and b) if he realized it after we were already gone should have said something and definitely NOT LIED and we would have been far more understanding/less pissed off. He very definitely will not be watching the house/pets again, but unfortunately it's a complicated situation and it's not so easy to just have nothing more to do with him.

Both the dog & cat were fine- honestly SWMBO babies/spoils that dog A LOT and he's more than capable of being on his own for solidly longer than she likes. And for as much as she was fretting about him being left on his own overnight, he still was likely far more comfortable being alone at home overnight in his own house in familiar surroundings than he would have been had we boarded him where he'd have been surrounded by unfamiliar dogs (he doesn't get along well with other dogs, SWMBO didn't ever really try and socialize him with other dogs...) and in a completely unfamiliar place. And my cat frankly probably didn't notice beyond not getting her treat- she'd probably have been far happier if we'd taken the dog with us and she'd have had the run of the house (since she and the dog don't get along as we both had the respective companions before we moved in together).


Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/13/17 12:32 p.m.
NickD said:

Whoever wrote these instructions for installing an OEM accessory remote start on a '14'17 Silverado needs to be taken in a dark room and beaten. The directions keep telling me to cut a whole in the plenum gasket and route the harness through the plenum. Apparently, on whatever berkeleying alternate dimension this person was from, a firewall is called a plenum. 

In the Ford manuals it is called a dash panel.


(Manuals from 1970)

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/13/17 3:38 p.m.

I'm tired of everything. I've got mountains of E36 M3 to do at work and at home, with no way to get it all done.  I wish I shared my wife's optimism that everything will work out but I suspect some of that is a side effect of her meds because there's no way for any of this to end well.  

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Mod Squad
11/13/17 3:44 p.m.

In reply to Wally :

I feel your pain Wally, I have been in the same lousy boat for a few weeks now. I'm just keeping my focus on the thing that's in front of me at the moment, because looking at the big picture of all the E36 M3 I need to get done is as depressing as watching the news.  Hang in there, hit me up if you need to vent. yes

KyAllroad (Jeremy)
KyAllroad (Jeremy) PowerDork
11/13/17 4:00 p.m.

Low profile tires on a front biased car can be misleading.  Just checked the air pressure cause one looked a little low.  LF: 23 psi.   RF: 32. LR: 25. And RR: 8!!

it has been a full couple of months since I checked them and it IS a little cooler now but come on, this is silly.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/13/17 4:09 p.m.
jharry3 said:

Rant:  Red light runners.   I ALWAYS look both ways when crossing a traffic light intersection no matter if I am 1st in line or 15th. 

Yesterday I was sitting at a stop light first in line.  My light turns green. 

I glance to see if anyone was ignoring their redlight. 

This intersection is in a underpass situation so large concrete columns and bulkheads block most of the view. 

I saw a flash of a pickup truck going at least 40 mph, in between the concrete bulkheads, heading towards the red light so I stopped advancing.  Sure enough he comes from behind the last bulkhead blocking my view and hits the anti-locks full on, I am talking full tire chirping here.    The person to my right of course is on a cell phone so is ignoring reality and drives away.  Somehow her guardian angel put a hand against that pickup truck and the driver managed to stop right before the T-bone happened.  That idiot made no attempt at a lateral evasive maneuver.   If I had taken off at the green I would have been hit  in the driver's door really hard, probably put into the  hospital with neck injuries. 

Keep your  head on a swivel...  This would have been a fatal accident in the 1970's before anti-lock brakes and modern tires.   

redlight running is a thing here in NJ. I always pause a second or two when the light turns green to let them get out of the way

eastside Utah Johnny Montana
eastside Utah Johnny Montana UltraDork
11/13/17 5:09 p.m.

I'm in the awkward stage of life where my debt is down to a reasonable mortgage, I have decent retirement savings, but I'm still years from being able to afford to retire, and I have very little money stashed away for wants.  Hitting a point where I'd like to thin out the herd, and buy myself something nice and fast, but I refuse to go deeper into debt.  sad

And I know a lot of people are doing worse off than me, so then I feel guilty about feeling bad about my situation.

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/13/17 6:46 p.m.

In reply to EastCoastMojo :

Thank you, I just have to keep plugging along and stay quiet for now.

dropstep SuperDork
11/13/17 9:41 p.m.

3 hours of work to save 65 bucks, at this point im not sure it was worth it. Waiting for ankle surgery so that long days in the garage wont hurt this much.

AWSX1686 GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/14/17 7:29 a.m.
eastside Utah Johnny Montana said:

I'm in the awkward stage of life where my debt is down to a reasonable mortgage, I have decent retirement savings, but I'm still years from being able to afford to retire, and I have very little money stashed away for wants.  Hitting a point where I'd like to thin out the herd, and buy myself something nice and fast, but I refuse to go deeper into debt.  sad

And I know a lot of people are doing worse off than me, so then I feel guilty about feeling bad about my situation.

I feel you. Especially the part about feeling guilty about feeling bad about your situation, it just makes it pile up higher. Just have to try and let go and be patient I guess. Sounds like if you just keep up with what you're doing and wait it out, you'll be pretty well off. 

Dusterbd13 MegaDork
11/14/17 7:50 a.m.

If i wanted to listen to vulgar music with EVERY OTHER WORD be profane, and the entire purpose of the song disparaging women, through a heavily distorted 1/4 inch speaker, i would have done so. I chose not to. Why would you choose to loiter in the gas station next to the bus stop when many elementary school students come in steadily?

You also chose to open yourself to offense when you chose to do this. Dont be suprised when the fat bearded guy looks you in the eye and asks you nicely to turn it off so his 8 year old doesn't have to hear it. 

When your first response is "berkeley you cracker", dont be suprised when the fat bearded guy responds with polite anger instead of manners. 

You shouldn't throw the cup of coffee that you bought with EBT card in the face of the fat bearded guy and expect things to deescalate.

You also shouldn't be suprised when the plainclothes police officer two spots back in line offers to escort you from the premises.  

It isn't because of your skin color. It isn't because of your socioeconomic status.  Its because you are an inconsiderate, aggressive E36 M3head. Choke n a bag of dicks, shiny happy person. Hope you enjoy being banned from the premises of the gas station.

The pisser? Last pair of clean khaki pants. Damn. 

M2Pilot Dork
11/14/17 8:51 a.m.
Dusterbd13 said:

If i wanted to listen to vulgar music with EVERY OTHER WORD be profane, and the entire purpose of the song disparaging women, through a heavily distorted 1/4 inch speaker, i would have done so. I chose not to. Why would you choose to loiter in the gas station next to the bus stop when many elementary school students come in steadily?

You also chose to open yourself to offense when you chose to do this. Dont be suprised when the fat bearded guy looks you in the eye and asks you nicely to turn it off so his 8 year old doesn't have to hear it. 

When your first response is "berkeley you cracker", dont be suprised when the fat bearded guy responds with polite anger instead of manners. 

You shouldn't throw the cup of coffee that you bought with EBT card in the face of the fat bearded guy and expect things to deescalate.

You also shouldn't be suprised when the plainclothes police officer two spots back in line offers to escort you from the premises.  

It isn't because of your skin color. It isn't because of your socioeconomic status.  Its because you are an inconsiderate, aggressive E36 M3head. Choke n a bag of dicks, shiny happy person. Hope you enjoy being banned from the premises of the gas station.

The pisser? Last pair of clean khaki pants. Damn. 

You Sir, have my approval and admiration.

Appleseed MegaDork
11/14/17 12:26 p.m.

Two days of wonky blood sugar levels finally got me last night/this morning. Slid and flipped down the stairs trying to get food. Good thing I was so disorientated, I didn't notice the bruises. God, my arms hurt.

KyAllroad (Jeremy)
KyAllroad (Jeremy) PowerDork
11/14/17 12:59 p.m.

In reply to Appleseed :

Dude!  You're having a rough time lately, hang in there.  Uncontrolled blood sugars are no good way to be muddling through life.


In reply to M2Pilot :

Agreed, he has more restraint than I. More than once, I have left guys like that in a state requiring real medical attention, one of whom will never be fully free of the pain in his left knee and right wrist.

eastside Utah Johnny Montana
eastside Utah Johnny Montana UltraDork
11/14/17 2:37 p.m.
AWSX1686 said:
eastside Utah Johnny Montana said:

I'm in the awkward stage of life where my debt is down to a reasonable mortgage, I have decent retirement savings, but I'm still years from being able to afford to retire, and I have very little money stashed away for wants.  Hitting a point where I'd like to thin out the herd, and buy myself something nice and fast, but I refuse to go deeper into debt.  sad

And I know a lot of people are doing worse off than me, so then I feel guilty about feeling bad about my situation.

I feel you. Especially the part about feeling guilty about feeling bad about your situation, it just makes it pile up higher. Just have to try and let go and be patient I guess. Sounds like if you just keep up with what you're doing and wait it out, you'll be pretty well off. 

I think part of it is seeing people out and around in late model Mustangs, Vettes, Miatas, etc, while I'm in one of my $1K-$2.5K cars and knowing I could swing the payment, but also knowing the reason my debt is low is because I'm not doing it.

Just need to hold out and save up for a few years so I can afford nicer toys.

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