Colder night tonight and pouring down rain. It is about 50 degrees in the house. Tiff goes to turn on the heater. Gets fan and no actual heat. Great pilot is out. Go pull the panel and guess what? No freaking way to manually light the pilot! It is all automatic the best you can do is turn it off then back off again and hope for the best. Guess what? It didn't work! Imagine that! Guess that is one way to ensure service calls make it so people can't even light their own damn furnace.
rebelgtp wrote: Colder night tonight and pouring down rain. It is about 50 degrees in the house. Tiff goes to turn on the heater. Gets fan and no actual heat. Great pilot is out. Go pull the panel and guess what? No freaking way to manually light the pilot! It is all automatic the best you can do is turn it off then back off again and hope for the best. Guess what? It didn't work! Imagine that! Guess that is one way to ensure service calls make it so people can't even light their own damn furnace.
With gas? How is that possible? I'm trying to figure out a way that you couldn't remove something/break something and stick a lighter in there...
rebelgtp wrote: Colder night tonight and pouring down rain. It is about 50 degrees in the house. Tiff goes to turn on the heater. Gets fan and no actual heat. Great pilot is out. Go pull the panel and guess what? No freaking way to manually light the pilot! It is all automatic the best you can do is turn it off then back off again and hope for the best. Guess what? It didn't work! Imagine that! Guess that is one way to ensure service calls make it so people can't even light their own damn furnace.
You sure it has a pilot? Many now have an electronic ignition, and there is a flame rod that senses the heat from the burner. They get coated up, don't heat quickly enough, and the fire goes out. If thats the case, the flame rod needs to be polished. Turn the thermostat all the way down, then watch the burner as the Mrs turns the thermostat up- if it fires for a few seconds and goes out, thats a good sign of flame rod problems.
Note: not a furnace tech, YMMV.
All furnaces after 1992 are self lighting...
It's either a direct spark or hot surface ignition. You must have a newer furnace without a standing pilot. Everytime you light it.... It would run then need relit again and again. Your going to have to delve deeper. There is no pilot to just light and walk away. It goes out after each heat cycle.
Not a furnace repairman. Just work on natural gas lines and have to relight pilots when we disrupt customers service. Usually if I see its a self lighting furnace I just walk to the next house after checking the water heater and stove.
You should have your furnace serviced once a year... It's not a scam made up by repairmen. It's a legitimate necessity. Once you find a trustworthy heat and air company to call yearly. It will pay for itself in efficiency and the life of the unit.
Yeah no pilot light. Stupid self lighting garbage. Give me back my pilot light! At my old place I could clean the furnace, replace the filter and light a freaking pilot if the thing went out. Here the damn thing is so self contained you can't hardly do crap with it.
Even more fun is I doubt I will get anyone out here until next week due to our work schedule.
Why must there be at least one person at every workplace - more in larger places - who treats the common breakroom as their own personal kitchen?
Listen, d-bag: this is not YOUR house. Do NOT go to the grocery store and fill the breakroom fridge with a week's worth of food. It's supposed to hold brown bags for a bunch of people, not everything you (and only you) need for a berking 3-course meal. Do NOT stand there at the counter at rush hour and make your berking sandwich just so when people are trying to get their stuff and go back to their desks. Make your damn lunch at home on your time, and bring it in like the rest of us. Do NOT ruin the berking environment by microwaving a piece of salmon at 10 minutes to 12 so that everybody who uses it after you gets to share the aftertaste and smell. Do NOT get pissy when somebody putting in overtime eats one of the 5000 Lean Cuisines you've left in the freezer for a month. And above all, TAKE YOUR BERKING NASTY ALMOST-EMPTY TUPPERWARE HOME.
OK, I'm over it now.
we took care of the nasty left-over tupperware by dumping it in the garbage can ... people usually never missed them ... when the rare person complained (wks later) ... they were told flat out .. you berkeleyed up .. we asked around and no one owned up to the tupperware being theirs out it went ... took care of the left-over problem pretty well
We all get along really well at work. Everybody that brings in food usually trades around. Typically if you don't bring your lunch it's hard to pay for a meal before a co-worker buys it for you....
My only rant is that I've been working in a mud hole since 8:00 fixing a water leak. Finished at 1245. It's now 1. I scarfed down my lunch so fast I have indigestion. Lol
SWMBO just ranted to me about how we need to buckle down on frivolous spending while she blindly ordered a tall margarita in an airport...
Never have I scowled a scowl that hard.
instead of the scowl ... did you silently point at the margarita ?
or is my asking this question a good hint as to why I'm not married ?
In reply to Mr_Estrotica:
At that point, I would have wished her a fun trip and gone back home to enjoy my weeklong staycation.
Paraphrased email from company pres. after our sales guy complains that a paying project is getting off track due to two internal demo projects that are "needed" for an open house we are having at the company, when they are just minor improvements over already running demos.:
Demo project 1 IS PRIORITY #1
Demo project 2 IS ALSO PRIORITY #1
Paying overdue late project 3 PRIORITY #2
Your paying project 4 that is running late PRIORITY #3
How the berkeley are there two priority #1s? And so much for showing respect for the customer and getting their projects done first before our own internal E36 M3. Oh, and there is NO BUSINESS PLAN for how they plan on selling these types of projects and any sales we have made are somewhat random and lucky so far.
Dear boss, stop saying how much you appreciate my being here 15 years this month. Try showing it with at least a token cost-of-living raise. Otherwise shut the berkeley up about it.
I said at lunch that if I couldn't sit down and take one bite of my breakfast (that's right, breakfast!) without a single call I would scream. I said this walked 10 steps sat down and... RING! Emergency call all hands, yep. It's Friday.
Why do people fail to realize that the time wasted looking for tools is far greater than the time it takes to put them away in their proper location in the first place?
well huh, guess I ain't gettin' nothin' done this afternoon
high speed chase off the mountain into town, dickweeds shooting at state police in pursuit, dickweeds crash into house, standoff situation ensues, armor called in, live news chopper video online, hear the chopper from my house, dickweeds gonna get their asses kicked
sammich n beer time
if there are people behind you in line at the store, and you decide to sign up for a shopper rewards card, there should be a law allowing the people you're holding up to beat you with heads of cabbage from the produce section.
My god son. The phrase "we can sleep in until 7:00" does not in any way imply that you should start pacing back and forth in the hotel room at 6:30 because you're excited to rallycross. I'm bringing your sister next time.
Jerry wrote: Dear boss, stop saying how much you appreciate my being here 15 years this month. Try showing it with at least a token cost-of-living raise. Otherwise shut the berkeley up about it.
that was my last job - these compliments cost $0.
For a few years we didn't get raises and the boss would tell me that he might be able to do other things; like give an extra day off. I already had 18 days off a year - all I want is money. (and they wonder why I left?)
Students are whiney, codependent, and annoying[*]. You can make annoying personal sacrifices and they still won't be happy. ("you said it differently on the test.....")
[*] - example: I won't work on the car, or kayak, or take a drive in the country.....I will write a study guide for the upcoming test. I'm not required to do so, but I know that it would be helpful to the students.
You'd think after 38 years- and a modest number of those spent living with a woman- that I'd realize that there's going to be time for me to watch at least a half hour episode of something if not a full 'hour' (in reality, like 40 minutes after skipping commercials) show in the time that it's going to take the GF to get ready to leave the house when her starting state is her usual around-the-house sweats & T-shirt.
Datsun310Guy wrote:Jerry wrote: Dear boss, stop saying how much you appreciate my being here 15 years this month. Try showing it with at least a token cost-of-living raise. Otherwise shut the berkeley up about it.that was my last job - these compliments cost $0. For a few years we didn't get raises and the boss would tell me that he might be able to do other things; like give an extra day off. I already had 18 days off a year - all I want is money. (and they wonder why I left?)
Last week (before some German visitors arrived for a big visit) he said he wanted to do something special for me and another guy that had both been there as long. Both he and his SWMBO who is also a boss there had complimented me on my 15yrs of service before that. Thursday she was telling me how much stuff I sent out that month, going through all the workorders I filed. I said I had been busy and joked that it kept me busy & made everyone $$, to which she said we all appreciate that.
Then I get my paycheck yesterday, nothing. Not even a 1% "we acknowledge your existence and persistence to show up for work" raise. Not even a berkeleying handshake. Meh. I don't know why I felt shocked about it.
Nice. I like it when I forget to install a huge integrated dust cover.
Guess this motor is coming back out.
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