mtn said:I keep having folks flake on me. I'm about to go to Ebay only.
didn't see *that* coming... ;-)
AngryCorvair said:mtn said:I keep having folks flake on me. I'm about to go to Ebay only.
didn't see *that* coming... ;-)
The thing that amazes me is when people tell me I'm too far away... Hey shiny happy person, you're the one who set your search parameters. Not me.
I'm just about done with buying from craigslist and facebook too. Tried to buy a boat anchor, made an offer, and the guy was super insulted and then proceeded to insult me. On an ad that had literally no information. I explained my position for making my offer, compared it to anchors at Bass Pro and West Marine (which was actually where he got his), etc., and asked for more information on his. He still didn't give it, but proceeded to tell me that Bass Pro sells anchors for Canoes. Well, yeah, that is correct... but Bass Pro also sells 40' Off Shore fishing boats. So Pretty sure they sell big anchors too.
He then told me 3 days later when he sold it for full asking price. Great. Congrats. So happy for you, I figured you would, but I was trying to get some money off. Don't hate me for it.
Then yesterday I had a similar situation trying to buy a computer monitor. Ad said "OBO". Dude came back with an "it isn't worht the time and effort" blah blah blah.. And yet it was worth the time and effort to type out that reply? Could have just said "No, I'm not going lower than $$".
I don't get it.
mtn said:I keep having folks flake on me. I'm about to go to Ebay only.
How close to your goal are you?
I managed to sell one item on CL and two on FBM for a total of $3800.00
1st CL item, an 18 1/2' boat, sold in three days to an out of state buyer, the FBM was a pair love loveseats, sold for asking price in less than a week after one of our neighbors, who owns a used furniture store, said she wouldn't be able to get anywhere near what we wanted for them.
I put some other boat related items on CL and never got a single reply.
Still got a shed full of stuff to peddle.
SaltyDog said:mtn said:I keep having folks flake on me. I'm about to go to Ebay only.
How close to your goal are you?
I managed to sell one item on CL and two on FBM for a total of $3800.00
1st CL item, an 18 1/2' boat, sold in three days to an out of state buyer, the FBM was a pair love loveseats, sold for asking price in less than a week after one of our neighbors, who owns a used furniture store, said she wouldn't be able to get anywhere near what we wanted for them.
I put some other boat related items on CL and never got a single reply.
Still got a shed full of stuff to peddle.
You're in East Peoria right? May be interested in some of the boat stuff.
I'm about $700 away from my goal, but that could be accomplished in about 5 sales.
In reply to mtn :
Yessir, EP. What are you looking for? My prices are VERY reasonable! (Take them away!)
SaltyDog said:In reply to mtn :
Yessir, EP. What are you looking for? My prices are VERY reasonable! (Take them away!)
Uh... I mean, I don’t know what I’m looking for, but my dad has two boats, my FIL has two boats (both of which are under my care), I have a small sailboat.... and I may be in Bloomington next month.
In reply to mtn :
I'll take a look at what I've got and make a list. Assuming you don't have a use for things like inboard props for a 34' Sea Ray?
Ive got some lines, a couple of anchors, one smaller, one larger, a couple of bimini top frames for ~20'-ish boats a couple of oddball fenders, 30 to 15 amp adapters for shore power and some other odds and ends.
All of the smalls have a heck of a GRM discount! Pretty much, other than the props and maybe the electrical adapters, free to a good home. And even they would be deeply discounted!
About to start my own quest to sell things. Question:
OfferUp vs. Craigslist vs. FB Marketplace vs. Nextdoor
Is there a flow chart for what you list where?
I have some garage items & some household items. Nothing ebay worthy.
Yeah, my problem is that most of the stuff I need to clear out is worth little enough that people don't go out of their way to find it nor is it worth shipping.
Where would you list things like quality (but older) corded tools, which I'd expect to sell for $10-$20 but cost half that to ship? Or sockets and wrenches I don't need, but are not matching brand name sets either. Who is gonna drive out and meet a craigslist/facebook rando to save $5 or $10 over just going to harbor freight? Basically...yard sale stuff but I don't want to have a yard sale. :(
I've found it's just not worth the time to sell the little things. In the time it takes to sell a $5 socket, you could have sold a $50 car part. Just donate it to the thrift store. That's what I do, at least. Anything that won't ship in a tiny box from my mailbox and is worth less than $50, I donate or recycle / sell to a scrapyard.
In reply to ProDarwin :
Of those four, I've only used Craigslist. Its reach is waning, but it's definitely still good for certain things. I sold my old torpedo style kerosene heater in less than a day on CL last week.
I've used FB Marketplace for pretty much everything lately. It's just too easy. If it fits in a USPS Priority Mail pre-paid box, I generally factor the cost of that into my price and say "shipping included".
The thing with FB is to not post stuff in general trading groups but to find a specialized group focused on the items you have to sell. For example, a friend of mine has a bunch of Del Sol parts, so I joined a Del Sol FB group to post them for him. Likewise, I have a ton of old mtn bike parts to sell, so I'll post them in a vintage mtn bike trading group. Stuff typically sells quickly that way.
I'll find the specialized group for "why do I have (9) 3/4" Craftsman wrenches?"
I've gotten good at throwing away little stuff I'll never use (chinese extra tools, misc. scrap metal, half worn ___, etc) but still can't do it when it's perfectly functional and someone somewhere could use it.
dculberson said:Of those four, I've only used Craigslist. Its reach is waning, but it's definitely still good for certain things. I sold my old torpedo style kerosene heater in less than a day on CL last week.
I have only used CL as well. One of my co-workers has been having a lot of luck with OfferUp. He sells some crap that I am truly amazed anyone would purchase. He got $20 for a half-busted plastic mailbox post that I was 100% positive was garbage
In reply to RedGT :
For stuff that isn't worth selling but is too nice to throw away, the first place I typically start is to offer it up on Buy Nothing in hopes that it might be of value to somebody in my local community.
I have set a goal of Memorial Day to get my E36 M3 together. I have a 1-car garage full of junk and a storage unit full of more junk. I need to find a sunny day, call the friends, and sort into keep piles and sell piles. Then have a big yard sale on the holiday weekend. Donate whatever doesn't sell.
Of course, I set the same goal last Memorial Day.... and this past Labor Day... And 4th of July. Fail, fail, fail.
I started this. So far Offer up has not worked out well. It sucks that you can't type up an ad on your PC, you have to use your phone. berkeley that.
So far I have sold 1 item (the only one I listed on CL)
$350 for my old MTB and all its related crap
I currently have 11 items listed. I will relist them on CL shortly to see if things improve. Actually, about 1/2 of it is car related, I should just list it here.
In reply to ProDarwin :
The whole appeal of offerup/letgo seems to be the twitteresque descriptions. A few pics tell the story enough to get a yes/no interest. Discourging long descriptions is a feature.
Bump. I have done this on and off over the past few years, but also acquired E36 M3 in that time. Now I am actually, seriously, for real, planning on moving in the next 6 months, so its time to purge.
I currently have 13 active listings on FB marketplace. I've given up on the other options, and most of these are low enough in value or large enough that I don't want to deal with shipping.
Derail if I may?
My understanding is that the IRA now gets some kind of a report from on-line markets if you exceed $600 of on line sales in one tax year. Thank god for a digital world where they can now keep track of those bazzilions of small transactions....For $1000 I don't feel that the added eyes of the IRA would make it worth the going.
Can you dodge this if you sell $500 on E-bay and $100 on FB Marketplace.
In reply to NOHOME :
I think it depends on the payment service. Paypal and Venmo will notice, especially if lots of people are giving you "gifts".
NOHOME said:
the IRA now gets some kind of a report from on-line markets if you exceed $600 of on line sales in one tax year.
Wow, why would they need to know what I am selling in the USA?
NOHOME said:
Derail if I may?
My understanding is that the IRA now gets some kind of a report from on-line markets if you exceed $600 of on line sales in one tax year. Thank god for a digital world where they can now keep track of those bazzilions of small transactions....For $1000 I don't feel that the added eyes of the IRA would make it worth the going.
Can you dodge this if you sell $500 on E-bay and $100 on FB Marketplace.
Ebay? Possibly. How would they know FB marketplace? You have the option of listing who you sold it to, but not how much you sold it for.
Additionally, that $1000 is not income (for most people). Its (99% of the time) stuff being sold at a loss.
Suddenly, checks are becoming more attractive to avoid that IRS (or IRA) scrutiny. Banks don't report deposits under $10k.
I specifically bought a really nice pop-up canopy with side walls for this exact purpose.... clean out and sell. It wasn't just a cheap pop-up like you take camping, it was like you see at craft fairs, outdoor markets, or wedding receptions. The plan was to move the "liquidate" stuff into the pop up so I could reclaim my garage.
The first rain it collapsed helplessly and caused a ton of damage to the motorcycle I had parked near by. Returned.
Maybe I should spring for a storage unit.
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