eyeing a bike a bit outside Chicago IL, im in cleveland Ohio. Thats a 6ish hour drive. seeing as how i need a van and its over 700 miles im looking at spending around $134 bucks to get there and back. (chevy express) or $90ish if i can borrow my uncles astro van.
Thats a lot of money to spend to get a bike that didnt cost much more then that.
I can buy a megabus ticket to Chicago IL for around $20, but i need something to deliver the bike back with.
Does anyone need a car delivered from around Chicago IL to the Cleveland OH area or closeby?
whats a cheaper way of getting the bike back home to Cleveland.
I just need a cheap alternative
Unless serendipity rears its beautiful head, I'm thinking you'll have a hard time beating $90 in the Astro.
You can typically pay a local shop to box the bike the same way it wouldve been shipped to a shop from the MFR and then have fedex or ups or the like ship it to you. if its particularly fragile, you may not like the treatment its likely to receive. Its been a while since i had to ship a bike, but I dont think it was much more than $90. If you can get the seller to to take it to a shop to box it , the shop will likely charge another $25 or so - thats what we used to charge.
4cf, are you reading 'bike' and thinking pedals? I've never shipped a motorcycle for anywhere near $90, and I think FedEx and UPS would laugh if you asked them.
keep me in the loop.
my sister most likely is moving back from chicago, probably right around that time. if thats the case i'll be taking my astro out there a couple times and maybe you could hitch a ride and we could pick it up.
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