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Chebbie_SB HalfDork
2/28/09 11:06 a.m.
Osterizer wrote: + Problem *solved*.

Does the "Pepper" in the OC have a pepper spray effect?

Strizzo Dork
2/28/09 12:23 p.m.

yup, most pepper sprays are actually OC spray

joey48442 SuperDork
2/28/09 1:07 p.m.

Oh man a paintball shot to the testicles of one of the fornicators right in the middle of the deed... That would be legendary!


sector7 New Reader
2/28/09 1:09 p.m.

rubber bullets anyone?

Tommy Suddard
Tommy Suddard GRM+ Memberand SonDork
2/28/09 1:35 p.m.

I would spill an oil/antifreeze mix all over the road.

Keith GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
2/28/09 2:36 p.m.

So would my Land Rover.

joey48442 SuperDork
2/28/09 2:41 p.m.
Keith wrote: So would my Land Rover.

Oil AND antifreeze?


cwh Dork
2/28/09 2:58 p.m.

That would also make normal traffic quite entertaining as well. Kind of like black ice up north.

Keith GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
2/28/09 3:48 p.m.
joey48442 wrote:
Keith wrote: So would my Land Rover.
Oil AND antifreeze? Joey

You've never worked on an old Land Rover, have you? They're allergic to fluids. There are probably a dozen potential places for gear oil alone to leak.

noisycricket Reader
2/28/09 3:48 p.m.
Chebbie_SB wrote: Does the "Pepper" in the OC have a pepper spray effect?

Capsicum is the chemical in peppers that turns them from veggies (fruit?) into little chunks of awesome.

Pure capsicum in oil makes hot sauce look like milk.

I am assuming SCU = Scoville Heat Units. If so then 2 million is right on up there. You can Google if it you like. Tabasco peppers are about 40,000, for a nice reference.

Chebbie_SB HalfDork
2/28/09 4:19 p.m.
noisycricket wrote:
Chebbie_SB wrote: Does the "Pepper" in the OC have a pepper spray effect?
Capsicum is the chemical in peppers that turns them from veggies (fruit?) into little chunks of awesome. Pure capsicum in oil makes hot sauce look like milk. I am assuming SCU = Scoville Heat Units. If so then 2 million is right on up there. You can Google if it you like. Tabasco peppers are about 40,000, for a nice reference.

Duh, I am "Sofa-King slow".... the SHU's didn't click, are these used in recreational paintball often?


noisycricket Reader
2/28/09 4:45 p.m.

Those are (probably) not for recreation.

My guess is the first one is to mark perps, similar to the dye packs hidden in bags of money, the third one is to make them hurt (but not lethally), and the second one is to make them hurt with a vengeance.

The fourth one? I dunno, maybe that one's just for fun.

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Dork
2/28/09 8:08 p.m.

Man. I kinda like this one.

Osterizer HalfDork
2/28/09 8:55 p.m.
noisycricket wrote: Those are (probably) not for recreation. My guess is the first one is to mark perps, similar to the dye packs hidden in bags of money, the third one is to make them hurt (but not lethally), and the second one is to make them hurt with a vengeance. The fourth one? I dunno, maybe that one's just for fun.

Oh yeah. The FN 303 is designed to knock somebody down, as well as deliver a delightful payload of the operator's choosing.

Recreation, no!

joey48442 SuperDork
2/28/09 11:33 p.m.
Keith wrote:
joey48442 wrote:
Keith wrote: So would my Land Rover.
Oil AND antifreeze? Joey
You've never worked on an old Land Rover, have you? They're allergic to fluids. There are probably a dozen potential places for gear oil alone to leak.

I guess it's a nice break to get away from Miatas which don't usually leak anything! (except rain...)


4cylndrfury Reader
3/1/09 7:12 a.m.

one of these:

plus this costume:

problem solved

donalson SuperDork
3/1/09 1:19 p.m.
ManofFewWords wrote: ds This has alot to do with an ineffective police force. A good force with a good police chief goes a long way towards keeping the peace.

i still think it has more to do with my 'rents generation (late baby boomers)... as a broad genrilization many of them tried to raise their kids as friends rather then as 'rents... buy them anything and everything that mommy/daddy didn't get as a kid and such... so get to my generation and they are doing the same kind of thing but at a whole nother level...

i've lived in a neighborhood where you could WATCH the punk ass kid do something (in this specific case throwing rocks at my neighbors car)... went and talked to the neighbor who in turn talked to kids mom... mommy dearest's son "would NEVER do something like that"... bastard kid slashed at least 5 tires that I know of (had em on video and cops didn't do anything) and keyed a few cars... including mine... enough calls to the cops and calls to the landlords and out they went... but only after they started calling cops on any of the complainers...

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
3/1/09 2:47 p.m.

had that problem back in the 80s with two ex-friends of mine. Apart they were great kids.. together they fed off of each other and did some aweful things.

this included breaking into our garage while we were on vacation and trashing my father's spitfire and destroying all the lighting fixtures outside the house, slitting the screens, and egging the place repeatedly. The one kids mom took it to heart, but not before both had been arrested for Grand Theft Auto.

The other mom was certain her son would never do such a thing.. three years later he was dead of a herion OD

Slyp_Dawg GRM+ Member
3/1/09 3:25 p.m.

a shotgun with a beanbag rounds would deal with the little punk asses in VERY short order. they try to use the skateboard as a weapon, beanbag round the skateboard. of course, that leaves a jagged, splintered edge that could be more dangerous than the trucks of the skateboard

or, if you're partial to causing a mess on more than just the underwear of the perps, a full auto paintball gun. that way, you get to mess up their jacket and jeans while they mess in their pants

ReverendDexter Reader
3/1/09 4:11 p.m.
noisycricket wrote: Capsicum is the chemical in peppers that turns them from veggies (fruit?) into little chunks of awesome.

Berries, technically.

noisycricket wrote: I am assuming SCU = Scoville Heat Units. If so then 2 million is right on up there. You can Google if it you like. Tabasco peppers are about 40,000, for a nice reference.

Scoville Heat Units are determined by how many "spritzes" of a sugar water solution it takes to quench the heat generated by a certain small amount of the pepper in question.

There's a Good Eats episode all about it. :)

Appleseed Reader
3/1/09 6:24 p.m.

I live what I would describe as a hillbilly neighborhood. While a lot of people turn there noses up at that sort of thing, I know the hood as a whole would not stand for any of this BS. Think of the end of the movie Next of Kin.

Mental SuperDork
3/1/09 9:38 p.m.
Appleseed wrote: I live what I would describe as a hillbilly neighborhood. While a lot of people turn there noses up at that sort of thing, I know the hood as a whole would not stand for any of this BS. Think of the end of the movie Next of Kin.

Reminds me of a quote I heard on here years ago, I am paraphrasing but

"A house that has a Chevelle on blocks with an engine hanging from a tree does not get robbed. That is a house where a gun lives."

RoadWarrior New Reader
3/2/09 8:35 a.m.
Osterizer wrote: + Problem *solved*.

Hey, Isn't that the same stuff that killed that girl during the riots here in boston for the red sox a few years back? If so, I guess that it does "work" in a permanent manner

DirtyBird222 HalfDork
3/2/09 11:58 a.m.

berkeley that E36 M3, I'm only 23 but if these hoodlums were doing this in my hood...i'd fight fire with fire. I prolly shouldn't list what I would do to these kids, but they would def be going home and crying to mommy....

Xceler8x GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
3/2/09 12:20 p.m.

'Crack House' Fire: Justice or Vigilantism?

A story about vigilantism where the vigilantes walked away. They had the tacit support of the local police and fire dept.

I'm not advocating action. If you do anything you'll see days in court if there are any credible witnesses. I'm not a lawyer. Once you're done you'll need one. I'd suggest getting one on retainer and getting some advice before doing anything rash.

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