Coming soon:
Sisters, born 3/8/22.
Slippery said:Are they home yet?
Yes we brought them home Wednesday and they have been awesome since. My wife works from home and has been getting up at night every two hours to take them out. During the day they go out after eating or napping. So far we have had very few messes.
They went to the vet yesterday and got a 100% healthy check up. Karmann is 10# and Ghia is 7#. The checkup was a requirement to get them checked out within 72 hours or no refund/whatever.
The runt is a bit less developed but will catch up. They are already bowing to play, using their front paws like a pugilist and doing the Boxer bounce/pounce.
Out cats have already got over the WTF man phase and check them out in their little pen.
Definitely need to puppy proof the house and yard more.
Little balls of awesomeness!
I was just going through some pics and found some from my last boxer. The kid in one of the pictures is in his 20s now
Awesome pics!
The ladies are growing pretty fast. They are bowing, boxing, bouncing when they play now. They are also getting more coordinated, the little girl is slightly behind.
We went from a 2 hour baby watch sleep to a 3 hour one last night. They have been doing great!
Been letting them out into the general population (with the cats) here and there. We REALLY need to puppy proof the house in the next week or so.
Tired AF and I hate to leave them for work etc. I am off to a Make-a-Wish Cruise today and my wife decided to stay home to puppy sit. Probably a good thing.
I have been fortunate to have many awesome dogs throughout my life, but our little Tilly (my first boxer) has truly been a treat. She is crazy and needs lots of aggressive play to burn off some of her energy, but I've never had a dog so attached to her family.
All she wants in this world is to be with her people.
Congratulations on your girls, they are beautiful.
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