Any crazy plans to watch or party down on Saturday? Just interested in crazy fun on this thread.
When Charles got married to Di a lot of my friends wives got up early to watch the wedding. This Saturday the fun starts at 4:00am Chicago time. I know we have DVR's but live is fun.
You getting up?
I don't have anything to add, other than I have heard Steve Winwood will be performing. I will be camping and won't watch it live, but I will probably watch it later on Youtube.
Canadian here.
Queen Elizabeth has been our queen longer than I've been alive.
Now we're going to have King Chuck.
I feel like a lot of tradition is about to go away.
It feels (to me) like part of our country's history has gone missing.
Personally, I think Charles is a twit.
What? Are they doing this AGAIN!?! Didn't they just do this 70 years ago!
Certainly a curiosity, that I am not paying for, but I hear something like 70% of the British are less than impressed with the crown with Chucky in charge. I suspect there might be an uptick for the next one, maybe.
I will check out the highlights on the news, I am sure it will be all over it.
In reply to Woody (Forum Supportum) :
Some watery tart randomly distributing sabers is no basis for a system of government!
I'm like Duke and Appleseed- not interested in Royals. They really don't add anything other than a person as part of the UK, and because of that, the media treats them more as a target- which got really, really old as I grew up seeing what they did to Diana.
Nope, no interest. But, hey, congrats to Charles, ya finally did it. I imagine there'll be a much shorter interval between this one and the next, than this one and the last one.
Duke said:I do not share the perverse fascination some Americans have with our much-former rulers.
For some reason people love a dynasty.
Definitely not going out of my way to watch it, news about the royal family is a particularly silly form of celebrity gossip and I tend to actively avoid it. I'll probably end up catching the highlights whether I want to or not...
I wonder if we're seeing the decline of the House of Windsor.
Although there is legitimate critique for Elizabeth, she was quite stately. She was a stable institution unto herself that was widely respected. Charles does not have the love and respect that Elizabeth garnered. He does not have her charisma.
With increased drama becoming apparent from the royal family, it's pretty obvious that it is not an emotionally healthy place to be. Harry has made it pretty clear that he'd rather be pretty much anywhere (taking fire in Afghanistan) than England, especially Buckingham Palace.
Where does the monarchy go from here?
Maybe if Charles has a short reign, people will have more fondness for William and Kate? People like Diana and feel sympathetic towards her children.
I dunno. Don't have a horse in this race. Just casually wondering.
From everything I've been seeing online, even the Brits aren't too happy with the coronation.
"Massive amount of struggling within the country, and these billionaire leeches decide to throw a massive party celebrating a thing that doesn't mean anything? Piss off" kinda vibes.
Beer Baron said:Maybe if Charles has a short reign....
I feel like it's going to be by default. I mean, how old is the guy? He's no spring chicken.
aircooled said:In reply to Beer Baron :
Windsor? We name the castle Windsor!
"Windsor" had a better ring to it than "Saxe-Coburg", especially during WW1.
I'm indifferent towards the Royals. As a history buff, that family has had a lot of influence, both good and bad, over the centuries, so from that respect they are interesting. But they haven't done anything relevant in 100+ years and basically function at this point as a tourist attraction for the UK. It's nostalgia for the British people to look back at when their empire was at it's height. And honestly, I get that. There's a reason we put up monuments here and have dead presidents on our money.
aircooled said:In reply to Beer Baron :
Windsor? We name the castle Windsor!
I have very fond memories of that Ford V-8.
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