was out and about today and saw about 10 or so girls from high school.. most were real lookers back in the day.. and we are only talking ladies that are now in there early forties..lol. not real pretty.
It depends, honestly. Some of the gals from my HS have done well, not that some of us guys have done better.
I remember going to my 20th reunion, and seeing one of the girls that was a real skank in high school. Had discovered make up and how to dress well. As in a dress cut to her navel, but looking REAL good. Her date was supposedly a CIA spook. She went from dog to hotness. Kinda nice to see. The other girls , well, some had not aged nearly so well. Now, I enjoy seeing a "mature" woman, 50's-60's that has taken care of herself and still looks good. There are a few, including my Jane.
Know what you mean. I went to a party recently where I discovered that the absolute prettiest girl in my HS now looks like six miles of bad road. But an old GF from about 25 years ago still looks stunning.
Too bad she's in a LTR...
My 20th reunion is tomorrow night. Still not sure if I am going. I don't remember most of the folks. If someone were to read off a list of names I might catch 8 or 9 names and have a hard time placing 4 of them. The ones that would be left would be mortal enemies or ex-gf's.
If you luck into "looking good" you don't take care of it. The late bloomers that figured out how to look good take care of it and get better looking.
im not the best lookin guy by a mile but it just made me chuckle.. and ya some of the skanks turned the corner and look pretty good. and some that were head cases stayed the same course..lol
I haven't seen any girls from high school since...high school. There were only a few hot ones anyways...
Facebook is pretty interesting for that stuff. In general, funny how folks change since high school, so better, some worse.
So true! I graduated hs in 1988, and recently reconnected with some of the girls from high school through facebook. The ones that used to be the hottest are complete train wrecks and some of the homely ones are now hot. I guess it all depends on when you peak in life.
There was a girl in my grade that was one of the prettiest girls in my school (not much to choose from living in a small town) and at some point in the last 12 years, she became a over tanned, roided out, body builder.
Not so attractive anymore.
N Sperlo wrote: I went to an all male high school.
As did I, but in my case it just meant that we had two all girl sister schools.
I think if you had to work hard in HS to "look good" (overactive thyroid, bad skin, poor genes, whatever), then you keep trying later on in life. Its the ones who had the metabolism of six rabbits and could eat whatever, or never had to worry about "too much " sun etc etc that dont take care of themselves in their 20s and 30s, and end up looking like a train-wreck-in-india in their 40s.
I fall into the six rabbits group, and now am paying the price for thinking I could eat whatever and as much as I want, whenever I want...Ive gained 30 lbs since HS, and even with diligent effort, Ive only managed to stop gaining as I get into my 30s. Losing is proving to be a VERY difficult endeavor.
I saw a lot of girls who gave up and let themselves go, and a few who maintained hotness, but no one improved. A few guys improved I suppose, but most of us followed the usual trajectory of fatter, balder, uglier...
In reply to 4cylndrfury:
Yep. Two girls I was friends with in HS I reconnected with just before our 20th (mainly due to the death of a mutual friend). Both were fairly thin back then... not so much now. My ex also gained a few lbs... quite a few, actually. It seems to happen to a lot of girls around here when they hit their mid-20's - their metabolism slows down and they blow up.
The whole 20th reunion experience was rather amusing. I ended up spending the time at a table with the aforementioned girls plus another girl I knew who sat with us since I think I was the only one she remembered. None of my guy friends bothered to go except for one who I work with (although we weren't really friends in H.S.). IMHO, it's one of thsoe things where you jsut say "screw it..." and go... because if I didn't go I'd always wonder...
I'm 9 years out, weigh no more than I did when I graduated (though 15 over my sophomore year) and I'm probably stronger what I was back then. My endurance has dropped off, but in my chosen form of exercise (mtb) I think I've improved drastically. Even in bad shape I could probably destroy my highschool rider form. Though still not in the shape I was in when I was working for the YMCA Summer Camp hiking in the wood everyday and riding on my lunch break coming back to the pool and treading water for 50 minutes.
I wish my hair would cooperate though. Many female former classmates comment on how they like my beard, but also comment on how I look like I'm going bald. I swear I'm not!
The majority of former female classmates have definitely improved. Only those who have gotten married and had kids seemed to have gone downhill, but its only been 9 years, they still have the 30's to weather.
Been going to reunions and it seems the early bloomers burn out early and the late bloomers don't really come into their prime till later. I'll take a late bloomer any day!
I loved my ten year and am looking forward to the twenty in a couple years. Most of the guys looked way older than me, loosing hair, and out of shape. Girls that I had serious crushes on were just 'meh' at best 10 years later. The nerd girls looked awesome. If I could do it all over again, I would still take the long arc instead of the short term teenage looks.
I was a skinny little guy in HS and not attractive enough to get any attention.
Now I am a thin and handsome man. Seriously though, I have aged very well (thanks to my dad's genes), have all my hair (literally have 2 grey hairs)and my metabolism is still running pretty strong. If I didn't live off fast food and drink at least two beers a night I would have a six pack.
My wife was an awkward tomboy when I met her when she was 19. Has a rockin' body now and has grown more attractive with age (even factoring in my obvious bias--see "Is your wife hot" thread)
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