Gee--who would have thought... :whatthe:
at least our shenanigans our cheeky and fun. Their's are cruel and tragic.
Now lets see how long it takes for the price of gas to drop.... Its okay, I'll wait....
BTW, Potential renewable petroleum solution may just make the cartels a thing of the past. At least until they buy into that solution, just like they own quite a bit of the rest of our energy supplies.
fiat22turbo wrote: <img BTW, Potential renewable petroleum solution may just make the cartels a thing of the past. At least until they buy into that solution, just like they own quite a bit of the rest of our energy supplies.
Algae, cellulosic ethanol, Jatro-diesel ( of this stuff is REALLY exciting. :cool:
Speaking of gas prices, I was recently saying this might happen:
OH MAN! Good idea! I with I would have thought of that.
Not the locking gas cap thing . . . heh heh . . . the free gas . . . :twisted:
The locking gas cap thing happened about two years ago when this nonsense started. The problem is, with all of the plastic tanks out there, ne'er do wells are just drilling holes in the bottoms of tanks and draining them out.
Damn plastic tanks keep Darwin from thinning the herds.
wreckerboy wrote: Damn plastic tanks keep Darwin from thinning the herds.
While the idea of gas thieves engulfed in flames sets me all atingle, I'd rather replace a fuel tank than replace my burnt out car.
Wowak wrote: And I'll be honest; I don't really understand what trading futures really gets you.
"Rich" if you do it right???
I dunno--it's out of my league. :whatthe:
Wowak wrote: And I'll be honest; I don't really understand what trading futures really gets you.
Everything I know about commodities futures trading I learned from "Trading Places."
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