Spring hose clamps are a part of my own evolution as a mechanic. I started off hating them and replaced countless ones with worm gear hose clamps. It got so that I was buying worm gear clamps by the box to keep in stock at all times. Then I bought the proper tools, including the particular one shown above, and realized the value of constant tension spring type clamps. Now, I am going the other way and stocking up on springs clamps and throwing away worm gear clamps.
But, then again, I also used to build battery cables with those bolt on ends too.
Older and wiser maybe ? I'd like to think so.
I typed "remote hose clamp tool" into Amazon with good results. Now I can send that to someone who asks what I want for the holidays because I "already have all the tools". Well apparently I don't.
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My Blue Point tool is 15 years old and like Cus' eddie I have quit Hating and now Embrace Spring Clamps. 1 min. or less compaired to 5 min. install time.
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