5/3/15 5:24 p.m.
Sean (sanyarcosean) and Jessica recently adopted a great little doggie named Diesel. Well Diesel had an accident today and has a very serious break in his leg. Surgery is required and its a good possibility he will loose the leg.
As anyone here who has every had to have emergency veteranary care knows it's expensive. They'd never come here and ask for themselves but I know this community and I know we take care of our own. So whaddaya all say? Can you spare a few bucks to help a little doggie out?
A go fund me site was started so friends and family could help out, well y'all are friends AND family so please help if you can.
I just chipped in for Diesel. Hoping for the best possible outcome.
Seriously broke at the moment. Suggest they shop around a bit on the vet thing. My sister is a vet and they won't let an animal suffer needlessly and will often take into consideration clients ability to pay. Even offer barter services for medical care.
Good thing is that the truism about dogs is that they are born with three legs and a spare. I owned a three legged catahoula for years (vet bill was maybe $200 to have the hind leg off).
I'm in. Hope everything goes well.
Thank you all. Jessica and I are deeply touched by this communities generosity. Our boy is home and sleeping it off tonight. Off to the Vet tommorow to weigh our options for him. A special thanks to Jim Thwaite. Just being there to talk when we needed it was greatly appreciated. Thank you for everything!
Donated $15... I know it's not much but it's all I can spare at the moment. My heeler has plates and screws in one of her legs, and she's pretty much amazing. Pups are strong as heck diesel is gonna be just fine 
5/4/15 8:04 a.m.
Thank you to everyone who has helped. No amount is too small or unappreciated.
Again all Thank You So Much!! Every donation is appreciated greatly and we dont want anyone to put themselves in a bind doing it. The GRM Community is Amazing!
Noone should ever have to lose a family member because of money. I did my small part.
We have a care credit account card. Has saved us on numerous occasions with the greyhounds. Typical purchase gets 3-6 months no interest.
Thanks again one and all for your generosity!! We take Diesel to the vet tomorrow morning to find out what options we have. He had a good night tonight, seems relaxed and comfortable.
In reply to sanyarcosean:
Please keep us posted on Diesel's progress. Curious minds & all...
5/4/15 9:56 p.m.
In. Hope thinks work out well for the little guy.
Wanted to send a quick update to you all along with another Huge Thank You to everyone! We took Diesel to the Vet today for a consultation and to explore our options with him. Unfortunately Surgery to repair the break is not going to be an option due to cost. (lets just say its a very large number due to the type of break and where it is) This leaves amputation or keep him in a splint and hope that the bones fuse. We have decided to start down the hope it fuses road ( though it looks doubtful again because of the nature and area of the break ) If in time the break does not heal we will be forced to go the amputation route. (still an expensive surgery :-( ) Up side is he is getting around much better today! I know its a crappy pic, but its all I have with me.. Thanks again all!!

A splint and the Cone of Shame? Poor guy....
Good luck. Our older dog, Cosmo, tore his ACL a couple of years ago. We looked into surgery, but it was expensive, and he has arthritis in his hips, so the outcome didn't look that great anyhow. We've elected to just let it be while giving him joint supplements like Omega 3 oil and glocosamine. He's doing fine, he still limps a little, especially after an active day, but for the most part, he gets around just fine and isn't in any pain. I realize the situations are very different, but we had a good result by just letting it heal on it's own.
5/5/15 12:29 p.m.
Chewie and I just donated, best of luck. 
5/5/15 3:48 p.m.
Since we are going through the same thing some advice. Obviously keep him as sedentary as possible. Give it time. We are on week 9 of the splint and anticipating 4 more minimum, but it IS healing. Go to petsmart and get a set of cheap rain boots. They slide over the splint and velcro on and keep the splint dry. Our vet was amazed when he saw our improvised splint protector and at how clean and dry her splint remained. He now recommends them for all his splinted patients. Its like $15 for a set of 4.
Like these ones http://www.petsmart.com/dog/shoes-socks/top-paw-blue-plaid-rain-boots-zid36-7747/cat-36-catid-100080?var_id=36-7747&_t=pfm%3Dcategory
Good call on the Rain Boots... Fit like a glove.. Sedentary, Check....

Just contributed in Orion's memory
. Hopefully Diesel will do well and thrive!!
5/14/15 6:32 p.m.
He's in the same position we are now (our dog broke her leg 2 months ago) wait and see. Diesel (and Lilly) are splinted and go for periodic checks. With Lilly its splint change every 2 weeks and x-ray every 4. So I would expect we won't know much on Diesel for a few more weeks. Lilly is not showing good healing progress at 9 weeks, we are giving it 4 more weeks and if there's no bone bridging she will need surgery.