My job is 100% quality control. Sucks to send away truckloads of food, but taking it would be an even greater tragedy.
Are those... copulating animal crackers?
I like that one of my recent projects involved trimming a washer to resemble the one pictured.
SnowMongoose wrote: Are those... copulating animal crackers?
They answer the need for some berkeleying crackers perfectly.
They could also be thoughtful touches to any co-joined twin birthday party.
I've had better luck with the HF cobalt bits than the Kobalt cobalts. Best of all the cobalt are the DeWalts (or they were last time I bought one) but pricey. I won't waste my time/$ on black oxide or HSS bits.
And yes that is an impressive collection of misfit toys!
In reply to Curmudgeon:
If you have a good machine shop supply house nearby(in lower Michigan this is Production Tool Supply) you can buy individual, high quality US made(or Asian imports worth a damn) drill bits of whatever material/finish you desire for not much more than buying sets from a big box home store. Ex. cobalt 1/4" jobber drill 3.85 Generic USA, $2.70 imported, $4.90 Morse(USA), $6.05 Precision-Dormer(Swedish IIRC).
My strategy was to buy the cheap HF high speed set and fill it in with good bits as needed.
The drill bit is HF for sure. Damn thing wouldn't cut so I used a little extra pressure and it bent.
In reply to fujioko:
Just to be sure, you do know of PTS in Jackson, right? Right off Airport Rd by 94, big blue building visible from 94. They aren't very vocal of it, but they do deal with the public.
Kenny_McCormic wrote: My strategy was to buy the cheap HF high speed set and fill it in with good bits as needed.
This is exactly what I'm doing - except that I've been getting pretty good service from the giant index of gold painted HSS stuff from HF. I've yet to ruin anything but the very most popular and I was in a hurry so I ended up snagging replacements at Lowes.
Not trying to hijack the thread.
As cheap as the HF set is:
it's about as cheap to buy another HF set as it is to replace 4 big bits from LowesDepot. No kidding, I've gotten great service from these.
Especially considering the endless supply of 25% off HF coupons. For the longest time, the cashier would just give it back to me.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
3 words....Precision Twist Drill. Get Cobalt or Carbide ones and they'll go through about anything like its hot butter.
Also, PTD is a line of Precision Dormer.
Curmudgeon wrote:Appleseed wrote: I just can't get the animal cracker rape out of my mind.Been a while, has it?
I wish I had taken pictures of some of the R&D nightmares we dealt with at my previous jobs. Copper brake lines, ribbed (not threaded) control arm cross-shafts, non-threaded hex bolts, peel-away chrome plating, "finished" sand cast parts crusted in painted over sand, blatant knockoffs (complete with duplicated logos!), substandard strength metals, and more. Luckily we caught most of that before it made it out the door, but there was plenty that made it into customer hands.
Speaking of such things I've always wanted one of those mythical "MoFoCo" mustang taillight lenses, but can't find one.
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