Not mine (unfortunately). This looks like a heck of a boat.
The late Al Copeland's (founder of Popeye's) old boat. He broke his back snowmobiling years ago and gave up offshore racing. He had several boats including a turbine-powered monster that he would race around Lake Ponchartain in.
I would surmise that THAT particular boat would be a larger than average hole in which to throw money.
Boat isn't a word, it is actually initials.
Bring Out Another Thousand.
I used to be a race engineer for an F3 then F2 tunnel boat team. We could spank those off shore guys but needed smooth water to do it.
All for about $20K
F3 (good for about 100 mph)
F2 (good for about 150 mph)
and this is why offshore guys have it easy
On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that $75k is a small fraction of what it would take to build that thing.
There is a good bit of that racing around here. Love it. The sound is incredible. Two or three max effort big blocks, with cams you could not possibly use on the streets, open headers, and idle sounds that bring tears to my eyes. And then they kick them up to 6000 RPM. Oh Gawd!
it's pretty much a pulling tractor for the water haha you could have some sushi too with the amount of power that's spinning those propellers!
I've watched off-shore racing, and I cannot think of a less-fun way to burn through thousands of dollars per hour. Absolutely nothing about that looks enjoyable, and on a GOOD day your boat doesn't blow up and sink.
My neighbor has a 27' or so cabin cruiser with two 502 cid in it. Fuel tank holds 300 gallons. 300 GALLONS! Nothing like dropping a $1000 dollars at the gas station.
Needless to say he is an older guy with no wife or kids and only a couple of girlfriends. And the 3 '50s corvettes too...
I hope I'm in his will.
This guy makes it look easy at 31ft. DCB, 1350 POWERED M-31, 2ND
The wildest are the turbine engined ones. 200mph on water, driven by guys with more money than sense. Oh, and great big brass ones.
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