Knurled. said:
Although I don't think we ever did collectively figure out what that weird tool thingus was.
Knurled. said:
Although I don't think we ever did collectively figure out what that weird tool thingus was.
There are a few forums that I visit occasionally for technical information and then I get the heck out of there because of the athmosphere permeating some of the other parts of the same forum.
This one, I feel like I'm coming back to check how my Internet friends are doing. So I keep coming back.
I've never met anyone here, randomly stumbled across irishj's BMW rally build and decided to stay after reading that and a few others. Normally this forum just has less drama then any others. I've never done anything other then dragrace as far as Motorsports are concerned but really enjoy the laid back quality of this place.
I'll add wholeheartedly that this is the best place on the internet. I've been a member for a long time and the help and guidance a bunch of folks I've never met in person is amazing. I'm sure I've asked more than answered (unless it was about karting), but nobody's ever complained about it. I hit a really bad spot a few weeks back and the help and support this board offered got me through that bad time.
I hope to make the challenge one day and now that my kid is off at college, will have some time to help out my fellow GRM'ers in Texas when they need an extra hand.
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