Anyone els play with R/C toys?
I recieved an R/C helicopter for Christmass. Its the dogs danglies. Twin counter rotating blades. Like this<yp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar
I then recieved a single rotor for my birthday. Like this<yp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar
Single rotor is a challenge and fast as E36 M3.
My wife wanted me to find an additional hobby. Well she and I both got that. :)
I just picked up a Blade SR 120. a 6 channel helicopter. Compared to the cheapos.. flying is a challenge.. but I think well worth it
I got some kind of twin rotor heli a while back from my dad and it's great fun. I used to do the nitro car thing and my dad spent most of his hobby time in the past with r/c planes, but those little electric helis are loads of fun without the loads of work you get with gas planes/cars. Plus, you can fly them around the house without asphyxiation! Always a plus.
I just gave away all my R/C plane stuff to a friend. I've still got a pile of R/C boat and car stuff left over from when I raced them. Most of it hasn't been run since I got into full sized stuff.
I do have two of the R/C helicopters and they are a blast. The little one drives my cats crazy. I guess they think it's dinner on the wing.
I have a cheapy version (Airhog?) of the counter rotating helicopter. It actually works pretty well. You have to be very gentile with the throttle, but you can get it to cruise around a room with some practice (only power and yaw, so it is always going forward). Won't work outside since it is IR controlled.
I have one similar to your single rotor. Much more of a challenge to fly, but a bit big for some rooms. Not so good for outside, unless there is NO wind.
I also have a power glider (6ft wing span) that is great for ridge soaring (too heavy with the motor for thermal soaring).
Good fun, but like real planes and helicopters, the trick isn't in the taking off...
For those interested, for the price of 3 AirHogs (fun, cool toy BTW) you can have a hobby grade heli. Search for McX. Plus, much of the plastics can be replaced with glow in the dark parts.
We haven't got a chopper yet, but there's more R/C cars around here than I can count. Most are the cheapie toy variety but we do have one Traxxas electric that goes like heck. On the flying machine side, I recently picked up a Yellow Bee at HF and promptly crashed that sucker on my neighbor's roof. In the process of rebuilding the nose right now.
Son got the airhog twin vortex helo, which has proven to be a darn good flier. It's the first thing we've found that can actually be flown inside the house. As opposed to a few seconds of uncontrolled lift until it hits something. He's practiced taking off from the couch, circling the ceiling light, and landing on a chair and such.
We'll probably get a yellowbee at some other future point.