this topic needs to be locked, sadly.only because of the troll, i respect most others here on the board on what might otherwise be a valid discussion, but the troll has to go.
otherwise we're gonna have to start billing you hourly for the couch sessions - sorry I had to say that.
In reply to 4cylndrfury
Sharing the road with people like you is really a priveledge. Our children deserve much better in the Sunshine State. Enjoy motorsports responsibly.
I didn't teach her to say "NO"?
Sounds like the same old "Blame the victim" routine. She couldn't say No. So you are suggesting that my daughter got what she deserveed.
TAX.... 2%
The cure for ignorance is education.
Crimes against woman and children need to be addressed.
In reply to nutherjrfan: The proposed tax should probably go up to 5%. Ignorance aside. Use the money for new patrol cars and helicopters. Or an emergency rooom addition for SPEED trauma-
nutherjrfan wrote: this topic needs to be locked, sadly.
You may be right. The signal-to-noise ratio has fallen below the level I care for, but it's still a valid discussion at its heart. We're watching closely.
nutherjrfan wrote: this topic needs to be locked, sadly
I disagree.
Simple refusal to communicate won't address this. And if this person wants to use the police power of the government, it is our responsibility to be aware of what their position is, or we have noone to blame but ourselves if we don't like what they do.
I notice neon didn't respond to my question, tho...
madmallard wrote: I notice neon didn't respond to my question, tho...
never ever EVARRR does.
Neon, Did I say she got what she deserved? no not at all, but thanks for playing twistmywords, a favorite game of people who refuse to use logic or be responsible. Did I ever blame her? no, once again thanks for playing wordsy-twisty. Im saying she got into a car with an idiot, and you didnt teach her not to. Im saying that when she needed to tell him to slow down or let her out, she did not. Will taxing race fans help teach a kid these things - theres a less than favorable probability of that, but you know who could teach these things to kids? Responsible parents. Anyway, if you have any shred of sanity or logic, go with Tommy to an actual race, go with a friend to a drag strip, go with anyone to anything that involves racing - and see for yourself how LITTLE emphasis there is at any real sanctioned racing on being out of control or not being responsible. You refuse to have any real discussion, you simply point and blame. I actually pity someone so dense as to not even try to see the other point of view. Most people call the inability to see logic despite repeated proof as insane.
This topic is locked. No further posts are being accepted.