With the back deck being refinished, I am left with several hundred board feet of weathered 2x6. It was originally pressure treated and installed in '99 or '00. Mostly 8' but a few 12', and a few 4'. I'm currently drawing up plans for a tv stand, though I admit 2x6 is a bit over kill.
Other than that or firewood, any suggestions? "Reclaimed" projects or where to sell it for others to utilize it?
Cooler stand--go to craigslist, find a big cooler, make something like this:
Leave it on the new deck, now you don't have to trudge back in and out of the house for beer/water/pop.
Don't burn pressure treated lumber. Releases some nasty chemicals.
You can plane it down and get some really neat colors out of it.
Other than that, I usually avoid using reclaimed lumber. More work than the cost savings are worth.
You can sell it on CL, though people will want it basically free. If it were hardwood, it might be worth something, but if it is just pressure treated construction lumber it might not be worth much.
I am up against the same thing probably next summer or fall. Some ideas I have:
As far as the burn thing, I have been told that after this long the chemicals have more or less "aged out".
neon4891 wrote: As far as the burn thing, I have been told that after this long the chemicals have more or less "aged out".
you sure you want to trust them and take the risk with highly highly toxic ash and smoke just to make disposal easier?
You might be able to donate it, in my area there are several salvage places that take and sell used everything, fixtures, doors, windows, wood, etc. Probably won't pick it up though.
I don't think the chemicals age out really. Burning it makes toxic ash. I have a similar (smaller) pile, and I am putting it in the garbage.
I took out a deck that neither my wife or liked in a house we owned. I used some of the wood to build a few raised plant beds we wanted. The rest was combined with a couple of 4x8 sheets of plywood that also came with the house to build myself 2 nice 8 foot long workbenches.
any wood before 2004 probably has high levels of arsenic in it.
reposted from another forum - "Burning/Incineration of CCA wood does not destroy arsenic. It is incredible, but a single 12 foot 2 x 6 contains about 27 grams of Arsenic - enough arsenic to kill 250 adults. Burning CCA wood releases the chemical bond holding Arsenic in the wood, and just one Tablespoon of ash from a CCA wood fire contains a lethal dose of Arsenic. Worse yet, Arsenic gives no warning: it does not have a specific taste or odor to warn you of its presence. No one disputes that the ash from burning CCA wood is highly toxic: It is illegal to burn CCA wood in all 50 states."
Maybe I can use it to finish the interior shelfing on my stalled console tv project.
Or recreate a larger version of my fish tank stand.
Turn it up on edge and build one hell of a butcher block workbench. Plane the boards to flat and solid, glue, clamp, repeat.
Dusterbd13 wrote: Turn it up on edge and build one hell of a butcher block workbench. Plane the boards to flat and solid, glue, clamp, repeat.
Except that wood has been treated with arsenic, copper and chromium.
Hand plane.
Ive used a power planer on pressure treated. Outside with respirator. However, I don't take any extra precautions when cutting with a chop saw.
And I was reccomending workbench for the shop. Not kitchen. Id be nervous eating anything that came in contact with pressure treated lumber.
I also have some weathered plywood. 3 full sheets and 5 or so half-ish sheets. Not certain if PT or not.
Crap. I'm glad I read this. I have a 500 sq ft deck we never use that is dying a slow death. I was going to chop and burn. Looks like I'll make the garden boxes instead.
bmw88rider wrote: Crap. I'm glad I read this. I have a 500 sq ft deck we never use that is dying a slow death. I was going to chop and burn. Looks like I'll make the garden boxes instead.
Garden boxes?
You mean like for plants? That you eat? That neighborhood critters eat?
Poison. Yummy.
If you know of any mountain bikers, my local trail builders are always looking for pressure-treated deck wood for building bridges and what-not...
2x6's, that's framing stuff. Soooo, garbage can cage, garden border/boxes, lean-to frame, etc.
Probably no market value to the stuff, but placing it stacked alongside the road will almost invariably result in it disappearing.
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