It's just one of my pet peeves that the Evil party of America (as opposed to the Stupid party of America) spoon-feeds dumb-berkeleys with "gun show loophole" language, like that's a bad thing and it has to be "closed" for the good of all of us, when what it really means is "stop the private transfer of firearms between law-abiding citizens (and legal residents) of the United States of America without registering said law-abiding citizens and their firearms so we can get to collecting them all like we did in Germany, the U.K., Oz, Cambodia, the Soviet Union, ...."
You can sell a firearm you built without a FFL the same as any other gun(and building a non NFA firearm for personal use requires no paperwork), so long as it's been properly marked per regulations (name, address, serial, etc.). You just can't build one with the intent of selling it. Nothing illegal about dumping a 80% AR build or whatever have you that you decided you didn't like, need, or whatever non profit driven reason you have. Buy 5 just to complete and sell? Big no no.
Dr. Hess wrote:
It's just one of my pet peeves that the Evil party of America (as opposed to the Stupid party of America) spoon-feeds dumb-berkeleys with "gun show loophole" language, like that's a bad thing and it has to be "closed" for the good of all of us, when what it really means is "stop the private transfer of firearms between law-abiding citizens (and legal residents) of the United States of America without registering said law-abiding citizens and their firearms so we can get to collecting them all like we did in Germany, the U.K., Oz, Cambodia, the Soviet Union, ...."
I have a few people in my family who are very insistent that the media is the final word on all things. The analogy I use is "Gun laws don't stop applying when you call a gathering of gun vendors a gun show any more than do car laws stop applying when vendors gather at a car show."
Here they passed I-594 which now requires FFL transfers for private sales of firearms. Ah well, what can you do?
< / thread jack >
I'm following this with interest as I've been wanting to do a home-build (probably AR platform) for about a year or so. RebelGTP's $500 .300 blackout has me all sorts of motivated again (and the wife irritated to a point I haven't seen her at since I was poking around the Guns and E36 M3 forum).
I paid like $350 for a 300BO upper. Complete with bolt, fancy looking muzzle brake, everything ready to go. I don't think I could piece it all together for that. You could put a lower together for $150 if you were careful with teh bling-bling.
^ My work here is done.
Hess: You may have a PM soon
1/15/15 1:19 p.m.
In reply to Hungary Bill:
Yep, unfortunately never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. You'll get NY all over again, where the media publish the names/addresses of firearms owners. 
I understand the people who shouldn't have the stuff probably don't posses a bridgeport or cnc mill, its just it still seems odd to me. I probably should check state law to see if they even allow it here.
Hey Bill,
I answered your PM. Check your spam folder. My emails get routed there on most systems. Seems like if you don't use gmail, that's where it all ends up. Also, is a good resource to use.