I have some paneling in my kitchen that needs to go. The problem is it's held in place not just by paneling nails, but by Liquid Nails as well. This presents a problem, because I really don't want to replace the drywall to get rid of it.
Here's a picture to show you my problem.
Hopefully there's some solvent out there that's won't destroy the drywall. Scraping it takes the paint, and sometimes the outer layer of the drywall paper.
Ammonia I believe will dissolve it.
But, honestly, what is your time worth? Even though drywall work sucks, it might be faster.
It's a whole kitchen of this stuff. Cost becomes a factor, too. That, and I don't do drywall, it'll get hired out.
New drywall will be in the 5+ year future when the kitchen is fully remodeled and a wall gets removed.
You won't find anything that will both dissolve liquid nails and save the drywall. Based on my limited knowledge of the type of material liquid nails is, any solvent would saturate the drywall such that paint won't adhere and neither would tile.
If replacing with more paneling why not rip it all out and throw on the new panelling?
100% suggest prybar then sledge hammer then drywall crew. Then enjoy the flawless kitchen.
I'm thinking just putting what's there back for now and deciding what to do later. I was expecting nails, not copious amounts of Liquid Nails holding it on. It's getting replaced because it's dirty and outdated. Cleaning it fixes the dirty part, and I can deal with outdated until the sledge hammer comes out.
I just went and started to spackle over what's there. The LN is really thin. There are more imperfections in the rest of the wall, so I'm giving it a coat of joint compound, a good sand, and see where I end up. If a few tubs of joint compound lets my paint my kitchen one color, I'll be happy, and it won't be money down the hole when things start getting moved around.
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