Passed away this morning at the age of 78.
Clearly, a man of many talents. I had no idea his production company was behind one of my favorite movies, Repo Man.
Saw this earlier. Very sad.
I grew up watching the Monkees on Saturday mornings. I never realized his resemblance to Frank Zappa before seeing Duke's pics! :-)
At least he got to spend his life doing what he enjoyed.
Rest in peace.
Bummer. My sisters and I used to watch the Monkees on Saturdays also. My wife and I joke about one of the things we had in common when we met, was that we both liked the Monkees more than the Beatles.
Mr. Peabody said:I guess he took the last train to Clarksville...
Which was, apparently, a thinly veiled song about getting drafted.
Underrated comedic genius. Elephant Parts and Television Parts have their DNA all over so much of the good sketch comedy that came after, and also introduced the world to folks like Bob Goldthwait, Gary Shandling and Taylor Negron as more than just cretive standup comics, but as people with true long-form comedy vision.
Oh yeah, he also ran Baja with P.J. O'Rourke.
dxman92 said:Did not know that his Mom had a hand in inventing White Out.
More than just a hand, I believe she invented it all on her own. When she died I understand she left a sizable estate behind for Mike.
Another interesting thing about Mike is he created something called Pop Clips, which led to the creation of MTV.
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