Hi guys,
My lawnmower starts up easily enough, but yesterday it would shut off once I tried to engage the blades. Today it is stumbling and shutting off as soon as I try to lift off the clutch/brake foot lever. belts are all on properly and nothing is restricting the blades. Any ideas why it is doing this? It had been laid up for the several months that I was sick. Thanks!
10/10/11 2:23 p.m.
Check the connection for the deadman switch under the seat. If that is broken (I can’t remember if the circuit is supposed to be open or closed to make the mower run), you’d have that problem. Mower would probably start fine but not run with the blade engaged. Some have another switch like that on the blade engagement lever.
Thanks Jake! I'll check that as soon as I get home.
10/10/11 3:56 p.m.
Needs an LS1. Does that solve the problem?
10/10/11 4:01 p.m.
Deadman switch on my old rider would prevent it from running at all. My push mower used to do the same thing until it warned up. Probably crappy fuel from sitting for so long or things have gotten gummy in the carb, let it warm up for a few minutes and then mow it if you don't feel like rebuilding the carb.
old fuel or gummy carb? I had issues w/ smaller push mower engines stalling when loaded up, pulled the fuel bowl and little rubber bits were found... ethanol fuel degrading old fuel line and restricting orifi possibly.