Silly liquor store owners, just put up a sign that says “Book Store” and you’ll be fine…none of those are getting looted.
In the ghetto right now. Quiet as can be, although there were shots fired earlier. That is an every night thing.
A woman and her boyfriend purchased a handgun to "get ready" for the riots. They were in the car she started waving the gun around, he rearended another car dodging the waving gun and she shot herself in the head.
This is clearly a case of someone that bought a gun that was unprepared for the responsibility.
I am honestly hoping that there will not be much in the way of rioting. To bad that cold snap couldn't have held out for a few more days.
EDIT: And I spoke to soon, things are ramping up in other cities as well. God people suck.
Just finished reading it on the news up here.
The media needs to stop calling it "protesting" and start calling it a riot, these folks didn't come to protest, they came to loot and set fires.
Yeah right now this is about as far from a protest as you can get. This is a riot and things are going to start getting out of hand.
Just heard a cop was shot. That is going to turn things up.
Jesus, there was nothing announced then I eat dinner and play some Forza now all hell is breaking loose.
Well, there's one less Auto Zone in Ferguson tonight. Reports of high-power rifle and automatic weapon fire, rampant looting and fires. Requesting any available police forces to aid Ferguson tonight. E36 M3 gettin' pretty sporty out there.
Live Ferguson scanner feed w/ cnn video on you tube channel: Zynthesis
I feel like I'm in a command center. Viewing my CCTV system (still peaceful here), multiple video/audio feeds up along with radios and coms with my partners at the other job. I've got my wife checking in and friends checking on things around my house. So far things are OK, but what a mess I'm seeing on TV.
There were no auto part stores left, but Harbor Freight is still OK at last check.
RebelGTP, I saw that the other day. Gun sales are sky high right now. I've sold more spray in a week than I had in months. Responsibility isn't always there.
Well, more cars and buildings are on fire. I'm going to "get back to work".
In reply to fasted58:
Kirkwood Police & Fire channel is currently the Swat dispatch channel. It seems the rioters are fleeing swat teams and moving on to somewhere else each time.
just watched a live feed of the "peaceful protesters" rescuing every cell phone and tablet that they could from a burning cell phone store. going by the looks on their faces, they sure were glad they could save all those consumer electronics from going up in flames, and i'm sure they are trying to find the owner of the store so they can assure him that the stuff was safe.. also saw video of them liberating cases of beer and as many bottle of other kinds of alcoholic beverages as they could carry from a liquor store..
As a country, can we have a movement where race is not reported?
Instead of the words "white cop shoots back youth" can we just have "cop shoots youth"?
If we are supposed to be color blind can we start reporting that way?
In the little that I watched from Ferguson, most of the original people gathered were media looking for a story. I feel the media presence fanned the flames (so to speak).
The media was tripping over each-other. Fleets of media vehicles have been lined up. Fan the flames would be an understatement.
JohnRW1621 wrote: As a country, can we have a movement where race is not reported? Instead of the words "white cop shoots back youth" can we just have "cop shoots youth"? If we are supposed to be color blind can we start reporting that way? In the little that I watched from Ferguson, most of the original people gathered were media looking for a story. I feel the media presence fanned the flames (so to speak).
Unfortunately "white cop shoots black youth" sells better than "cop shoots youth".
And the headline: "cop shoots drugged-up-300 lb-assailant-who-later-turns-out-to-be-old-enough-to-serve-in-the-military." Is a bit unwieldy, better to just get the pertinent facts that sells ad space.
Rev. Al is continuing "the fight". No matter which way this went, there was going to be rioting. I still don't understand how stealing from your neighbors or setting someone's car on fire promotes your point of view.
I totally would have waited for about 6:00AM to announce the verdict.
People are disgusting sometimes.
JohnRW1621 wrote: As a country, can we have a movement where race is not reported? Instead of the words "white cop shoots back youth" can we just have "cop shoots youth"? If we are supposed to be color blind can we start reporting that way? In the little that I watched from Ferguson, most of the original people gathered were media looking for a story. I feel the media presence fanned the flames (so to speak).
I agree.
I'd like to see a class action lawsuit filed by the store owners against several media organizations for inciting a riot which caused them great loss.
The promotion of racial tensions is disgusting. It never had to be a significant part of the equation.
Ok I watched every moment of this last F1 season and I found it interesting that at no point was Lewis Hamilton race ever discussed. Man that was refreshing!
The US media and political groups continually fan the race fire. Maybe someday we will elect a black president and we can get past all of this noise.
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