If you're coming back through Fort Worth you can sit on my porch and watch the sun go down over the ponds - gorgeous.
If it's a Thurs, Fri or Saturday we can go to Central Market for music, drinks, food and fun on the patio.
Oh yeah, there's the stockyards and Sundance Square to mosey through as well.
You know about roadsideamerica.com right? Full of useless strange things to see.
Curtis where did you end up going durring your road trip?
The leg to Atlanta was pretty straight forward since we were on a schedule. Once in ATL we went up to Lake Lanier and boated for a few days. I did get to experience Varsity Drive in... fun. On the way from ATL to Carlisle I was so ridiculously ill with a Flu that I didn't really stop for any sights. I did experience a nice Burger King in Maryland somewhere but that's all I remember.
The trip to Stratford was leisurely so I just stopped when anything looked interesting. I stopped at an old Mill in Brigdon near Sarnia/Port Huron and the folks gave me the nicest tour. They live in it now and its adorable. Then (on their recommendation) I went up the shore through Lambton and up to Goderich before heading down to Stratford.
I went over to Sharbot the old way (Via #7) but didn't stop in Peterborough. It was 1:30 in the morning :) I spent a little over a month fishing and drinking beer.
After leaving the lake of Crotch, I came down through Ithaca and Watkins Glen. We have some friends who live up at the top of the finger lakes but I had never been through the southern end. I took Rt 15 the whole way down to Harrisburg and Carlisle. From Carlisle I went to see some Friends in Indiana PA (which is where I went to college) and then headed down south. I did catch some of Skyline Drive (golly that's purty). I want to do Skyline in the fall sometime with a convertible.
I was going to go straight west and hit my favorite Rt66 joint; Rock Cafe in Stroud, OK, but the wife's Radar Love was coming in strong so I high-tailed it back to Austin.
Overall it was a kick-ass trip.... Thanks to y'all.