10/28/08 1:13 p.m.
Found this photo in a news story. Figured it could use the caption treatment:
"Well, here's yer problem!"
"You don't pay me enough for this."

The anti-theft system installs next to the brake master cylinder.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
10/28/08 1:29 p.m.
"This engine is really running ruff"
Well, ya see Cletus there ate a whole buncha beens and since this I ain't one ta waste no gas I just ran a line from his ass to the carbermurator.

"Damnit I said SPARK PLUGS, not BARK PLUGS!"
Mechanic doggie says DANGER TO MANIFOLD
Chuck Norris is so tough his truck runs on PitBulls instead of gasoline

That was the moment when Bob finally realized why his truck was so dog-slow.
10/28/08 1:55 p.m.
My mechanic said I needed a new cat, but I ain't no Bob Costas so I installed a dog.

What is it boy? Timmy fell in and now he's stuck in the wheel-well?

I told you hiding the drugs in the engine block wouldn't work...

Its okay boy, you can come out now, the clown's gone.

No, I said I was getting a 'vette, not taking you to the Vet. Now put it back together so we can go tow the 'vette home.
10/28/08 2:50 p.m.
"C'mon, man, where'd ya hide it? This ain't funny no more! I just want mah bone back..."
[advertiser voice]The GMC K10 was a legendary truck, but the all-new K9 is like nothing you've ever seen[/advertiser voice]
Type Q
10/28/08 2:55 p.m.

Trunk monkey? This is much better theft protection than a trunk monkey.
New Reader
10/28/08 8:48 p.m.
Early experiments with hybrid drivetrains didn't pan out...

Dude, that's a bitchin' intake you put on there...
Roscoe was always the best at hide and seek. We didn't find him until it was time to change the oil. 
Folks, I don't think I can top ANY of these...even tho I've seen this before, EXCELLENT captions all.

My car now runs on bio-fuels, and the waste is bio-degradable!
10/29/08 8:48 a.m.
From the Korean cookbook... 101 Ways to Cook a Pooch
10/29/08 10:06 a.m.
Mods include a race-inspired dog leg gearbox.
10/29/08 10:11 a.m.
Mexican Overdrive
btw... most of yours are HILARIOUS!