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triumphcorvair Reader
9/11/13 8:39 p.m.

32 years, same company. I'm what you call institutionalized. I couldn't go anywhere else and make it I don't believe.

kazoospec HalfDork
9/11/13 8:49 p.m.

Hit 23 years last week. I did 10 years legal support, starting when I was a 17 y.o. high school student, followed by 13 years as an assistant prosecutor. I just turned 40 this year and there's only about 3 (out of about 60) people who have been with the office longer. Assuming nothing changes, by the time I'm old enough to retire, I'll have at least 35 years in.

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Mod Squad
9/11/13 9:22 p.m.

Just left a company I had been at over 19 years. I'm in the same field now, but at a new shop, sometimes change is necessary. You gotta mix it up.

Hal SuperDork
9/11/13 9:43 p.m.

Did 28 years teaching in the same school system. I did change schools once and the subject I taught once also.

My wife did 36 years at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Started out in the typing pool right out of high school and ended up as Administrative Officer for the Human Relations Division.

JoeyM Mod Squad
9/11/13 9:50 p.m.
Jerry wrote: I started here 15 years ago today. Makes me wonder if I should celebrate or take a long hard look at where I've wasted my life?

If you get up in the morning without hating the job, you have not wasted your life.

Iusedtobefast New Reader
9/11/13 9:52 p.m.

25 years at my company and I'm going to ride it until its dead. Construction jobs aren't growing on trees here and the boss is in need of paying his bills so I will work as long as he has bills. :)

Gearheadotaku GRM+ Memberand UberDork
9/11/13 10:54 p.m.
John Brown wrote:
Gearheadotaku wrote: I've been here 13 years today. We're hiring if anyone wants to join me!! Come sell parts for exotic European cars!
Of course NOW you are hiring ;)

just found out today.

Sultan HalfDork
9/11/13 11:01 p.m.

I just past 15 this summer working for a large tech company. It has always felt like a two week gig and who knows tomorrow could be the last day. High stress with high expectations. Yet it has been a great way to raise a family.

codrus GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
9/11/13 11:38 p.m.

I hit almost 14 years as a software engineer at a large tech company. Obviously my role changed during the time I was there, getting more senior with more responsibility, but I was writing code the whole time, in the same group on the same product family.

14 years turned out to be about a year too long, and I left about halfway through the implosion/collapse of my group. Been at the new place for 2.5 years now, not planning on leaving anytime soon.

Mental Mod Squad
9/12/13 2:20 a.m.
2.0dohc wrote:
M3Loco wrote: Just finished 20 years and 24 days with my last "Company" and Retired! The United States Air Force... It took me to 4 different Countries, taught me about teamwork, and Leadership. I was trained in a job that only about 120 Airmen get to do worldwide. Got to take my family everywhere. Now, I'm in a Corporate Job in the Auto Industry. Pretty awesome! I foresee me doing this for about 5 more years to learn the ropes then branch off..
Just cleared 8 years, only 12 more for me. Then I can quite climbing into fuel tanks.

22 years. Got three degrees out of it, set a foot on every continent but Austrailla and Antartica. Made the best friends of my life, met the missus and learned bibles of truth about life and peaple and I am just scratching the surface.

Right now, I am just so very, very tired of travelling. I want to go home.

Jerry wrote: Do people still do that? I started here 15 years ago today. Makes me wonder if I should celebrate or take a long hard look at where I've wasted my life? Seriously, at least it's 15 years of steady employment. And pays decent for no college edumacation...

Does it make you happy? In the advice I have picked up over the years, one bit stands out; "If you find yourself apologizing to your family for your job, it’s time to move on."

I have friends who would trade places with anyone that has been happy for 15 years with a job. So if it makes you happy, you have achieved something wonderful indeed and congrats are in order.

Fueled by Caffeine
Fueled by Caffeine MegaDork
9/12/13 4:43 a.m.

Next month I deliver two 50 year plaques.

914Driver MegaDork
9/12/13 5:39 a.m.
Lesley wrote: 19 years, 10 months at the same newspaper.

They don't know it's illegal to hire school children?

John Brown
John Brown GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/12/13 7:12 a.m.
Mental wrote:
2.0dohc wrote:
M3Loco wrote: Just finished 20 years and 24 days with my last "Company" and Retired! The United States Air Force... It took me to 4 different Countries, taught me about teamwork, and Leadership. I was trained in a job that only about 120 Airmen get to do worldwide. Got to take my family everywhere. Now, I'm in a Corporate Job in the Auto Industry. Pretty awesome! I foresee me doing this for about 5 more years to learn the ropes then branch off..
Just cleared 8 years, only 12 more for me. Then I can quite climbing into fuel tanks.
22 years. Got three degrees out of it, set a foot on every continent but Austrailla and Antartica. Made the best friends of my life, met the missus and learned bibles of truth about life and peaple and I am just scratching the surface. Right now, I am just so very, very tired of travelling. I want to go home.
Jerry wrote: Do people still do that? I started here 15 years ago today. Makes me wonder if I should celebrate or take a long hard look at where I've wasted my life? Seriously, at least it's 15 years of steady employment. And pays decent for no college edumacation...
Does it make you happy? In the advice I have picked up over the years, one bit stands out; "If you find yourself apologizing to your family for your job, it’s time to move on." I have friends who would trade places with anyone that has been happy for 15 years with a job. So if it makes you happy, you have achieved something wonderful indeed and congrats are in order.

How have you been to Eritrea and not Australia?

You, sir, are slacking!

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
9/12/13 7:25 a.m.

You know in some areas of the infotech industry it's considered suspicious if you stay at the same job for over 5 years.

spitfirebill UberDork
9/12/13 7:25 a.m.
triumphcorvair wrote: 32 years, same company. I'm what you call institutionalized. I couldn't go anywhere else and make it I don't believe.

Pretty much like me. I turn 60 in a couple weeks. No body else would have me.

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/12/13 8:01 a.m.

I've got a little over 13 years with the bus company. 7 as a driver and 6+ as a dispatcher. Right now it's the best job in the company and they have taken away any incentive to move up so if they don't change the rules I could stay here until I have 30 years then retire. I doubt that this position will last that long but right now I have no reason to look anywhere else.

Jerry Dork
9/12/13 8:03 a.m.
JoeyM wrote:
Jerry wrote: I started here 15 years ago today. Makes me wonder if I should celebrate or take a long hard look at where I've wasted my life?
If you get up in the morning without hating the job, you have not wasted your life.

Ups and downs, but I do not hate. Guess I win.

cdowd Reader
9/12/13 8:19 a.m.

going on 18 years. can't imagine doing anything else. been here almost half my life.

PHeller UberDork
9/12/13 8:20 a.m.

It helps when you enjoy your life outside of work.

You can have the best job in the world, getting paid millions of dollars a year, but if that job means living alone at the top of Greenland and you are unable to have any social life whatsoever, no kids, no wife, no friends...your going to hate the job.

That's the problem I'm running into. I really like my job, and I'll stay here for a few more years, but I'm tired of living in my hometown, hell even my home state. I need a change of scenery that isn't satisfied by a short vacation.

My 3 years stint in Erie was pretty fun. New people, new place, and although my job sucked, I could ride bicycle back and forth to work, and I was pretty darn happy about it. I THOUGHT I needed better pay or job satisfaction, but in reality I just needed to pay the bills.

JoeyM Mod Squad
9/12/13 8:24 a.m.
Jerry wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
Jerry wrote: I started here 15 years ago today. Makes me wonder if I should celebrate or take a long hard look at where I've wasted my life?
If you get up in the morning without hating the job, you have not wasted your life.
Ups and downs, but I do not hate. Guess I win.

Let's see.....a job you don't hate, a really cute SWMBO, and the ability to play with cars. Yeah, you're winning.

Jerry Dork
9/12/13 10:33 a.m.
JoeyM wrote:
Jerry wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
Jerry wrote: I started here 15 years ago today. Makes me wonder if I should celebrate or take a long hard look at where I've wasted my life?
If you get up in the morning without hating the job, you have not wasted your life.
Ups and downs, but I do not hate. Guess I win.
Let's see.....a job you don't hate, a really cute SWMBO, and the ability to play with cars. Yeah, you're winning.

Woo hoooooo! WINNING!

z31maniac UltimaDork
9/12/13 11:43 a.m.

Bump for Datsun 1500 checking his emails.

wbjones PowerDork
9/12/13 12:18 p.m.

13 yrs for me, then I retired (13 is the longest I've ever worked any one place)

a woman at that plant (I went to HS with) graduated in June of '66, 3 wks later she came to work, and is still there

the longest employee we had, put in 55 yrs. before they let her go when her dementia got so bad she couldn't find her way to her work bench

we have/had MANY employees with more than 40 yrs

wbjones PowerDork
9/12/13 12:23 p.m.
John Brown wrote:
Mental wrote:
2.0dohc wrote:
M3Loco wrote: Just finished 20 years and 24 days with my last "Company" and Retired! The United States Air Force... It took me to 4 different Countries, taught me about teamwork, and Leadership. I was trained in a job that only about 120 Airmen get to do worldwide. Got to take my family everywhere. Now, I'm in a Corporate Job in the Auto Industry. Pretty awesome! I foresee me doing this for about 5 more years to learn the ropes then branch off..
Just cleared 8 years, only 12 more for me. Then I can quite climbing into fuel tanks.
22 years. Got three degrees out of it, set a foot on every continent but Austrailla and Antartica. Made the best friends of my life, met the missus and learned bibles of truth about life and peaple and I am just scratching the surface. Right now, I am just so very, very tired of travelling. I want to go home.
Jerry wrote: Do people still do that? I started here 15 years ago today. Makes me wonder if I should celebrate or take a long hard look at where I've wasted my life? Seriously, at least it's 15 years of steady employment. And pays decent for no college edumacation...
Does it make you happy? In the advice I have picked up over the years, one bit stands out; "If you find yourself apologizing to your family for your job, it’s time to move on." I have friends who would trade places with anyone that has been happy for 15 years with a job. So if it makes you happy, you have achieved something wonderful indeed and congrats are in order.
How have you been to Eritrea and not Australia? You, sir, are slacking!

don't think Eritrea is a continent ... (info for the geography challenged )

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